Foot pain, new shoes, doctor? Advice?

So yeah, I'm overweight and doing something about it. But I've had foot pain for the last two years or so. It hurts in my metatarsals. I've had x-rays, but it's been close to 2 years ago, in which nothing major showed up. So the doctor said where tennis shoes all the time. Sometimes both feet hurt bad, sometimes it's just one. Today it's my right foot. I'm wondering if I should push through the pain and maybe it will get better once I lose weight, or if I should go back to the doctor. Right now, I'm pushing through and continuing to exercise, because I'm tired of making excuses. But, I don't want to create more of an injury and then not be able to work out. Advice?


  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    If you have had foot pain for TWO YEARS, you are WAY past time to see a doctor. And don't go see the one you saw before. Go see a podiatrist.
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    Your shoes might be too tight. Maybe your feel are swelling as you exercise (happens to me so I just loosen my shoes) Do you stretch your feet? Have you been tested for diabetes?
  • Proyecto_AN
    Proyecto_AN Posts: 387
    I have Morton's toe, so I frecuently have pain between my 1 and 2 metatarsal during intense training. That's why I control myself; there is alot of ways to burn calories; and alot of muscles to workout. My solution is putting ice and do intense interval training only 1 or 2 days a week. I do lifting and P90x. Listen to your body.
  • agrant85
    agrant85 Posts: 92 Member
    I had gestational diabetes with my last two pregnancies. I've checked my blood sugar occasionally since then and I've been in normal range. My pain is in my 4th and 5th metatarsals. I guess I will have to go see a podiatrist. I just didn't know if I needed better tennis shoes or what. Mine are Nike Air Max. It will be warm soon and my pool will be open, so I can burn calories that way too.
  • accipiter
    accipiter Posts: 16
    Another possibility is plantar fasciitis, which is a pain you get on the bottom of your heel. It's worse in the morning after you get up, but gets better the more you walk. It can be caused by a number of things, but being overweight and poor footwear are the top causes. Also if you have a bone spur on your heel it can cause it. I had it for about a year and then it eased up after I got shoes with better support. However, I'd still see a doctor because it could be something easily treated, or something more serious that you should get tested (diabetes, as someone mentioned, can cause foot pain). (Edit - nevermind on the diabetes, you posted your reply about diabetes just as I posted mine)
  • Penguindeb
    Penguindeb Posts: 24 Member
    My husband has suffered from plantar fascitis for years. He is currently pain free (thank God). He would have mornings where it hurt so bad to just stand up out of bed. If he walked on it for awhile, it would feel better, but it would hurt again the next morning. If this sounds like you, then I have all kinds of advice that I would love to share with you!!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    first go see a podiatrist. not a regular doc. if for some reason you can't afford to do that then go to a good shoe store, have your feet measured and invest in good shoes.
  • dms5987
    dms5987 Posts: 3 Member
    I had foot pain for quite a while, and saw severals docs and specialists...all to no avail. i walked into a running store one day and the people there looked at the shoes i was wearing, had me walk and jog for them, and recommeded a shoe. it happened to be a new balance. i bought them (a bit pricey) and 30 days later my feet didnt hurt anymore. dont know it it will work for you, but it may...and its fast and easy.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    I recommend both a Podiatrist and then a Specialist shoe store that does the walk/run assessment in shoes prior to purchase. The Podiatrist may have some special recommendations, so see them first if you can afford to. Good Luck.
  • novalh42
    novalh42 Posts: 102 Member
    See a podiatrist! If you have pain and it is a nerve issue and you keep working out you could do permanent damage. I have orthotics that I have to wear in my shoes and it made a huge difference. The little bit of weight I have lost has helped too. Good luck!
  • tcasey4
    tcasey4 Posts: 18 Member
    I recently went to a running store and got fitted for shoes. It was the best 130 bucks I have ever spent, and will never buy another pair, any other way. I have also lost 30 some odd pounds, but I know the right shoes made the world of difference. Those may be great shoes, but they may not be the best for your foot.

    Just what I know from me...
  • BradD13
    BradD13 Posts: 10
    Well, have you ever had an ankle sprain before? If not then that's probably what it is and the pain's just radiating.

    And if you're pretty sure that's not what it is, than I would feel the area surrounding where it hurts most and if it feels like there's fluid there, then you could have fractured a metatarsal, but if it's not too incredibly bad, there's really not much doctors can do for you unless, like I said, it's you have multiple fractures on the same bone.

    It could even be a strain on any of the smaller ligaments or extensor tendons in your foot. If it becomes too painful, see a doctor, but I wouldn't be immediately concerned if flexing isn't overly excruciating. I personally use WalkFit to take care of my foot pain. It’s really simple to apply and use and the pain usually goes away after an hour of using it.

    But if it's just nerve pain and you haven't actually damaged anything, I'd give WalkFit a try. It's probably one of the only insoles that helped relieve my foot pain when all the other over the counter stuff didn't quite cut it for me. There's an in-depth review of it here:

    Hang in there!
    ps: You might wanna try a new pair of runners as well!