i need friends and moivation !!

i have been on this site a while now, it was all going ok , i stuck with a calorie and low salt and sugar diet, did the workouts at home or the gym, and the weight dropped off, i am on tablets for my thyroids which is a big part to my weight gain, as these tablets are supose to be helping me correct my thyroid balance but instead i have gained the weight, so i told my doctor that i am not going to take them until he finds me something more suitable. and to top that i have been ill for just over a month now and gained a little weight back on due to me being unwell to exercise. now im just stuck in a muddle, as i think my motivation has done a runner! and i have no friends who want to join me to lose the weight, so please can someone give me some motivation and be my friend !!! thanks


  • SarahRruns
    SarahRruns Posts: 15 Member
    Hi :)
    I have just started with MFP, but I've been counting calories for a while... I mean, every now and then, when the chocolate wasn't to tempting.
    I actually have a hypothyroiditis as well, so I'm on thyroid hormones. I don't think I gained weight from them, they even get me more motivated.
    If you'd like to become friends, so that we can motivate each other, I'd like that! :)
  • Amanda0926
    Amanda0926 Posts: 108 Member
    Add me! I'm very motivated and I'll do my best to help you
  • anyone can add me! ill always try to help and motivate :)
  • Today is my first day on this site and I think it's great for tracking everything. I'm so impressed and also motivated to use it. I lost weight at Tops Inc. and reached my goal and was actually Queen of my chapter. I walked 4-5 miles 5 days a week. While I was able to do that, the weight stayed off but knee problems developed and eventually two knee replacements. Forty pounds came back and now I'm struggling to take them off. I have committed myself to walking 20 minutes 3 times a week and doing some resistance exercises with a theraband on the other days. Sundays are going to be my off day. You're a smart gal, I'm sure, and can figure out something to help you in your situation too. Let's work together. Success can happen! :happy:
  • leahshepherd
    leahshepherd Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have been here for two years... had ups and downs to.
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    You are welcome to add me. I am on here daily and try to comment/support/motivate each of my pals daily (and appreciate them doing the same for me).
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Hi! I've been on for about a month and half, and have faithfully logged everyday! Friend request sent :)
  • You guys can add me as well :) I live in Sydney, Australia and I'm trying my best to keep me and my boyfriend on the right track food wise. I try to eat as much home cooked food as possible and I try to make my healthy versions of food we like eating out. Happy to share recipes as well.
  • LazyGuy91
    LazyGuy91 Posts: 171 Member
    Send a request this way if you want ... looking for new friends myself :)
  • Hey , I just joined last night . I'm doing ViSalus & actually signed up to be a distributor. I have never felt this good !!!! Would you like some info on it ??
  • BrendaMay70
    BrendaMay70 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. I need to take off 20 pounds to be in a "healthy" BMI. I haven't been there for over 10 years.
    I have been on MFP for less than a week. I need friends for accountablility.
    Unfortunately it is difficult to talk to my husband about fitness and diet as I feel judged by him. He has never struggled with his weight. He is also 10 years younger and not in perimenopause!!
    Anyone...feel free to add me!
  • srgtbiggles
    srgtbiggles Posts: 170 Member
    Keep taking the thyroid hormones. Everyday. It's not the pills that make you gain, it's what you eat. Keep logging in and watch what you eat. I am also hypothyroid. Add me as a friend.
  • Sarahland
    Sarahland Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, my name is Sarah and I lost 50 pounds with MFP over about a year's time. I was doing great with weight loss, but then I got married and pregnant and just kind of slacked on my goal. Now that my son is almost two months old, I'm ready to get back to it. I have about 100 pounds to go until my estimated goal weight, so I'm in it for the long haul. I don't have many friends on MFP, so anyone who needs motivation (and doesn't mind returning the favor) is more than welcome to add me. :)
  • angless21
    angless21 Posts: 54 Member
    Need some pals to keep me motivated.
  • blen85
    blen85 Posts: 77 Member
    Feel free to add me... anyone can add me if they need the motivation (:
  • ALG25091
    ALG25091 Posts: 11
    I need friends too!!! I'm new on here and I'm not sure how to add anyone. HELP!!
  • likleylad
    likleylad Posts: 30 Member
    u can add me
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Here there ! : ) I think I know what you are taking because my ex gf she takes the same thing and her story is similar to yours. Of course i'll be here to motivate you just add me and let's get the ball rolling girl! :)
  • tonyasmith141
    tonyasmith141 Posts: 17 Member
    just started yesterday so feel free to add me:smile:
  • I'm somewhat new to the site, finally sticking to it and logging in daily. Off to a great start but who couldn't use more friends and support? =) Add me!