Motivation to Continue

I just joined myfitnesspal yesterday. I was wondering if someone is going through what I do- I give up easily if I do not see results quick enough (in about 2 weeks, too soon, I know). Does anyone have tips on how I can sustain my motivation?

Also, its really hard for me to resist food, does anyone have tips on how I could make healthy food choices?

It would be nice to know other ppl out there go through what I'm going through and are over coming it- Gives me hope for myself :)


  • samzybird84
    samzybird84 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, i am exactly the same, i weigh myself every day even though i know i shouldn't and also find it hard to resist takeaways, i can resist anything else except for takeaways! when i get hungry i drink a glass of water and i find a cup of tea curbs the hunger a bit. now that i have given up the takeaways again i am going to replace them with a weight watchers pizza just once a week (i used to order in twice a week) and that will be my treat as long as it doesn't take me over the calories. maybe you could substitute your favorite food for a healthier version?

    this is my 2nd account as i failed repeatedly so i thought i would wipe the slate clean and start again on a new account and i am determined to get back to the way i was (my profile pic). feel free to add me :)