Fat Sick and Nearly Dead Reboot

I just started my reboot I'm on day 3, is there anyone else doing one? Wondering how it's going for others? :)


  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I just watched this last night. I definitely would like to try a juice fast. Any recommendations on a good juicer? One that's not too expensive.
  • kuechletwins
    kuechletwins Posts: 88 Member
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    instead of this turning into a long, mocking thread that will get locked, just search "juice fast"
  • rderrickwhite
    rderrickwhite Posts: 69 Member
    All of the inexpensive juicers are pretty much crap. Also, the expense of juicing itself can be quite high. Not trying to discourage anyone from doing it, but be forewarned it isn't a cheap way to lose weight. It's a good way to get the nutrients you needs from vegetables without the bulk...
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    All of the inexpensive juicers are pretty much crap. Also, the expense of juicing itself can be quite high. Not trying to discourage anyone from doing it, but be forewarned it isn't a cheap way to lose weight. It's a good way to get the nutrients you needs from vegetables without the bulk...

    Last I heard, fiber played an important role in our bodily functions!

    To the OP, are you under a doctor's supervision? There are potential side effects, which is why he even found a doctor or the truck driver!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I rebooted my computer like 3 days ago. It's running much better now.
  • LiveForTheWilderness
    LiveForTheWilderness Posts: 57 Member
    I did 5 days on the juice fast and in the end, it just didn't work for me, long-term. What has worked wonders is doing fresh juice for 25-50% of meals with whole foods comprising the remainder while doing cardio for an hour a day, 6 days a week.
  • kgoodman0108
    My husband tried juicing for a while, but gained all the weight back. I think its a great idea to juice a meal a day - rather than consuming nothing but juice.
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    For some reason, there are a LOT of people on this site who have never done a reboot, but still feel the need to give a strong opinion on them..... I give them about the same amount of attention that I give to someone who has never ridden a motorcycle, that wants to tell me how dangerous it is!
    I started this year with a reboot. I intended to go for 10 days, but I felt so good after 10 days that I ended up going for the whole month of January! It was a fantastic start to my new lifestyle, and I lost a lot of weight, felt more alert, clear headed and energetic.
    I still have juice every day, and the rebooting of my palate (watch the naysayers jump on that phrase!) has meant that I've had no desire to go back on the sugar/fat craving merry go round. Now, my diet is plant based, with the occasional coffee for a treat. Compared to the fast food based diet I was on until the start of this year, and looking at the amount of weight I've lost, and the levels of energy I now enjoy, I'd say the reboot has been pretty damn effective!
    I did all this with a 2nd hand breville juicer that I picked up for 50 bucks. It might not be the best juicer in the world, but as far as nutrient content is concerned, I'll put one of my home made juices from my crappy 2nd hand juicer up against a pizza, chips and a chocolate milkshake any day!
    So, from someone who's actually been there and is still doing it, I reckon you'll love the results you get, and will be in a great position to transition to a healthy diet when you decide to end the fast.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member

    I still have juice every day, and the rebooting of my palate (watch the naysayers jump on that phrase!) has meant that I've had no desire to go back on the sugar/fat craving merry go round.

    That's not usually the meaning of reboot when someone uses it in connection with a juice fast. They aren't trying to reboot their palate to not crave sweets but rather to "boost" their metabolism or "cleanse" their body of all the imagined toxins that are holding them back from losing weight. Huge difference.
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    That may be how you (and others) have interpreted 'reboot', but it's not how the term is used in the documentary, or by the other people I know who have actually done a juice fast/reboot.
    Maybe this misinterpretation is the basis for all the badmouthing of juice fasts that I see on this site.....
    When using the interpretation that comes from the documentary, I see little basis for all the criticism.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    That's often the case here. One person's interpretation of a term is not that same as someone else.
  • kmetcalf2011
    For some reason, there are a LOT of people on this site who have never done a reboot, but still feel the need to give a strong opinion on them..... I give them about the same amount of attention that I give to someone who has never ridden a motorcycle, that wants to tell me how dangerous it is!
    I started this year with a reboot. I intended to go for 10 days, but I felt so good after 10 days that I ended up going for the whole month of January! It was a fantastic start to my new lifestyle, and I lost a lot of weight, felt more alert, clear headed and energetic.
    I still have juice every day, and the rebooting of my palate (watch the naysayers jump on that phrase!) has meant that I've had no desire to go back on the sugar/fat craving merry go round. Now, my diet is plant based, with the occasional coffee for a treat. Compared to the fast food based diet I was on until the start of this year, and looking at the amount of weight I've lost, and the levels of energy I now enjoy, I'd say the reboot has been pretty damn effective!
    I did all this with a 2nd hand breville juicer that I picked up for 50 bucks. It might not be the best juicer in the world, but as far as nutrient content is concerned, I'll put one of my home made juices from my crappy 2nd hand juicer up against a pizza, chips and a chocolate milkshake any day!
    So, from someone who's actually been there and is still doing it, I reckon you'll love the results you get, and will be in a great position to transition to a healthy diet when you decide to end the fast.

    Thank you for this post, it helps to hear from someone who has actually done this. A lot of people are negative about it but like you said, have never tried it. I'm finishing day 3 now and I have no complaints so far besides cravings for junk food. The juice is very filling though and I haven't felt hungry at all.
  • MelissaVoci
    MelissaVoci Posts: 69 Member
    I did 3 days last summer, and was shocked at how much better I felt, and that my sugar cravings and fast food cravings went away. :) I am thinking about doing it again April 1st
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I give them about the same amount of attention that I give to someone who has never ridden a motorcycle, that wants to tell me how dangerous it is!

    I couldn't care less what other people decide to eat... I couldn't make it through the documentary because that guy's accent was hideously annoying (and before you jump all over me, I'm Australian, we don't all talk like that).

    I just need to point out how stupid the above statement is. You only take advice from people who have direct experience? So if you get cancer you'll ignore your doctor unless he/she has had cancer?
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    I give them about the same amount of attention that I give to someone who has never ridden a motorcycle, that wants to tell me how dangerous it is!

    I couldn't care less what other people decide to eat... I couldn't make it through the documentary because that guy's accent was hideously annoying (and before you jump all over me, I'm Australian, we don't all talk like that).

    I just need to point out how stupid the above statement is. You only take advice from people who have direct experience? So if you get cancer you'll ignore your doctor unless he/she has had cancer?

    A trained, experienced and educated professional who has been acknowledged as such by other experts in their professional field is a lot different to a bunch of self appointed experts lurking on an online forum. I can differentiate.
    It sounds like you would only take an oncologist's advice if you liked their accent! But, I don't agree with you, so I'm the stupid one....
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Go to rebootyourlife.com to communicate with like minded people. I did a 30 day juice only reboot in August and it was AWESOME. I didn't experience massive weight loss BUT I did experience much better health and mentally it really gave me a good kick in the rear.. I continue to include juicing vegetables as part of my routine and I love my OMEGA 8006 juicer.
  • rderrickwhite
    rderrickwhite Posts: 69 Member

    Last I heard, fiber played an important role in our bodily functions!

    To the OP, are you under a doctor's supervision? There are potential side effects, which is why he even found a doctor or the truck driver!

    No doubt. I think you'll find I didn't advocate or discourage the practice. There are pros and cons to everything, but lets not kid ourselves... People like to argue about diet in the way they like to argue about politics. Everyone has absolute faith that their belief is law, when the reality is that there are a variety of approaches to achieve sustainable, healthy results. Feel free to take a look at my food diary. I think you'll find my approach to be fairly basic. There isn't a magic bullet there.
  • malariemj
    malariemj Posts: 8 Member
    How is your Reboot going? I am on day 4 of mine and so far I have lost 6 lbs! (I lost 4 the week before since switching to vegan). I havent had any negative affects. I have tons of energy. The only thing is that I don't like the veggies in my juice :/ I keep those to a minimum... although I love to eat them, the juice just grosses me out.
  • gabbylr
    gabbylr Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on day 2 of a 3 day reboot and I feel fantastic so far, no side effects, lots of great energy and I had an amazing sleep last night:) This morning's juice, beets, apples, ginger, spinach and celery was fantastic! Yummmm...the mean green I'm not a huge fan of but I add a few extras to make it tasty.