5'7" ladies whats your caloric intake? :)



  • coleybug73
    coleybug73 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'7", I eat at 1520 a day, muscle class twice a week, cardio three times a week (hopefully). I am losing about 3/4 lb every two weeks. Firming up and losing lbs slowly but surely. I am at 151, down to 149 as of today(!), under 150 for the first time in 5 years. Not for lack of trying!

    Very similiar! I'm 5'7 and 151 right now. Just want out of the 150's SO BAD. Losing slowly, lifting weights 3x/week and staying around 1500-1550 day.

    Congrats on the 149! Must feel great!!! :)
  • alikat2986
    alikat2986 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 5'7 and I eat 2000 calories per day (net about 1650) I'm currently doing Insanity which requires high calorie intake but I'm losin inches like crazy!! :happy:
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Oh theres a group? Okay I'll check it.
    I don't want to lose more weight, just tone up. (i.e. Eat more, lift more)

    If you want to tone up, then you should be eating at your maintenance level. TDEE.

    Me, for now, just trying to loose weight but build lean body mass. I'm around netting 1550 on non-workout days and eating 2000 to net around 1600 on workout days.
  • krstngrrtt
    krstngrrtt Posts: 69 Member
    1718 and my bmi is 32.9. Honestly I think its bs though because I wear a size 12 and I am 210lbs. I have some serious muscles going on under that layer of fat too. haha. I work out 6 days a week burning around 1000+ HRM calories a day.

    I still want to lose 40lbs to reach my first goal weight of 170. I should*** be in a size 8-10 jean then. :)

    You've gotta have a ton of muscle .. To fit into a size 12 at 210 pounds, that's amazing, lol I'm just under 200 and still can't get into a 14!
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    1718 and my bmi is 32.9. Honestly I think its bs though because I wear a size 12 and I am 210lbs. I have some serious muscles going on under that layer of fat too. haha. I work out 6 days a week burning around 1000+ HRM calories a day.

    I still want to lose 40lbs to reach my first goal weight of 170. I should*** be in a size 8-10 jean then. :)

    its so funny how shapes and sizes are so different. I am 220 and depending on the shorts/pants, still wear 18 maybe 20? I am 5'9" so I keep thinking I should be in way smaller....lol...maybe I need to actually go shopping and see. I have a pair of levis that are 17 jr and I fit in those but the other day I tried on a pair of 20 shorts (zip up type) and they fit, not overly lose either.....sigh.......
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I eat 1400 and I don't eat back my exercise calories. But I have an awful lot to lose.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    Still in losing mode not maintain e but my losing calories are 1750 a day i i usually eat around net around 1500 five or take after exercise.
  • violinkeri
    violinkeri Posts: 212
    I'm 5'6andthreequarters :) currently at 165 and dropping, eating 1500/day plus exercise (which ive sorta let slide :( ) I'm in an 8/10 dress size, and 10/12 pant size. I want to get to 140 but idk if thats realistic with the increased bust size since I last weighed that little. I know you are going to say I will lose that but I wont--when I lose weight my bust doesnt move. 90% of any weight gain I ever have goes to my tummy/gut/muffintop/spare tire region, with the remaining spread out on my face, arms, and upper thighs.
  • Slugsasarus
    Slugsasarus Posts: 76 Member
    I'm 5'6 (AND A HALF!) 125 lbs (20.2 BMI) and WAS eating 1200 per day, seeing no results and going to bed hungry (oooor just getting to the point of so hungry I would start eating everything in my fridge).

    I upped my intake to 1450, and I usually don't eat that much (leaving room in case that 5 oz piece of fish was actually 6 oz and what not). I feel a lot better KNOWING I can eat more, but still stay around 1300. I usually don't eat back my exercise calories, but on exercise days I feel ok eating the full 1450.

    Upping your intake is hard, because it seems backwards, but I've been losing (little by little) more consistantly now, and feel much much better!
  • rlkilgo
    rlkilgo Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I am on 1200 calories a day. I have more wieght to lose and not able to walk at this time because of the weather. I will be hitting the road as soon as it warms up a little. I have about 44 more pounds to lose and will probably stay under a 2000 calorie limit for a while.
  • annie68x
    annie68x Posts: 2
    hi i,m 5ft 6..1/2 and i,m on 1250 per day i exersise every day and sometimes eat it on the day or save it for a night out and i,m so far consistantly losing 2lb a week (ive got another 30lb or so to go) and i,m not hungry at all x
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'7", I eat at 1520 a day, muscle class twice a week, cardio three times a week (hopefully). I am losing about 3/4 lb every two weeks. Firming up and losing lbs slowly but surely. I am at 151, down to 149 as of today(!), under 150 for the first time in 5 years. Not for lack of trying!

    Very similiar! I'm 5'7 and 151 right now. Just want out of the 150's SO BAD. Losing slowly, lifting weights 3x/week and staying around 1500-1550 day.

    Congrats on the 149! Must feel great!!! :)

    Similar to you both! 5'7, 148lbs, eat around 1500 a day and do strength classes an cardio (running and spinning) 3-5 hrs a week.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    I net around 1500-1550, seems to be working. I may up it a bit to 1600-1650 if I plateau.
  • Finleyclf
    Finleyclf Posts: 17 Member
    1718 and my bmi is 32.9. Honestly I think its bs though because I wear a size 12 and I am 210lbs. I have some serious muscles going on under that layer of fat too. haha. I work out 6 days a week burning around 1000+ HRM calories a day.

    I still want to lose 40lbs to reach my first goal weight of 170. I should*** be in a size 8-10 jean then. :)

    You've gotta have a ton of muscle .. To fit into a size 12 at 210 pounds, that's amazing, lol I'm just under 200 and still can't get into a 14!
  • Finleyclf
    Finleyclf Posts: 17 Member
    under 1000. My BMI is 31.6 I'm 5'7" 202 and wearing a size 14. I started in Oct 2012 at 268 in a size 20 so I'm feeling good about what I'm doing. Pluse I work out at the gym every morning 30 min cardio and 15 min strength. It's working for me.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    1718 and my bmi is 32.9. Honestly I think its bs though because I wear a size 12 and I am 210lbs. I have some serious muscles going on under that layer of fat too. haha. I work out 6 days a week burning around 1000+ HRM calories a day.

    I still want to lose 40lbs to reach my first goal weight of 170. I should*** be in a size 8-10 jean then. :)

    You've gotta have a ton of muscle .. To fit into a size 12 at 210 pounds, that's amazing, lol I'm just under 200 and still can't get into a 14!

    See I am oppiste, I am 180 and can't even get into many 14's. It is all messurements and how you carry the weight and then muscle mass as well. I am almost 140lbs of Lean Muscle, so sizes really do not say that much. Body Fat + Messurements matter more for this type of thing.

    But to the OP. Anything below your BMR really is not a great long term goal.
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    It is all on how you are shaped because I am 5'6 about almost 5'7 (my doc always puts 5'7 :) ) and I am a size 12 and I weigh 178lbs. Its all realtive. I have no hips, a little butt, I have been told I thighs my girlfriends would kill for but I have tummy. My upper body is broad hence my size. I eat about 1500 a day (nI generally go over anywhere between 50-200 calories) I work out on ellyptical 3 days a week (40 minutes a day) and hit a trainer on Saturdays for strenght and endurance.
  • Penelope2738
    Penelope2738 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'7", I eat at 1520 a day, muscle class twice a week, cardio three times a week (hopefully). I am losing about 3/4 lb every two weeks. Firming up and losing lbs slowly but surely. I am at 151, down to 149 as of today(!), under 150 for the first time in 5 years. Not for lack of trying!

    Very similiar! I'm 5'7 and 151 right now. Just want out of the 150's SO BAD. Losing slowly, lifting weights 3x/week and staying around 1500-1550 day.

    Congrats on the 149! Must feel great!!! :)
    Thank you!! It sure does feel great, long awaited, and it didn't happen till I tracked my food intake with MFP, so there you go! Keep at it, I am sure it will happen~!
  • mommywife04
    mommywife04 Posts: 6 Member
    1300 or less on my non-exercise days, 1500 or less on my workout days.
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