Staying motivated when the weight is slow to come off?

I started off REALLY strong - was so good with what I ate and was really determined.

I started losing weight but it was slow. I have struggled with losing weight in the past, so I was not super suprised that it was so slow, but was a little disappointed since this was the first time I tried losing weight without using a fad diet or gimmick and I expected to see better results.

If you read my profile, you will see that if I don't see results right away, I quit. This is where I am AGAIN!:grumble:

So, I went to my doctor who sent me to a nutritionist. Since then, I have kind of thrown in the towel. I have gotten so much conflicting infomation from the doctor, nutritonist, personal trainer and people in MFP that it makes my head spin.

I decided to just stay under calories...for now. However, I have been eating like crap. I stay under calories, but with bad food. I haven't had a loss in about three or four weeks, but I haven't gained either.

I am only down seven pounds since January 2nd. I will lose a pound, then stay at zero, then lose another pound, then stay at zero for two weeks, etc. If you look at my diary you will see my crappy food choices. I have lost inches (way more in the first month than the second, but I chalk that up to the initial change I made) and I am at my pre-pregnancy weight (which was goal #1) but far from where I want to be. Again, I just haven't seen enough that makes me want to keep going. I am CONVINCED my body wants to stay fluffy...

HOW CAN I GET MOTIVATED AGAIN?????? I look at the before/after pictures on here and get SO inspired, but I feel so far away from there. I know I have to eat better, so you don't have to tell me to cut the egg drop soup from last night's dinner...I get it. I am giving up again and don't want to, but this all feels so incredibly pointless.

I would love to hear similar stories and your SUCCESSES! Please share with me. I am down, down, down.


  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    You have to find what motivates YOU. Find that one thing that makes you say "yes! This is IT! "

    For me that thing is a strong desire to get off insulin for type II diabetes. I developed gestational diabetes with my second pregnancy and it didn't go away after I had the baby.

    You need to discover that one thing that really makes you feel motivated.

    As for food choices, the only thing I can say is that eating healthy is hard. I have designated treat days where I splurge and eat things that I normally try to avoid. I plan ahead to make those foods part of my plan, rather than eating them and going over.

    Motivation is hard. I go to Weight Watchers now and have found my group to be great motivators. I lost 100 pounds before on my own, but was struggling with motivation this time.

    Good luck!!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Just pick a place to start!

    For example, this week, commit to eating...well, it looks like three servings of veggies a day would be a good goal or you. Once you are consistent with that, add a new goal.

    Make one for fitness, too if you don't do any exercise, commit to walking or 20 minutes every day.
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    We are rowing in the same river.

    I've been using MFP for over a year. Wore a BMF for almost a year (took it off a few days ago). Saw a personal trainer a few times a week, ran when the weather was good and cleaned up my diet. Always had a 600+ daily deficit. Started a bootcamp 3x a week in early January on top of seeing my trainer 2x a week and running on occasion. Still had a deficit. Nothing. No weight lost, no inches lost. I'm beyond frustrated.

    I'm not going to stop tho. It'll happen when my body is ready to let it go. I feel better. I'm stronger. I starting to be OK with my body. I'm turning 40 in a couple months and will rock it. Regardless.

    I've had lots of little wins that are not scale/tape related and that's enough to keep making small goals. I quit drinking coffee a few weeks ago. Before that was cutting out the one can of soda I had every day. Then I worked to stay under my carbs macro every other day. Once I was consistent, I set the goal to stay under carbs every day. Now my goal is to get more veggies into my diet and get back to having my protein shake every morning. If I can't do it every day, I'm going to try to do it every other day until it becomes part of my daily routine. I'm going to start adding in a workout video at home as bootcamp will be over in a couple weeks and work will pick up so getting to the gym is going to be harder.

    My trainer keeps telling me that the body needs 8-12 weeks to 'get it' and he's hoping that I'll start to see some changes in the scale/tape. He said he's noticed I'm walking more fluidly and moving more easily. I'm not as winded as I was. It's those NSV that keep me motivated.
  • lvmygsp
    lvmygsp Posts: 14 Member
    We are rowing in the same river.

    I've been using MFP for over a year. Wore a BMF for almost a year (took it off a few days ago). Saw a personal trainer a few times a week, ran when the weather was good and cleaned up my diet. Always had a 600+ daily deficit. Started a bootcamp 3x a week in early January on top of seeing my trainer 2x a week and running on occasion. Still had a deficit. Nothing. No weight lost, no inches lost. I'm beyond frustrated.

    ^^^There must have been "cheating" invloved, to some extent. No way you could have religiously stuck to this exact regimine without wavering and not lost ANY weight or inches. You may need help with your accountability and then you may find the real problem.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Try focusing on health rather than weight or measurements. Make short-term "action goals" that are reasonable to your life, maybe like "Eat 5 servings of veggies today," "Walk at least 10,000 steps today," or "Drink a glass of water before each non-water drink today."
  • TeedyW
    TeedyW Posts: 1
    Read both of your posts with great interest. I am over 50 and 5'2" so have both of those things working against me. I am also working with a personal trainer. I have boomerang dieted for the last 25 years. I agree that you have to find your own personal motivation. I dance (tango, West Coast Swing and tap right now) and I have been seriously fit when I was younger. I finally decided I just needed to take the long term approach. I have 40 lbs to lose. I did have 50 and it took me a year to take off 10 and settle into the new weight. I find dancing to be very motivating and the fact that I want to be active and travel for many years so I figured it was now or never. I also figure it is important to celebrate every little success (although not with food rewards - I had to change that thinking). It's slow going but, for me, I just need to make all of this a way of life. I have started drinking green smoothies with protein powder once a day. They really seem to help me stay on track and if I use Vega 1 protein powder I can get my minimum serving of vegetables in one drink. My trainer also recommended mixing my morning oatmeat with pasteurized egg white (and fruit) before microwaving. I tried it this morning and it was delicious and full of protein. Added raspberries and blueberries and it was like a baked square. Give it a shot!
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    The scale is the biggest threat to make you want to quit than anything else. I have weighed around 280 for the past year. I started lifting weights and even though my weight is the same I probably have less body fat than when I last weighed 245. I am going to have to go clothes shopping soon (I hate shopping) because my clothes have gone from tight to falling off. My belt has the sole responsibility of holding my pants up and I keep moving holes and poking new holes in my belt. It has retired from holding my gut up the last 19 years.
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    Just remember...time will pass regardless if you are losing weight or not. It is better to be 5 pounds down in 5 months than none at all. Slow is better than not at all. Also, you mentioned your crappy food choices. Why don't you try adding some healthy food in the mix and see if you "feel" better.

    Do you workout? Maybe if you make mini fitness goals it will help speed up weight loss AND give you goals to look forward too. Good luck!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Took a quick glance at the diary. There are several inconsistent incomplete days in your diary. The only way to get consistent results is to consistently be hitting a calorie deficit to lose weight. The easiest way to do this is to diligently log everything you eat and adjust according to your progress. There is no reason you can't lose 1 pound a week min from here on out and be 12 pounds lighter by June.

    And don't get discouraged so much if your dietary choices aren't always "healthy". This is the most "unhealthy" i've eaten when trying to lose weight and the most successful I've been on a consistent basis.. Work on getting more healthy foods into your diet but don't let that stop you from losing weight now.

    Feel free to PM or FR for more info, or a good group to join is Eat, Train, Progress.

    Edited for typos.
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    I agree with the posters who advise setting, small, achievable HEALTH goals. Just walking 30 minutes twice a day can make a big difference. Find some motivating music or subscribe to a great podcast. I started watching "The Good Wife" while I workout on the treadmill and wanting to see it has gotten me out of bed more than once to get on that treadmill. Success spirals into more success. Another goal can be drinking more water, eating less sodium, etc. And stick to MFP friends who motivate you - if you need to get rid of some that aren't helping you, go for it. You're still here, so you are still trying. Be proud of yourself for that! Feel free to add me if you need another motivator...
  • mssierra2u
    mssierra2u Posts: 86 Member
    I'm struggling a little bit too, with similar issues. When I see some success I fall back into my "What's the point? I'm so far from what I want to be? What's with the loose skin?" I am actively working on focusing on one thing at a time. I also know that I have to plan ahead for food, because once I am in the drive-thru lane, my decision making goes out the window.

    So, perhaps focus on making one better choice per day. For me this week, it's having the "egg mcmuffins" I made at home (baked the eggs in muffin pans and froze the sandwiches). I was used to packing a lunch, but who has time in the morning? So to the drive-thru I would go.

    I'm trying to stay in the Serenity Prayer moment. I can't change everything, but one thing I can change. :smile:
  • Bagelsan
    Bagelsan Posts: 49
    Don't focus on the weight; that will go when it goes. Focus on your overall health -- like other people have said, make little goals of eating an extra vegetable a day, or drinking more water, or walking 20 minutes, and praise yourself when you meet those goals. Even if the scale doesn't change your body IS getting healthier when you eat right and exercise. Maybe you are converting fat to muscle, or maybe the fat is redistributing to healthier parts of your body (away from your internal organs, for example.) None of this would show in weight changes, but it does mean you're achieving something good!
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    I don't think I can add to any of the good advice I have seen from prior posters, so instead I will just echo it. Don't give up! It's hard to stay motivated, but remember something: You didn't get out of shape over night, so it's going to take time. Stay away from the empty calories and log and measure EVERYTHING! I can't tell half cup from 3/4 cup from looking at something on my plate, so I measure it out to make sure.

    Strive to do some kind of exercise on a daily basis. Whether that is walking the dog (if you have one) or parking further away when you go to the mall or work. Remember, this is a lifestyle change. It takes time to develop those habits. But it can be done!

    If you need more motiviation (or anyone else on this thread for that matter) please feel free to add or PM me!

    Edit: One thing I forgot to mention: Variety truly is the spice in life! Mix it up! If you keep doing the same thing over and over your body will eventually rebel and you'll lose motivation. So every few weeks do something different, whether that is in your diet or your exercise regime.
  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    I had the same problem last year... cut my calories, increased my exercise to levels form a few years ago when it just melted off... nothing at all... really disappointed. Finally went to doctor to discuss. Full battery of blood work including testosterone check. all levels fine except for thyroid. Too low. Upon further research most of the symptoms matched that of low T. They have increased my dosage and finaly appear that it might be stable.

    I hit it heavy again the 1st of December and went 6 weeks without any results.... Finally mid to late January I started to see downward progress. I have since noticed by monitoring different nutrients that I can pinpoint the cause of my backsliding weight gain, thereby watching intake of those items.

    It takes awhile sometimes and it's possible it coulld also be a medical issue that is causing the lack of progress.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Congrats on taking the step to a new start at a healthier you! I've been a member for over a year now and I started MFP to lose weight for my wedding last May, I can tell you that I lost 36 lbs and 3 dress sizes with the help of MFP, the gym, and my supportive friends on here! I left for a while after the wedding and put on about 10 lbs and working on getting that back off and more by our wedding anniversary (so far I have about 8 lbs to go to get back to wedding day weight). Currently my new goal is the dress in my profile pic, which is for a wedding at the end of April (which is 1 size smaller then wedding dress), so find a goal or something that will motivate you to get to where you want to be, make tiny goals that you can work towards and have fun with it! I've been a heavy girl since 5th grade, it is so hard to lose! One of the things that I've had to tell myself is that it took a long time to put on the weight so its going to take a long time to take it off! I too have given up SEVERAL times but I just get back on and keep going. My biggest issue was when I've lost weight and someone says to me "have you lost weight" or "you look great" and then I think "oh, well I can eat that and I'll be ok", then I go back to where I was before. I don't "CHEAT" any more, I just make sure that if I want to have that "bad food" I'm going to work for it, but believe me when I tell you after eating it that I can tell my body doesn't like it!~ To you and anyone that wants and gives support, Feel free to add me!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Try focusing on health rather than weight or measurements. Make short-term "action goals" that are reasonable to your life, maybe like "Eat 5 servings of veggies today," "Walk at least 10,000 steps today," or "Drink a glass of water before each non-water drink today."

    ^^^This, exactly. Focus on your health and overall well being. I got into this whole thing to try to fix some health issues...weight loss is just a nice bi-product of the nutritional choices I'm making. Focusing on better nutrition, health, fitness, and overall well being rather than a number on a scale has been a big part of the success I've had thus far.

    When I first started here, someone told me...

    "If you focus on results, you'll never see the change; if you focus on the change, you'll ultimately see the results."
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Do you have a good photo of yourself how you would like to look and a photo of how you look at your heaviest? Put them side by side. Decide which you want to be and then set small goals like eat healthier, cut out chips or whatever your vice is. Try to work on the first 5 or 10 pounds. Once you reach those small goals set a new small goal for yourself. Don't look at the total number you want to lose. That will just discourage you when it doesn't come off as fast as you would like. Reward yourself when you reach your goals. Don't reward yourself with food... your not a dog. Get your hair done or buy new clothes. Go to a movie or buy that book you always wanted to read. Start out with walking for exercise and build up from there. Take one walk a day for 20 minutes or more and each time walk longer. Add a new exercise once a month or more often if you like. Its when we push ourselves too hard too fast and don't see fast results that we get discouraged and give up. Remember that you didn't gain it over night and its not going to come off over night either. 1 pound per week is realistic. I've been at this over a year as well and stalled for 3 straight months. I never gave up. I kept doing what I was doing and just hung in there. It will come off again if you stall. Remember you don't want to quit and undo everything you've already worked so hard for.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    I have to remind myself that I'm doing this for my health, for my fitness, and if I lose weight, it's an added bonus. We get so tied up in the aesthetics of it all--what size we are, what we think when we look in the mirror, will we have loose skin or seem more wrinkled, etc--that we forget that that is actually the very least important thing of all. We need to learn to be good to our hearts, to our joints, to our brains... because the way we look in the mirror, or what size we wear, isn't going to matter all that much when we're struck by a disease that we may have been able to avoid if only we'd moved our bodies or eaten more nutritionally sound food.

    There are days I still sit on my butt, and I JUST ate a bit of decadent Easter candy, but that's ok--not every step has to be in the direction of perfection, because I'm never going to get there anyway.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Remind yourself that it is a work in progress. This will give you more time to grow and learn that your endeavors to achieve your dream had many obstacles. Look at it in a more positive perspective.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member

    I decided to just stay under calories...for now. However, I have been eating like crap. I stay under calories, but with bad food. I haven't had a loss in about three or four weeks, but I haven't gained either.

    I am only down seven pounds since January 2nd. I will lose a pound, then stay at zero, then lose another pound, then stay at zero for two weeks, etc. If you look at my diary you will see my crappy food choices. I have lost inches (way more in the first month than the second, but I chalk that up to the initial change I made) and I am at my pre-pregnancy weight (which was goal #1) but far from where I want to be. Again, I just haven't seen enough that makes me want to keep going. I am CONVINCED my body wants to stay fluffy...

    HOW CAN I GET MOTIVATED AGAIN?????? I look at the before/after pictures on here and get SO inspired, but I feel so far away from there. I know I have to eat better, so you don't have to tell me to cut the egg drop soup from last night's dinner...I get it. I am giving up again and don't want to, but this all feels so incredibly pointless.

    You can still have the naughty stuff if you limit yourself to a bite or two. My boyfriend & I eat huge salads and then share a naughty entree. That way we can still enjoy chicken saltimbocca, but we don't go crazy & eat 4,000 calories in one sitting, which is easy to do at Maggiano's!