
Hello All! My name is Aldys, and I just joined this site! My friend referred me, this is definitely a great site. I lost my initial weight loss of 30lbs with weight watchers, and now I'm just in the maintenance phase. I recently started to exercise again, which is truly hard for me. But I'm taking it one day at a time, and feeling better already!


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Welcome and goodluck on maintaining your weight......This site is awesome

    Working out is essential to healthy living.....glad you have gotten back into doing that....Keep it up
  • Mari2124
    Mari2124 Posts: 3
    Thanks so much Miqisha! I agree I love that they have the food journal section, I feel that was key with my weight loss. Now I'm trying to focus on exercising which is definitly a challenge for me. But I'm trying to incorporate fun exercises that will keep me motivated to work out. I see exercise has always been apart of your life, if you have any suggestions on short interesting workouts I would really appreciate it.

    Have a great weekend!