Tall Girls needed for Advice/support


I am a 6ft girl from the UK i have been on here for over a year been a lot more serious about it since January. I have lost 18 pounds but have a total of 72 pounds to lose.

I seem to have halted for 3 weeks and i am frustrated!!!

I would like to hear your success stories and hear your inspirational journeys! I would love to have some more friends who are tall girls so i can see what your diaries are like and get an idea if I am on the right track!



  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    5'11 girl from the US. Please to meet you!

    If it makes you feel any better it took me 1.5 years to lose 40 pounds and to tell you the truth I didn't feel like it was too slow because for me I had to take baby steps to learn what I really needed to do to lose the weight. Not a fad diet, not a crap ton of exercise. Little changes to get it off and keep it off. I quit soda cold turkey, started moving more, started being mindful of what I was ordering in restaurants (I always felt bad about customizing the order, but I'm the queen of asking for what I want now!), cooking more at home.

    You are welcome to "profile stalk" but I do warn you I'm maintaining (have my diary set a bit lower than maintenance), so you may see things in my diary that shock you! I drank beer/wine, skipped workouts, and ate within reason what I wanted the entire time - but it was slow. But I wasn't in a rush - it was worth the wait! Add me if you'd like!
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    6'0" tall here too!!! From the US (Arizona) Feel free to ad me :bigsmile: I can't give you too much advice at this time I'm still struggling with it myself. I was doing GREAT, lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks, then I had a week where I gained a half a pound and didn't know WTF was going on. The week after was my wedding anniversary and about 5 other functions I had to attend. I fell of the wagon HARD for 2 weeks, and gained 10 pounds back................... sigh.
  • sassymae4
    sassymae4 Posts: 11
    5'9'' from MO here...I feel you. I hate when ppl say "It's okay that you weigh ... b/c you're so tall." I don't want to weigh so much. I've ranged between 139 at my lowest to 205 at my highest. I feel the best at around 145, which I was last year, but put on 25lbs since then. I've struggled my entire life going from being ridiculously super over active (in the military) to completely stagnant from depression and back and forth. My biggest problem is self-confidence. But I feel where you are coming from, especially when you see models/fitness chicks that are super tiny at our height. I'm like - wtf? That is not even possible! But in the end, I would love to be friends w/other tall women that feel our pain. Feel free to msg me anytime, we can get through this together!
  • Christiethorn1
    Christiethorn1 Posts: 30 Member
    5'9" from NY. I used to do aerobics, I always felt fit but for the last couple of years I have tried the "biggest loser" workout and I love the results. I alternate strength training and cardio (mainly treadmill) and I feel great. I feel long and lean :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    My boyfriend is 6'2 and I really never had an issue with finding taller men. But I've also never been one to turn down being with a shorter man either. If I wear 4 inch heels, I'm taller than my BF and he loves it...
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    My boyfriend is 6'2 and I really never had an issue with finding taller men. But I've also never been one to turn down being with a shorter man either. If I wear 4 inch heels, I'm taller than my BF and he loves it...

    Interesting, but with the heels . . . don't you feel a little less like his girlfriend and more like his mom when you have to bend over to kiss him?
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    My boyfriend is 6'2 and I really never had an issue with finding taller men. But I've also never been one to turn down being with a shorter man either. If I wear 4 inch heels, I'm taller than my BF and he loves it...

    Interesting, but with the heels . . . don't you feel a little less like his girlfriend and more like his mom when you have to bend over to kiss him?

    No. His mom is only 5'5. This is the stupidest conversation I've had in a while...
  • Hi! I am 6ft tall, too! I just signed on here yesterday after a friend of mine raved about how easy it was. I've tried many things over the years, as I never really lost the weight I gained when pregnant and my youngest is now 10 years-old. Last year I was on Medifast and managed to lose 30lbs, but I couldn't get past that point and then I started having physical issues (being tall is KILLER on your joints!!), and blah, blah, blah. Now, I have put all that 30lbs back on and am up to 250lbs, again (I dream of getting below 200). My joints are now even more mad at me, cholesterol is up, and I don't like being back at this weight. I totally feel the difference.

    My plan this time around is to stop the sodas and minimize the sweets and go back to the smaller, more frequent meals that Medifast taught me. I have an aversion to artificial sweeteners, so there will be no "diet" foods on my list - only the good stuff (just hopefully less of it). If I can lose 20lbs with just diet, then the exercise should be a bit easier for me to add in, and only low impact stuff.

    Aerobic classes (back when I could do them) were hard for me because of my height. I couldn't move between the positions as fast as someone who is shorter. I think the key will be to figure out a solo routine so that I'm not continuously trying to keep up with everyone else.

    Feel free to contact me and hopefully we can fight the pounds that love our tall selves! :smile:
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Would you be interested in befriending a guy who'd go out with you wearing matching heels?
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    My boyfriend is 6'2 and I really never had an issue with finding taller men. But I've also never been one to turn down being with a shorter man either. If I wear 4 inch heels, I'm taller than my BF and he loves it...

    Interesting, but with the heels . . . don't you feel a little less like his girlfriend and more like his mom when you have to bend over to kiss him?

    No. His mom is only 5'5. This is the stupidest conversation I've had in a while...


    I know it's a bit ridiculous. The reason I'm so curious is that I have a friend who likes another friend but he's really short (like 5'4) and she's really tall (like 5'11") and I just don't see them ever being able to really be together because of this. I guess was just wondering how tall ladies feel about dating shorter men in general and how they make it work.

    You and your husband are both tall so I guess you're not the best examples.

    Thanks for your help though.

  • hattie869
    hattie869 Posts: 20

    Thanks for all the helpful advice! I feel like a lot of the advice out there is aimed at women a lot shorter and it would be great to have the support of other people in the same boat!

    As for the questions on men - never had a problem with meeting guys and most have been shorter or the same height as me. We tall girls are fab and most guys seem pleased with that!

  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    My boyfriend is 6'2 and I really never had an issue with finding taller men. But I've also never been one to turn down being with a shorter man either. If I wear 4 inch heels, I'm taller than my BF and he loves it...

    Interesting, but with the heels . . . don't you feel a little less like his girlfriend and more like his mom when you have to bend over to kiss him?

    No. His mom is only 5'5. This is the stupidest conversation I've had in a while...


    I know it's a bit ridiculous. The reason I'm so curious is that I have a friend who likes another friend but he's really short (like 5'4) and she's really tall (like 5'11") and I just don't see them ever being able to really be together because of this. I guess was just wondering how tall ladies feel about dating shorter men in general and how they make it work.

    You and your husband are both tall so I guess you're not the best examples.

    Thanks for your help though.


    In the past, I considered dating a friend of mine who's 5'5 and I don't think it would be weird. He's actually been with a friend of mine who's 5'9 and it's not weird. You are attracted to who you are attracted to - tell your friend to go for it and quit judging people for their height.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 507 Member
    I always thought of myself as tall--I was 5' 10 1/2" in the 9th grade, but it seems I have shrunk a bit in my "old age", I'm now 5'8". I have found it is much easier to put on the weight being tall, it doesn't show up as fast, and the next thing you know you are 200lb +! I'm 59 years old and recently been put on insulin so I am trying to lose this weight once and for all. I don't like artificial sweeteners either, I have never liked the taste of them or the foods they are in so it's been easy to avoid thoses things. I am finding I am eating a lot more fresh fruit and raw vegetables than I have in the past and making an effort to limit the sweets and other "junk" foods I would eat without thinking about in the past.

    As far a men, I have dated men taller than me (usually not by much) and men shorter than me. My first husband was about an inch shorter than me. I have found that the man's height isn't as important as how he made me feel, how he treated me, and how I felt about him. After 24 years of marriage my first husband felt HIS retirement was much more important than me and his daughter and left. I am now married to a wonderful man who has accepted my children as his own (who happens to be a bit taller than me) and I'm looking forward to a long and happy life with him.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    My boyfriend is 6'2 and I really never had an issue with finding taller men. But I've also never been one to turn down being with a shorter man either. If I wear 4 inch heels, I'm taller than my BF and he loves it...

    Interesting, but with the heels . . . don't you feel a little less like his girlfriend and more like his mom when you have to bend over to kiss him?

    No. His mom is only 5'5. This is the stupidest conversation I've had in a while...


    I know it's a bit ridiculous. The reason I'm so curious is that I have a friend who likes another friend but he's really short (like 5'4) and she's really tall (like 5'11") and I just don't see them ever being able to really be together because of this. I guess was just wondering how tall ladies feel about dating shorter men in general and how they make it work.

    You and your husband are both tall so I guess you're not the best examples.

    Thanks for your help though.


    In the past, I considered dating a friend of mine who's 5'5 and I don't think it would be weird. He's actually been with a friend of mine who's 5'9 and it's not weird. You are attracted to who you are attracted to - tell your friend to go for it and quit judging people for their height.

    Oh there's no judgement here. Believe me. I'm the last to judge anyone. :laugh:

    But I do find it interesting that your frind who's 5'5'" is a "friend" and you chose to date the man that's 6'2".

    Do you think there was anything going on there?

    You know, subconsciously?
  • sassymae4
    sassymae4 Posts: 11
    I'm 5'9'' and always wear 4-6 inch heels with my boyfriend (who is only 5'11). He LOVES that I tower over him...finds it incredibly sexy and I love it, too!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Do any of you ladies ever get random requests from people for you to reach something for them in a store? I wondered about that the other day. I couldn't quite reach the top shelf at a Petco and I thought about asking this taller lady but didn't want to offend her. Is it okay to ask you to get something that I can't quite reach?
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
    I am nearly 5'10" :)
  • Anewcrys
    Anewcrys Posts: 28 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    I'm 5'9 and wear heels...if you got it you got it! No prob here...happily married tho :)
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    Do any of you ladies ever get random requests from people for you to reach something for them in a store? I wondered about that the other day. I couldn't quite reach the top shelf at a Petco and I thought about asking this taller lady but didn't want to offend her. Is it okay to ask you to get something that I can't quite reach?

    I'm only 5'8 but all my friends are 5'5 or less. Yes, Many of them have asked me to get something up high for them. I don't mind helping out. I have also seen short people reaching for things up high at the store and I don't want them to drop it on their heads so I offer to help if I feel it's appropriate.

    You have to pick things up off the ground because your closer. :P Jk