exersize shoe recommendations needed

I'm in the market for a good walking/exersize shoe. My walmart cheapies are not getting the job done and my feet are hurting. I mostly walk on my treadmill but do like to do the Walk Away the Pounds dvd's by Leslie Sansone.

I'm 100+ lbs over weight so I'm wanting a shoe that will hopefully help support all the extra weight too.

I'm going shoe shopping next Tuesday and would be glad for any advice or recommendations as this is a whole new area of shopping for me.
Thank you!


  • mcannava
    mcannava Posts: 3 Member
    Asics GT-2110 is what I use. They are lightweight, comfortable. In fact, I just ordered another pair so when I wear these out in 4 months I will have a new pair waiting for me in my closet. Good luck with your program. My daughter and I walk 3 miles at 5:40 am each day. We both are feeling much better...
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Go to a shoe store and get fitted, my wife have a similar problem where her feet where going number, we went to the New Balance store and they fitted her with a shoe, now she doesnt have the problems.
    I will tell you they will be a little more expensive than the walmart cheapies, but I think worth it. it doesnt have to be new balance, but they do make great shoes, but a good supportive shoe will cost some money
  • pandalady8
    pandalady8 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm also 100+ pounds (more like 150!) overweight, and I'm on my feet most of the day (I work in a lab 10+ hours each day). I've been really happy with my New Balance Running shoes. They come in wide widths (which I need) and are comfy. They seem to hold up fairly well too, and they aren't as expensive as some of the other brands. I often find the "old model" on sale for around $30 at Kohl's or similar stores.
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    After injuring my foot wearing $20 Target sneakers (which were really cute, but...) and then a month later walking the gravel track at Relay for Life for 13 miles, I decided to go to a running shoe store to get some REAL shoes!
    I went yesterday.
    They had me walk on a treadmill while filming the back of my feet, calves. It was lovely. :tongue: The purpose for that was to see if I turned my ankles or walked unevenly. As it turned out, my walking is 'normal' but not many people are! They recommended that I buy 'neutral support' shoes. I came home with Aasics. I love them! But my friends that I went with both had issues and they were able to find shoes to fit their feet. They correct the problem, giving better support to legs, joints, etc. I highly recommend finding a place near you for this type of test.
    Now - to buy the shoes there... a little pricey. But I had a gift card from my Girl Scout troop! :happy: But now that I know what shoe is good for me, I can look online, keep an eye out for sales, etc.
    I live in the Washington DC area and the store I went to is called Potomac River Running.
    Good luck!!

  • shadowking
    Go to a specialist fitness store, not just a sportswear department and get them to measure your feet and gait to see if you pronate or not then get them to recommend shoes and try them. You don't have to spend the earth but a good shoe will last you.
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    I totally agree about getting a pair of New Balance sneakers. They are smiliar to what Jillian Michaels wears in her videos. That woman's word is like gold to me right now!

    I had a pair of extra sporty Nike's and after working out my feet would be screaming for release. I thought that meant I had a good work out. :noway:

    Then I read to get a shoe with a more rounded and less pointy toe and let me tell you this had made a world of difference!
  • buttabean14
    I don't know about your spending limit or anything, but I LOVE my Nike+ trainers. They design them around how your feet hold weight so they are properly padded in all areas of your foot. I got mine off of the Nike+ website where you can design your own and stuff. :-)
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Always get fitted. Properly fit shoes will prevent injury and improve performance--you can't get that on a clearance rack at a department store.

    If support is what you need, go for brands like Asics and New Balance. I personally prefer Nike because they are lighter but I break those down faster and so they have to be replaced more often.

  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Go to a good reputable shoe store where they actually measure and try pairs of shoes on with you. Tell the sales person that you are just looking today but then explain what you are looking for in a shoe, tell them what you will be wearing the shoe for etc. Wear the shoes in the store and walk around for a few minutes in each pair. Any issues do not put them on the short list! If they hurt in any way after just a few seconds imagine after a hard work-out! Look for shoes that are "sock lasted" That simply means that you can lift the insole and underneath is visible stitching outlining the heel and the body of the shoe. It offfers a superior fit and indicates a well made shoe. All athletic shoes that will be used in any aerobic activities should have what they call an air system. All this is is a window usually in the heel at the side but often in the bottom of the heel. Do not even buy shoes that don't have this system.(for athletic use) It is this system that will save your feet and your joints. All good shoe makers have air systems in some of their shoes. But all shoe makers also have cheap versions that do not have the systems. Hence you can buy Nikes or Asics at a cheap price but the cheap ones will usually be the ones with out this much needed air system.l Try on lots even ones that you may not choose based on aesthetics. Consider this your research time. The stores that have the ability to measure and knowlegeable staff will be more costly. If you are really on a budget than take the information you gain from the store sales person and than go to a more bargain or discount retailer and purchase or if you are comfortable ask if they price match. If I can I do not mind spending the extra and sometimes it is significant but you are paying for the fit as much as the shoe. The reality is is that a good, well made shoe is going to cost you and if you are not using it exclusively for your sport but also using it for daily use it will only last a few months. Trust me, keep your feet happy and the rest of you will be happy too!
  • jeniam
    jeniam Posts: 13
    Thanks for asking this! I am also in the market for a good pair of shoes. Mine are slowly dying and you all have given great advice. Thanks!
  • Denimgirl
    Denimgirl Posts: 87 Member
    I have saved $150. If I can get good shoes that will last me for awhile and help my feet (and knees) feel better when exersizing I don't mind spending it all. I'm hoping to not have to spend that much though.

    Thank you all for such great advice. It has been helpful to me and now I know what to look for and what kind of store I need.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I walk my dogs for 4+ miles/day and went to a local running store to get fitted for these shoes. I'm an overpronator and wear my shoes REALLY oddly. I'm currently in Asics GT 2150s (LOVE them) and wear the green Superfeet insoles.

    I have a separate pair of shoes that I wear for workouts because runners don't provide the lateral support needed for side to side leaping type drills. For training shoes, I wear the Saucony Grid Virtue. It's super light, well padded, and gives great support.