Hi, time to lose weight!

Hi, a little bit about myself first. I am 40 years old this week, I am being treated for high blood pressure and my bmi is getting very close to obese. I don't think I look particularly fat but I do have a 'beer belly' even though I rarely drink. High blood pressure and diabetes run in my family and my dad died in his 40's after being unwell for a number of years. My wife is diabetic and tells me a lot how she feels fat, I have been no help with this though as I think she looks fabulous and I do my share of the cooking and it is not good for her. I used to cycle to work until I lost my job and I was out of work for a year. I now drive a tipper, and even though I am fairly active as I load it by hand, I have lost the daily cycle commute. It's time to make a change. I am aiming to lose weight slowly but surely and have set my aim at 1lb per week. I can tell you now I am feeling very hungry but I will beat it. I will also start cycling at least once per week for some aerobic exercise. Fingers crossed!
