Eating healthy with NO time!

I really need some help on this! I'm now working out 6 days a week for an hour - hour and a half but I'm getting more and more tired which I think is due to my diet. I now feel so rushed trying to work a full time job, working out and trying to get all the other necessary things done in my life (my housekeeping has taken a serious down turn :( ) that I'm not making the time to eat anything and if I do I've been turning more and more to fast food because of time constraints.

I used to come home and make dinner, use the left overs for lunch etc but now I don't have the time to even attempt to cook! I really want to try to be healthy and eat well (on my limited budget) but it's becoming a bigger and bigger struggle.

Any suggestions??? How is everybody else pulling this off?



  • hma812
    hma812 Posts: 3
    I know it sucks but take a couple of hours on your day off to make your food for the week.

    My newest venture for lunch has been a frittata. I use 16 eggs, a pound of hot italian turkey sausage, baby spinach, red peppers and goat cheese and split it up into 8 servings after it's cooked.

    I used to make a dozen hard boiled eggs and would eat 2 on my way to work.

    Cook up a bunch of chicken and portion it out.

    Steam bags of veggies (my grocery store has fresh instead of frozen ones).

    I make chili and stew ahead of time for my fiance so that he has lunch all week. Also I make stuffed peppers on a regular basis.

    I make the stuffing ahead of time and pop it in the fridge. Then all I have to do is stuff the pepper and throw it in the oven.

    I have to do this every single sunday or we would wind up eating out every single day.