30 Day shred when obese? Did it work for you?

Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
Ok, I see so many great results from people doing 30 day shred that I want to give it a go. My question is has anyone done it when they were obese? I hate admitting my weight, but here we go. I'm 5'3ish and 277 pounds yuck! I watched the video it didn't look too bad with the mods for beginners....but yet still really challenging. I am just curious if anyone got in a bit of shape before they started it?

Also, with being obese do you still do it every day or do you turn it into a 60 day shred by doing it every other day? I'm just curious and any advice would be great!!

Thanks a bunch!!!


  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    I'm curious to know what everyone's results were. :)
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    A girl on my friends, did it for about 8 days and you can already see results in her frame. So I'm totally inspired to start it tomorrow.
  • Soph_1981
    Soph_1981 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am on day 6 of the shred. It is my second time round and have a fair base level of fitness. However i had a baby 15 weeks ago so have nearly 2 stone to lose. I would say go for it and do it every day. It's only 20 mins and you will see quick improvements in your strength and stamina. Use it as a base to start your exercise routine. Good luck. x:smile:
  • kjphipps
    kjphipps Posts: 14
    It is a great program for anyone age or size... she has modifiers on there. I mix it in with my other dvd's when i get a bit bord... she is amazing.. give it a try... you will lvoe it. Start with what you can do ... and just keep adding daily.. you can do it!!!
  • yopie1965
    yopie1965 Posts: 25 Member
    I did the the 30ds week 1 for about 6 weeks. I kept moving as she says but struggled with it.
    6months later, Ive finished the 30ds, and almost finished the Ripped in 30......it does get harder, I did the modifieds where I had to and slowly got there.
    I've never ever been able to do jumping jacks or run in place, now I do it better than some of the plank work! Stick with it, it IS hard and after about the 4th day you really want to give up, but then by day 6 or 7 it seems to get better, and from there its GREAT!
    I did mine every other day to start, now I do it 6 days a week.
    I love both of her DVD's, she works the entire body and you'll be sore, but you do feel great! I've lost all over!

  • PattiBaldwin88
    PattiBaldwin88 Posts: 41 Member
    When I first tried 30DS I was technically obese, 167 @ 5'2". I was doing it everyday and REALLY sore. I would reccomend starting on level 1, doing the modifications, and pausing the DVD to catch your breath if you need to.
  • chelseaj525
    chelseaj525 Posts: 48 Member
    Im 260lbs and I have done it. The first 7 days I noticed a difference. Not so much on the scale but a lot in inches. Make sure to take pictures that was the only way I could tell a difference. Good luck!!
  • klynnshuck
    klynnshuck Posts: 33 Member
    I am 5'6 and was 225 when I started. I can't say what it did as far as my weight loss as my main exercise was running. I have lost over 50 pounds and I still use it for my cross training days. But i can say my sister and I run the same (we are training for a half marathon together) but there is a HUGE difference in our bodies. I am a lot more toned than her and even appear almost smaller than her even though I am 15ish pounds heavier.
  • fattazgray
    fattazgray Posts: 3 Member
    hi, my starting weight was 210lb and i got the 30 day shred for my birthday!!! so i gave it a go, i have only done level one and it certainly gets my heart rate up, i am havent done it everyday, but have incorporated it with other excersise like walking swimming and cycling, but i can see a difference in my fitness levels after a few weeks and am about ready to go onto the next level,
    my advice would be to have a go and take it slow, build up your fitness a little at a time, you will get there. good luck x
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i didnt start until i lost 50 pounds, i was 200 when i did. i did it every day, but i did each level for 12 days since i work out 6 days a week.

    however, i have to say nothing changed for me, maybe im too fat, but i didnt lose any inches other than 1 inch off my waist which frankly was due to my calorie deficit

    i used 2 pound weights but quickly went to 5. some moves are still too hard for me with 5 pounds but i just go slow.

    I really dont know why i didnt see any results, too much fat over these muscles? didnt push myself hard enough? idk

    i followed the beginning girl.

    I took a week off and am restarting. still following the easy girl. heres my rational, i dont see a physical change but anything that gets me moving is a plus.

    good luck.

    ps, i hate jm
  • htiafyenaffit
    htiafyenaffit Posts: 64 Member
    I did it when I was at 265 my first time around ... it was hard and I didn't finish (I get bored easily) but I think if you are really motivated im sure you can do it and I've seen a lot of results I lost 3 pounds in a week doing it
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    For sure! She is GREAT! I did the Shred and Ripped in 30 the first time around. Stopped with MFP gained all the weight back and now i am back on it for good, hopefully! I started the Shred a few months ago and got the flu.. so had to stop and now have a bad cold and haven't been able to get back to it. But I HIGHLY recommend it!
  • I have attempted this twice and never made it past day one. My husband was like, it can't be that hard, and so I made him do it with me. He is a drummer and solid muscle except for a little bit of a beer belly and he was on the floor talking about what a crazy *kitten* Jillian is half way through LOL!! I attempted it when I was 5'2 and 199 lbs. I am now 169 lbs and I am thinking that I am going to try again soon. With that being said, I know that a lot of people that are obese have done this work out with good results. I have seen their success posts in the forums. I am not sure if they did it for longer but I don't see why you can't extend it out. Everyone works at a different pace and I think you should go for it! If you do, you will be an inspiration for a lot of other people out there, including myself :)
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Yes you can, my biggest problem being now 222 and I started at 255 is that it hurts my joints. If you are in fairly good shape with no joint issues, it is a great workout. I am doing Leslie Sansones workouts now with bands and like it much better, for being obese still it is way easier on my joints and I am 30.
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice! I'm totally going to do it tomorrow! I'm quite excited. I was trying to figure out something to get me started that wasn't too cardio heavy as my resting HR is a bit high and when I do cardio I about give myself a panic attack lol. It's good to know others did it and thanks for all the advice!!
  • WindyJenny
    WindyJenny Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 255 and on Day 9 of Level 1. Yes, I have to modify the moves to accommodate my knees (wall push-ups, very shallow squats and lunges, and so on). But I am able to do more today than I could on Day 1. Much more! I even bumped up my weights for most of the exercises already. I do it 6 days on, 1 day off to allow some recovery... But I am also incorporating 60 minutes of cardio 7 days a week.

    As for results, it's early on yet. I've not seen an increase in my average weekly weight loss. However, I have lost 1/2 inch from each of my thighs and calves since I started 30DS.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Ok, I see so many great results from people doing 30 day shred that I want to give it a go. My question is has anyone done it when they were obese? I hate admitting my weight, but here we go. I'm 5'3ish and 277 pounds yuck! I watched the video it didn't look too bad with the mods for beginners....but yet still really challenging. I am just curious if anyone got in a bit of shape before they started it?

    Also, with being obese do you still do it every day or do you turn it into a 60 day shred by doing it every other day? I'm just curious and any advice would be great!!

    Thanks a bunch!!!

    IMO everyone should do 30 DS! Use the modifier if you have to, but if you push yourself you will see amazing results.

    I run all the time and the DVD at first was an eye opener for me. So far I've done 30 DS, Ripped In 30, and currently doing 6 Week 6 Pack. I'll do another one of her DVDs after this. I'm the type of guy that doesn't get bored easily, if I start this DVD I'm going to finish it - no matter how long it takes. It took me about 45-50 days for each one because I also run and train for half-marathons. Main thing is don't quit! Or start over if you miss a day or a week. Just keep going. Don't forget to take before and after pics, too.

    ETA: Even on the DVD she says, "if 400lb people can do this, you can do it!". She is very motivational :)
  • rgrin
    rgrin Posts: 67 Member
    At 5' and 200+ pounds, I am CERTAINLY obese. I was afraid to start 30 Day Shred, but read that you didn't have to do it every day. I decided to try it, and tough it was tough, I made it through the first day. And the second. I just finished day 10 today and will be moving on to Level 1 tomorrow. I've got problems with my knees and ankles, and get shin splints very easily in spite of exercises and stretches recommended by my doctor. I did the modified moves and modified some other items according to what I found on this website:


    Even with modified moves, I can tell my knees and ankles are stronger and more flexible than they were two weeks ago. My calves are sore after each workout, but I've not had shin splints (whenever I feel a twinge, I modify to lower impact). I've not seen any MAJOR changes in my body, but DH says my butt is getting smaller, and I think my thighs are getting smaller. My weight has gone down 3 pounds since I started. I think you should go for it, and do your best. Listen to your body and modify where necessary. You can do this!

    ETA: I work out 5 days, then take one day of rest. I also do 20 minutes on the elliptical prior to "shredding". Hope that helps!
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    Seems like everyone (well 98%) of everyone was quite impressed and enjoyed the work out! That's it I'm doing it! If it wasn't already 9pm I'd start tonight, lol...I'm pumped.

    I only have super light weights because I have a kettlebell. So I guess I will start with the light weights until I get to the shop to get heavier ones. I think these are like 1kg or something. :)

    Going to get ready for bed soon so I can get up early and get rolling. :)
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Do it do it do it DO IT!

    I started 30DS at close to 300 lbs (I'm 5'7") and the results were SO incredibly motivating. I did modified jumping jacks, and I did incline push-ups (straight knees, but with my hands on a coffee table instead of on the floor) because my knees couldn't handle modified push-ups.

    I did each level for anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks. My goal was to get through with no modifications before moving to the next level, but that turned out to be completely unrealistic.

    I will still do a 30DS workout to supplement my other exercise, and even after 6 months of regular exercise the 30DS workout leaves me feeling it the next day. It is VERY effective, and VERY do-able. Listen to your body and modify as you need to. You won't regret doing it!

    Have fun!