Have you had a really really bad day with your calories?



  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday- St. Paddy's celebration day I went 300 over my goal in food that I logged, that's where I stopped, in addition to that I had an additional long island iced tea, 2 pieces of pizza, a cadbury egg, and some rice krispie treats.

    Sunday- came in about 300 under my goal went to yoga, had yogurt and a nice light salad for dinner, felt rejuvenated.

    Just don't let one bad day turn into 2 or 3, your week is not ruined...get some exercise, some healthy eats and refocus.
  • tryinghard71
    I go by the week not the day. Some days I am over and some days I am under. As long as I hit goal by the end of the week I do fine. If I am over by 500 one day I will do an extra work out or try to be under by a 100 or so for a few days to make it up.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    More times than I can count. I think the highest was somehwhere at the 32-3700 level..I think, it may have even higher. It is really so freakin easy to do though. Just means a little longer to meet goal. One I do regret is that some times it's just a bunch of small things that add up, not a really really good meal or whatnot. Oh well, every day is a new one, you just get right back on and keep going.
  • smokeyg01
    smokeyg01 Posts: 1,064
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    YES! it was worst when i first started trying to change my ways. Now it happens, but not as often. I do give myself " off days" due to special occasions, or just a weeknight to go to a restaurant and ENJOY the pricey meal that I am purchasing LOL and EVEN have a few drinks! its ok because it is just one day. I make sure now, that it really is ONLY 1 day!
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    More times than I can count. I think the highest was somehwhere at the 32-3700 level..I think, it may have even higher. It is really so freakin easy to do though. Just means a little longer to meet goal. One I do regret is that some times it's just a bunch of small things that add up, not a really really good meal or whatnot. Oh well, every day is a new one, you just get right back on and keep going.
    ^ YES!!! so true~ I rather have a huge meal and be super full than realized i ate a bunch of small stuff and stil hungry but now over my cals...
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Yup, I really struggle with bad days - I have several each week, where I go 2000 to 3000 calories OVER what I'm supposed to be. I had one again on Saturday :( But I just try to pick myself back up!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I binged yesterday, and about three weeks ago, both going at least 600 cals over my daily limit. However, on both days, I felt like crap after eating everything in sight, and it is slowly making me realize that food isn't MEANT to be binged on. It is meant to be savored in small portions, something to be looked forward to and planned to appreciate rather than inhaled and forgotten a moment later. Slowly (very slowly), this change in my brain is taking place.
  • deb0xxx0
    deb0xxx0 Posts: 3
    I to have had bad days , don't give-up. you are your own best friend and this is a life style change . I never say i'm on a diet i say to myself i choose not to have a surton type of food no matter how good it looks and smells , it's a bit like a drug addict one day at a time . Wot i did do on sunday was i got rid of all my clothes that were to big for me and got some that are to small so i will loose wight or go naked and beleave me no one wants to see me naked .. I have along way to go to get to my target weight but i just think to myself i'm doing this for me ,not my kids or grankids or my husband this is for me and when i get there i know it wont make my job or stop the crap that life puts your way any better but i'll look good and feel more confident in copeing with it . I'll get off my soap box now . and wish you well .
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    One bad day isn't going to completely derail you unless you let it. It's really not a big deal. Once in a while, you just gotta go over. :)

    Just don't let it become a habit and/or use it as an excuse to be bad the rest of the week.

    It takes 3500 calories to add a pound for the week - so if the worst thing that happens is you gain a 3/4 of a pound from having yummy ribs, that isn't that bad, is it?

    Dust yourself off, and move on! You can do it!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I follow 4 simple keys to help me be successful: Portion control, moderation, substitution and exercise. If I'm hungry for something like chips, I'll swap it for something healthier(air popped popcorn, Kale chips, etc) If I want ice cream, I'll swap for yogurt or homemade frozen yogurt. If I want the real deal, than I will allow myself to have that scoop of ice cream. It's all in moderation and portion control.

    Of course I go out for dinner sometimes, or have that theatre popcorn while at the movies, but again, thats where the moderation kicks in. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet, so being realistic in finding a program that will work best for you is very important.

    I try not to rationalize. "Oh, I ate bad today, but I'll be going for a jog tomorrow"..I never say those things to myself. Just because I am exercising, doesn't mean I should eat badly. I eat right atleast 90% of the time. I exercise to be healthier, stronger and fit, not to punish my body for something I ate the night before. I had to find something realistic for me, and following those 4 things has helped me be very successful in maintaining.
  • debbieae1
    As I get more used to my limit, i find that it is easier to stay under. My over calorie days I try to make up with under calorie days the rest of the week. Weight loss is 300 calories per day under maintainence, so as much as 300 calories will slow or stop your weight loss, but not put it on. I would aim to make the average for the week no more than 300 calories over and no weight gain should happen.

    Thanksgiving and Christmas should have been a disaster, but I found I was just not hungry the rest of the day after the giant food orgy at lunch. If you can plan for these potential disasters, earlier in the day is better to overeat for this very reason.

    I did not log at all this weekend...deliberately. Had my birthday party and knew I was going to eat as much cake as I wanted. I probably did not do any damage though because I also built an enormous raised bed garden. The reason those recipes from grandma have so many calories is you can burn a LOT in physical activity. I am calling it the home improvement exercise plan.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Uhm, Ya. I had pizza and chinese food this weekend! I was doing so well before that! But, I'm right back on track today, have eaten very healthy. Going to work out right now. P90X here I come!
  • MightyMe01
    MightyMe01 Posts: 29 Member

    Ehh. It's one day........forget about it and do better tomorrow.

    That said I think you went a bit overboard......2200 cals of ribs/fries is still a decent amount.......And two ice cream sandwiches? one wasn't enough? It's cool to indulge sometimes but why not use some portion control and still enjoy the foods you enjoy?

    No it wasn't! But I've learned my lesson from that. I felt sick afterwards and guilty. Portion control was never my strong suit and that's why I'm in the position I am today.
  • MightyMe01
    MightyMe01 Posts: 29 Member

    It takes 3500 calories to add a pound for the week - so if the worst thing that happens is you gain a 3/4 of a pound from having yummy ribs, that isn't that bad, is it?

    When you put it in that perspective, no it isn't! But the next time there are ribs, I'll skip the ice cream sandwich. The really good thing that when we have ribs, my mom is usually the one who will make them, and she always lets me know when she plans on cooking them. The next time this happens, I will know to plan ahead: watch what I eat throughout the day and make sure I work for another hour or so. Thanks!
  • haberchic
    haberchic Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, St. Paddy's day wasn't even worth logging! A few Blue Moon's, corned beef sandwich, and a big restaurant dinner with appetizers and a green martini. I agree with the train analogy; instead of giving up, just get back on track as soon as possible.
  • chutch93
    chutch93 Posts: 9
    Imagine it's a train journey - if the train is late to one station, does it go back to the beginning of the line and start again Monday?!

    This sentence was a light bulb over my head. So simple. So to-the-point. So true.

    Thank you so much for the motivation! I'll remember this while I'm out today!

    Potato scones sound dreamy. ;)

    Quite possibly the best quote I have read on this site!
  • sjacks14
    sjacks14 Posts: 68 Member
    I was 500 over my calories on Saturday even though I burned off over 600 in the morning. I couldn't believe it! I know what I did wrong though and will try to adjust. The weekends are very hard for me.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Happens to me on ocassion, I don't sweat it. I just get back to work the following day
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    If you go over 1200 calories one day a month, you'll still lose over a year. If you do it once a year, it won't be even a blip on your progress chart. If you can earn back some of it over the next 24 hours, that's fine, but don't let yourself think about it past tomorrow.