I gave up.



  • vbailey12
    vbailey12 Posts: 21
    Hey, you said "No, it's only Tuesday. I don't go back to campus until Sunday, and classes don't start again until Monday. I'm off work until Monday again, too, since I work on campus."

    It sounds like you don't have anything to do for Spring Break. Is this the case? If so, you have to find something to keep you busy/active/mentally stimulated/etc. Otherwise, you will eat. Same thing happened to me.

    Try a hobby, volunteer, or call up a friend. Or do what I did since all my friends lived out-of-state, which is meet new people on Meetup.com. Hope that helps :)
  • Don't give up! You are doing so well. Don't allow yourself to go backward. A little slip is no biggie, just keep moving forward. You CAN do it! Keep logging on for encouragement:wink: .
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Look up "flexible dieting"--sounds like something you might try. The idea is that you diet for a few weeks (or months), then bring your calories back to maintenance for a couple of weeks, then resume dieting. It's sustainable, and some argue more effective than dieting nonstop for months. There are both psychological and physiological reasons for doing it this way.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Quit your whining....suck it up, and get your Azz back to the gym before you've gained 5 or 10 lbs back. :laugh:

    See how easy it is??
  • melissajanderson
    melissajanderson Posts: 2 Member
    I started back on my weght lost program in the beginning of Jan and I did really well until the middle of Feb..... And then I fell off the wagon for about two weeks with no dieting or exercise......On the beginning of march I got going again..... Everyone gos thru spells of bad times but you just have to force yourself to get back with the program:flowerforyou:
  • fatfriendonadiet
    fatfriendonadiet Posts: 36 Member
    Hey, you said "No, it's only Tuesday. I don't go back to campus until Sunday, and classes don't start again until Monday. I'm off work until Monday again, too, since I work on campus."

    It sounds like you don't have anything to do for Spring Break. Is this the case? If so, you have to find something to keep you busy/active/mentally stimulated/etc. Otherwise, you will eat. Same thing happened to me.

    Try a hobby, volunteer, or call up a friend. Or do what I did since all my friends lived out-of-state, which is meet new people on Meetup.com. Hope that helps :)

    Yes! It's only been since Saturday (last time I logged was Friday, which was move out day), and I've been so bored just hanging around the house! Three days have seemed like an eternity. I love the people I've been staying with to death, but I've knocked all my homework out of the way and now there's...basically nothing left for me to do. I'm volunteering tomorrow, and I think I'm going to pick some books to read and work on a few of the writing projects I started and never finished. And drag my sorry *kitten* to the gym.

    I thought I could convince a friend to go to the gym with me over break, but she has no interest. Guess I'm going on my own!
  • fatfriendonadiet
    fatfriendonadiet Posts: 36 Member
    Quit your whining....suck it up, and get your Azz back to the gym before you've gaineds 5 or 10 lbs back. :laugh:

    See how easy it is??

    I like your bluntness. :D
  • Charlixoxo
    Charlixoxo Posts: 94 Member
    I felt in the same position last week, I was so upset with myself and felt so low and disappointed that I'd binged, but it's easy to get back on track.

    All you have to do is remember how you feel now, and use that to motivate yourself to get back to where you were!
    You are only human, we all do it so don't feel bad! Get up tomorrow, plan a nice healthy day and go for a nice walk, you will soon be back on track :)

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Quit your whining....suck it up, and get your Azz back to the gym before you've gaineds 5 or 10 lbs back. :laugh:

    See how easy it is??

    I like your bluntness. :D
    Its the same thing I tell myself when I have days (weeks) like that!
  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
    Yep, get back to getting and feeling healthy. You'll feel so much better after you've worked out. Forgive yourself for binging, check in with your cycle (if you're a girl), and then let it go. It happens to all of us.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    dry your tears and keep moving foward.
  • fatfriendonadiet
    fatfriendonadiet Posts: 36 Member
    check in with your cycle (if you're a girl)

    ...oops. Suddenly the binging and overemotional attitude make a lot more sense.
  • Never give up! We all have a hard time for a while here and there but just keep on going. You can do this!!
  • i yo-yo dieted for 4 years so i know what you mean.... do not beat yourself up over a little weight gain....give yourself credit for what you've achieved regardless of the weight gain... we are human we go through phases... just tell yourself you will go workout for 30 min today.... start with baby steps again... and don't forget staying in shape is easier than getting in shape :)
  • Just hang in there! I've "given up" many times, but in the end, you have to decide you are SOOOO worth it! You are worth being in the best shape/health of your life. You are worth it! Falling off the bandwagon is called life. Sometimes the best laid plans go awry, but so what? Just get back on the bandwagon.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    check in with your cycle (if you're a girl)

    ...oops. Suddenly the binging and overemotional attitude make a lot more sense.

    And the weight gain, silly.
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    There is always an obstacle we must overcome, especially when it comes to weight loss. Where do you go from here? You have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back into the routine of things that brought you as far as it did. Make TODAY the day you get it all back, you can't fix "yesterday", what's done is done. I used to say "tomorrow" I'll start, "tomorrow" I'll smarten up, but tomorrow never came then, on my 30th birthday, I told myself and anyone who would listen that "today" was the day I was getting me back, my gift to myself was that of health. You are human, you will falter, what makes you successful is getting back up when you fall. The worst thing, for me, is to be home with the temptation of food. You have to be accountable to yourself, nobody's watching. I heard a quote a little while ago..."Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels". If you must eat, eat healthy, eat things that are full of fiber, water, etc., and stay hydrated, drinking keeps you full and, if you're full, you don't have room for empty calories.

    You can do it, I may not know you but I believe in you!!!

    Good words..................
  • I am sorry to hear that. Please start back. I understand. I quit any diet for about a year. My high school best friend's parents, who were like parents to me, died in a car accident and I could not find the motivation to get back on track until just a while ago. I can say at least you are still walking the dog. That is something, don't discount anything you are doing for yourself. You can do it. Please don't let yourself go too far away. I managed to keep 20 of the 50 pounds off. I hope this helps. :smile: :smile: :smile: