low-calorie, but filling, breakfast



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Fiber and Protein will keep you feeling fuller, longer.

    My typical breakfast: (under 300 calories and usually 20-30 protein)

    -1/2 eggbeaters with added veggies(spinach, zuccini, tomato, mushroom, pepper, etc)
    -2 slices of turkey bacon or canadian bacon
    -1/2 cup greek yogurt or smoothie made with yogurt/almond milk or healthy cereal like kashi go lean, or puffed wheat)

    usually keeps me satiated for 3-4 hours.


    Sounds delicious and filling, but I do not have much time to prepare breakfast in the morning. My 1-year-old daughter, who is up at clockwork at 6am, eats her breakfast within 10 minutes and immediately wants to play or sit on my lap. Then I have to get the kids ready to go to daycare. But, thanks anyway!

    A little bit of tough love here, you either need to figure out a way to have the other kids entertain your one year old or something else while you are preparing yourself a healthy breakfast. I cook up two eggs and a little frying pan and toast a bagel thin. Add light veggie cream cheese and hot sauce. It takes like 3 or 4 minutes to make. The key for someone with small children is to prepare as much the night before as you can. You can cook eggs the night before or even make a bunch and freeze in individual servings. Or for smoothies, buy frozen fruit, then you can skip the ice and just throw the frozen fruit in with yogurt or whatever! I was the same way you are when my son was little and it was hard to break myself of the habit of only worrying about what everyone else got before me, but what's more important? A healthy mommy or 5 more minutes of play?
  • skipperbill
    skipperbill Posts: 3 Member
    I only eat waffles if I am going to play golf sometime after breakfast, Otherwise to many calories. Stick to 7 grain bread. with our eggs. We poach our eggs..
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Also, a good option for someone as busy as you is to make quiche or egg casseroles that you could just microwave individual servings of each morning.
  • KellyS_86
    KellyS_86 Posts: 25
    I have a big bowl of (200ml) low fat yoghurt, with a selection of fruit - banana is the most filling - and 30grams of granola approx obviously. Yummy, you can change it up so you don't get bored AND its filling!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Protein, fiber & fat all help keep you full

    Oatmeal: try a protiein added, or fiber added variety - like Quaker Weight Control, there are others. I like steel cut oats (started the night before) and add protein powder

    Nuts - yes high calorie, but a few walnuts will add healthy fats

    Cold cereal - Special K (original only) has really good protein numbers ....but low in fiber, so add a small apple (or other high fiber fruit/veggie)

    Many Kashi cereals have good protein & fiber number (not all) - Kashi Go Lean 3/4 C (original) mixed with 1/4 C berries, 1 Tlb nuts & 6 oz. light flavored yogurt ... yum. I measure everything the night before ... and mix in the AM ... under 250 calories

    Greek yogurt is much higher in protein than regular, mix in All Bran or some high fiber cereal, and thawed frozen berries.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    If time is your biggest enemy, here's a quick breakfast sandwich: Timber Ridge scrambled egg patty (60 cals) + Canadian Bacon (25 cals +/-) + Thomas Triple Health English Muffin (100 cals). You can also add cheese for a little more protein. I've only found the scrambled egg patties at Wal-Mart. They are microwaveable.

    Good luck.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I have a Weight Management oatmeal pack every morning (7am) and I don't get hungry until 12. They have a ton of fiber and protien and very little sugar. Quaker has one, I use a Kroger Brand (active lifestyle), and Aldi has had a version in the past. With coffee creamer my breakfasts are under 200 calories.
  • louisa_jay
    louisa_jay Posts: 16 Member
    Have you heard of refrigerator/overnight oatmeal? You can prepare it up to 2/3 days in advance - just put porridge oats, yoghurt, milk/water and fruit in a bowl or tupperware and then pop it in the fridge overnight and it's ready to eat in the morning. Bananas are good for energy and you can add protein powder too. There are plenty of recipes online.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    You could have a scoop of protein powder mid morning mixed with water (jay robb 110cal) 25g of protein and keeps you satisfied. Knock your juice on the head and have the protein shake mid morning. Should be about the same calories as your juice. Protein shales changed my life. Hungry no more x
  • livityliv
    livityliv Posts: 110 Member
    Have you heard of refrigerator/overnight oatmeal? You can prepare it up to 2/3 days in advance - just put porridge oats, yoghurt, milk/water and fruit in a bowl or tupperware and then pop it in the fridge overnight and it's ready to eat in the morning. Bananas are good for energy and you can add protein powder too. There are plenty of recipes online.

    I was going to suggest this too! I make mine the night before, takes about three minutes to throw together, and you can do it when your little one is asleep. Grab your mason jar/tupperware, a spoon and you're ready to roll the next morning! Here is the recipe I use- http://www.theyummylife.com/blog/2012/03/293/Overnight,+No-Cook+Refrigerator+Oatmeal+--+A+healthy+breakfast+made+in+mason+jars+in+six+different+flavors!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If time is your biggest enemy, here's a quick breakfast sandwich: Timber Ridge scrambled egg patty (60 cals) + Canadian Bacon (25 cals +/-) + Thomas Triple Health English Muffin (100 cals). You can also add cheese for a little more protein. I've only found the scrambled egg patties at Wal-Mart. They are microwaveable.

    Good luck.

    I'm not a morning egg eater .... this would be great to pack for lunch. I'll have to check the patties out. Egg McMuffins ... Yum!
  • daeohtar
    daeohtar Posts: 6
    I generally do 1 egg, cooked, on an english muffin with cheese. It generally keeps me filled till past noon and sometimes I add a piece of fruit to it. ^^

    Overnight oatmeal is pretty amazing, you can also make scrambled eggs in the oven with a muffin tin too. You can make a batch over the weekend, eat them during the week and maybe add different things to them to switch it up. ^^

  • stephanie1133
    stephanie1133 Posts: 211
    Protein shake -- low calorie, high protein, super fast to make. When it comes down to it (depending on what kind you buy) it's about $1 per 25 grams of protein, just about as cheap a source of quick protein as you can get in my book.

    Have your hard boiled eggs with some turkey sausage or bacon, you can make them the night before or get the precooked kind that takes 1 minute in the microwave, then have a piece of fruit. Super fast!

    Greek Yogurt -- like others have said!!! Have that with a hard boiled egg or 2.

    I agree with some others about your current breakfasts being mainly carbs, that's definitely a set up to make you hungrier sooner than a more protein rich breakfast.

    I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old, I know it can be hard!
  • cali_co
    cali_co Posts: 38
    I'm a big fan of the greek yogurt, granola and fruit or take a 100 calorie multi-grain english muffin and top it with an egg cooked in the microwave in a ramekin and top with a slice of cheese.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member

    3-4 of these and you're golden. So much fiber keeps me full until lunch. Tastes so yummy with sliced banana on top with a lil sugar-free syrup. Make extra and freeze and they come out just as good after 2 minutes (1 per side) in the microwave. I eat them all the time!!
  • christina_curlyred
    Drop the juice. It's full of calories/sugar. You can still get the nutritional value of the juice with a multivitamin. This will give you a few more calories to work with for your mid-morning snack. I also like the low-fat cheese sticks; they're fast, easy to eat on the go and keep you full.
  • burbunya
    burbunya Posts: 23 Member
    Also, a good option for someone as busy as you is to make quiche or egg casseroles that you could just microwave individual servings of each morning.

    What a brilliant idea!
  • firebaughkn
    firebaughkn Posts: 2 Member
    You actually should eat a mid-morning snack. It has been shown that women should actually eat 6-8 small, snack-like meals a day. You should have your real 3 meals, and some healthy snacks in between.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371

    I would advise having eggs (scrambled or omelette) 2 full eggs and 3 egg whites

    ^this... except I would cut down to one egg or all whites. throw in some lean ham, and spinach. That should fill you up.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    You actually should eat a mid-morning snack. It has been shown that women should actually eat 6-8 small, snack-like meals a day. You should have your real 3 meals, and some healthy snacks in between.

    There is no proof that one must eat like this. Snacking is not essential to health or weight loss. For some this style of eating can lead to over-indulgence and the opposite effect.