This is why I weigh every day....



  • wooflee90
    wooflee90 Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but I take a weekly average as a way to gauge overall success in this area of health. It balances out the highs and lows and when you compare weekly averages over time, it gives a more accurate picture of overall weight loss, especially when compared to other physical measurements.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Daily weights here (every morning, first thing); only record when I have a loss. This, more than anything, has taught me patience and that a small gain is temporary. Completely agree with the poster who made the "Knowledge is Power" comment.
  • Lila999
    Lila999 Posts: 6
    Daily weights here (every morning, first thing); only record when I have a loss. This, more than anything, has taught me patience and that a small gain is temporary. Completely agree with the poster who made the "Knowledge is Power" comment.

    I didn't know there is another one like me :) I do the exact same thing - record only when scale goes down during my daily morning weigh-ins. I always ignore any gain even when it lasted for a week because I know it will go down eventually as long as I watch what I eat and do my workout routines :)
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Everybody is different, but I agree with the OP - weighing myself every day reminds me that there WILL be those daily fluctuations. It also keeps me mindful of what I eat on a dailybasis.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I weigh every day too - but I only record on Saturdays.
    ditto. i dont freak out if i go up, but as long as i go down the next day, i know im not going in the wrong direction.
  • vanessapreston66
    vanessapreston66 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree with you, but dont weigh everyday. i may go a week, two weeks or maybe a few days depending on my eating and life habits. Whats great is I dont stress about the number so much now. Before i would see a small loss or gain and it would send me off the I think 'pffff stupid scales, how do my jeans fit?' ;)
  • chrisgriffin42975
    I weight myself 2 times a week
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,683 Member
    I weigh everyday purely out of curiosity but I know it's very easily affected - yesterday I weighed myself, went for a 40 minute run and was a kilo lighter (2.2lbs) when I returned. It's a fun game: how much can I sweat off. I promptly drank it all back as I didn't want to be dehydrated.
  • sateliteofluv
    sateliteofluv Posts: 19 Member
    I do this as well, but I never let it worry me. If I have a big meal, I can see it on the scale. It just serves as a reminder that I don't need to have more than one big meal that day (or maybe that week). I think you just have to do what works best for you. If you find that it helps you stay under control, then weigh every day. If you find it discouraging, weigh once a week. I find that I generally weigh the least on Thursday evenings or Friday mornings (because I've been more disciplined for the previous four days), so I make that my "official" weigh-in number.
  • Thanatic
    Thanatic Posts: 27 Member
    Weighing and logging it every day gives you this lovely sinusoidal graph, like a weigh loss biorhythm.

    You do it long enough, no weight increase freaks you out, you look forward to the next dip!

    It's natural to feel a little disappoint when you put on weight, but logging everyday makes you realise that any gain is just temporary.

  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    "sinusoidal"? Really?

    Dude, you really need to post that you used this word in a real sentence in Success Stories! :flowerforyou:
  • minionofevil
    minionofevil Posts: 79 Member
    Every morning I get up, use the restroom, then weigh myself. I like to be able to look at the scale and say "ok, well, i gained half a lb, what did i eat? wait, i had french fries last night, maybe i was over in sodium" or "ooh, i lost .2lbs, go me!"
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Daily weigher here! I totally agree. :smile:
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    I weigh myself once every few weeks. So far it's always been in the negative (which is what I'm hoping for atm), but I can see what you mean as my last measurement I had lost over 4 pounds (in 2 weeks time), whereas the previous few weeks combined I lost not even a pound.
  • shanaya37
    shanaya37 Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh myself every morning as well, but I only record when there is a loss. Sometimes it takes a few weeks but I eventually get there. :smile:

    Exactly what I do. :-)
  • linz910
    linz910 Posts: 30
    About 7 years ago I weighed myself every day and then became obsessed and not in a good way. I then stopped weighing myself when I realized I had basically given myself a problem and here I am 7 years later using this app because slowly but surely I packed on some pounds. Now I weigh myself once a week and that's working well for me. Don't freak yourself out or let a number control you. If you look good, feel good and are healthy that's all that matters. We're all bound to eat something that's not the greatest for us once in a while.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    this is why I do too. And being a woman - well, I can gain 10# in a matter of 3 days and then it slowly goes back to normal over a 7 day stretch
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I'm not following this..."I weigh everyday, I don't stress about it"

    It might as well be an OCD person saying, "I wash my hands every 10 minutes, I don't stress about it".

    Once you have a firm grasp of the how body weight can fluctuate there's no need to weigh every day. Relax, step away from the scale.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I'm not following this..."I weigh everyday, I don't stress about it"

    It might as well be an OCD person saying, "I wash my hands every 10 minutes, I don't stress about it".

    Once you have a firm grasp of the how body weight can fluctuate there's no need to weigh every day. Relax, step away from the scale.

    You must have missed the part about the "lovely sinusoidal graph". Seeing that beauty makes it all worthwhile. :)