The "Cheat Day" (?)



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    When I am trying to lose weight I limit it to a cheat snack/treat once a week. When I am maintaining my weight then it is a cheat meal - once or twice a week. (spread it out rather than all in one day - like for a party or going out to eat) But whichever way you do it, I believe in a cheat day/meal /snack for sure!!!
  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    I do a cheat meal, within good judgement, once a week. Plus I do low calorie snacks once in a while. Breyers has a 160 calories ice cream sandwich that is pretty good.
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    I though the height of the fitness craze was back in the 80's with Jane Fonda?!?
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    sunday's are my 'cheat days'. i usually go out to eat with my family and i dont usually track on this day. i try to enjoy their company and not try too worry over too much of what I'm eating. I do usually try to pick a restaurant that i can control my eating at.
    a cheat day could just be something that your looking forward too- a dinner out with friends, a cook out at the neighbors, or anything special like that, that comes into our lives. Good luck to you.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I save my calories for BEER! Seriously, I never cheat on food . . . I just have accepted that there are certain things that are just not healthy so why subject my body to them???? Twice per month on "payday weekend" I practically twitch for a beer . . . so I tend to use that as my occasional "cheat".
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I try not to think of it as "Cheating". If I know something is coming up that I want to eat more than my goals allow, I change from my current deficit (1000/day) to maintaing. That gives me some extra room, but I'm still needing to be accountable and honest with myself about what I'm eating. I also don't rule foods out on daily basis. If I have room for it, I eat it. Last night I decided to have ice cream as my snack instead of the rice I was planning on. It fit my goals, and I enjoyed it. Later, when I was hungry again because ice cream doesn't really fill you up, I had to have control of myself and say "That's the choice you made." Last thing with the "Cheat Day" would be that you might find that when you eat the stuff you don't eat regularly anymore, you don't feel well after. I find that I feel better, and not deprived if I eat half the burger and split fries with my kids, and then my numbers aren't as out of whack as if I ate the whole thing.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: the longer I eat only healthy foods, the better I feel and the less I crave non-healthy food.....some days I can't avoid going over on calories due to long meetings that keep me from being active and burning calories along with restaurant meals......but I've successfully lost weight and kept it off by staying focused on a healthy path :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I want to be just like you! I've, also, found that eating clean reduces cravings. This seems to prove that some food is addictive. I seem to have the most trouble with social occasions.
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    I try to have a cheat "meal" and not a day. I feel like if I'm eating clean 95% of the time it's okay. Plus when I'm working out and feeling good a cheat meal is usually not that bad, things like Subway, a pita, or a slice or 2 of margherita pizza feels like a huge indulgence. I'm about to go get me a margherita pizza right now. Happy weekend everyone!
  • mebras3775
    mebras3775 Posts: 50
    I have a cheat day every sunday because I go to eat at my parents house and all her food is made from scratch so i cant really tell how many calories I am eating plus my dad makes an assortment of desserts so I allow myself a cheat day every sunday as long as I exercise and eat well every other day before sunday.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I'm on the same page with the posters that DO NOT have a cheat day or meal for all their same reasons. I do not feel deprived because I always eat my exercise calories. I have never been a binger, nor do I want to start now. I just really, really, like all food and was lazy about portion control and empty calories (like beer and wine).
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I don't really call mine a cheat day bc I am still mindful of what I am eating. Saturday is my weigh-in day. On Saturday I normally cook a breakfast for my family and I only eat half (like I normally do) and we either go to lunch or dinner. I order what I want within reason and only eat a half! I eat the other half for lunch the next day.....I am not allowed to eat desserts unless I look up cals first because that can easily get out of control when CHOCOLATE is involved!
  • skaal006
    skaal006 Posts: 16
    I'm reading a book by Jackie Warner called "This is why You're Fat" (and how to get thin for life). Her eating plan consists of eating clean for five days and on the weekends you can have two cheat meals of up to 1500 calories each. I think this is good because when you eat clean most of your cravings are eliminated. You have 2 cheat meals, this helps you to get through the week eating clean because you know you can eat foods you might crave twice on the weekend.
  • estherguas
    estherguas Posts: 113 Member
    I dont agree to a full cheat day but I do agree that you shouldnt deprive yourself of all of the foods you love forever..If I am at a restaurant and I see a dessert that I really want I have it I may not eat the whole thing but I allow myself to indulge.. I'm human and I can't expect myself to be perfect.

    The only days I believe are full cheat days or what I call non logging days are Thanksgiving, Christmas and My Birthday :)