Success stories from those who eat (mostly) clean! please!

cryswest57 Posts: 141 Member
I decided I'm going to eat a whole lot cleaner. I just want to see if it worked for others in losing weight, inches, fat, etc.


  • allison_ortiz
    allison_ortiz Posts: 75 Member
    I have lost 180lbs by eating absolutely no fast food, minimal processed foods, no red meat, no sweetened drinks (sugar or alternative no soda, no energy drinks, no lipton ice tea...nothing!) I will on occasion have a cup of plain black coffee, and the occasional beer with friends the rest is just water (between 3-5 liters daily).

    I eat very very very fresh, and have been for the last 18 months...and YES it is possible. No I do not feel deprived. Yes sometimes I will sneak a bite of my kids food (just to remember why I've changed :wink: ) just like anything in life some days are better/worse than others, but if you are committed it is very possible!
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    Absolutely it works! I'm not saying you'll be any more or less successful than just focusing on staying within your macros. People will debate on this forever. BUT, what I do know, is that I've tried all sorts of methods/diets to lose weight in the last 15 years, and I always stop short and gain the weight back. I'm a classic yo-yo'er, emotional eater, and chronic over-eater…BUT NO MORE!

    Not only do I feel healthier inside and out from eating cleaner, but I have ZERO cravings for 'crappy' food (processed/refined/pre-packaged foods, fast-food, fried greasy stuff, etc). Since I began cooking and finding healthier alternatives, I haven't had a single craving or binge-fest (which is a new thing for me)! My hubby joined in and is loving it! We eat tasty, filling, and nutritious meals: loads of fruits, veggies, and lean meats. We're not deprived at all.

    I'm in my 5th month of clean eating, and I've lost 36 pounds (+64oz of water and 5-6 days of exercise).

    You gotta do what works for you and what you can stick to! For me, that's eating 'clean'! Good luck with it!!

    HW & CW


    Edited to add pics!
  • cryswest57
    cryswest57 Posts: 141 Member
    Absolutely it works! I'm not saying you'll be any more or less successful than just focusing on staying within your macros. People will debate on this forever. BUT, what I do know, is that I've tried all sorts of methods/diets to lose weight in the last 15 years, and I always stop short and gain the weight back. I'm a classic yo-yo'er, emotional eater, and chronic over-eater…BUT NO MORE!

    Not only do I feel healthier inside and out from eating cleaner, but I have ZERO cravings for 'crappy' food (processed/refined/pre-packaged foods, fast-food, fried greasy stuff, etc). Since I began cooking and finding healthier alternatives, I haven't had a single craving or binge-fest (which is a new thing for me)! My hubby joined in and is loving it! We eat tasty, filling, and nutritious meals:

    loads of fruits, veggies, and lean meats. We're not deprived at all.

    I'm in my 5th month of clean eating, and I've lost 36 pounds (+64oz of water and 5-6 days of exercise).

    You gotta do what works for you and what you can stick to! For me, that's eating 'clean'! Good luck with it!!

    HW & CW


    Edited to add pics!

    You look awesome! I'm going to give my best shot. I know I won't be perfect at it and still have occasional treats, but I really want to lose the rest of the "baby weight" from giving birth five months ago. I don't breastfeed so I'm good to go
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I have lost 180lbs by eating absolutely no fast food, minimal processed foods, no red meat, no sweetened drinks (sugar or alternative no soda, no energy drinks, no lipton ice tea...nothing!) I will on occasion have a cup of plain black coffee, and the occasional beer with friends the rest is just water (between 3-5 liters daily).

    I eat very very very fresh, and have been for the last 18 months...and YES it is possible. No I do not feel deprived. Yes sometimes I will sneak a bite of my kids food (just to remember why I've changed :wink: ) just like anything in life some days are better/worse than others, but if you are committed it is very possible!

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: Allison:heart::heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    You're one of my Mfp SHEROs!!!!! You ROCK, period and I'm so very proud of you!!!! :smooched:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I decided I'm going to eat a whole lot cleaner. I just want to see if it worked for others in losing weight, inches, fat, etc.

    Me. I started Mfp last year in February after going to the doctor, discovering I was obese (I always"thought" I was pleasingly plump:tongue: But the reason I went to the doctor was I developed this hideous rashes/bumps all over my body and the doctors couldn't figure out why. I started getting rid of eating meats, dairy, junk and fast foods and such and within 2 1/2-3 months, I lost almost 20 pounds, but more important--the rashes/bumps completely disappeared and I lost HUGE numbers of inches ALL over my body. Went from a size 20W jean and a body fat percentage in the very high 40's down to a size 14-16 BF% about three months.

    My energy levels boosted something awesome and I started working out like crazy and hurt my foot--kept on working out hard (even joining a Tae Kwon Do class and Bowling league and hurt my knee). I stopped exercising completely and went back to a S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) way of living and eating and about 6 months or so gained it all back.

    I just started eating so-called clean again 2 weeks ago, dropping coffee, meats, junk foods, eating out so often/homecooking instead, only eating fruits, veggies, sprouted gains, nuts, seeds and bean (eating humanely raised and vegan fed/small farm raised meats and wild, pole and troll caught seafoods only when my body calls for it). I've been doing this for 2 weeks now and I've gone from a size 18 jean to a size 16 (and they're getting looser), dropped 3.8 lbs so far. The most inportant point is I am no longer obesssed and thinking about FOOD 24/7 (eating "so-called" clean does something to my body and mind and causes me NOT to crave the processed and junky foods or even really be tempted by them). For example, everyone in my family is slim and trim and healthy and they still cook bacon, have all kinds of cookies, candy and junk around the house and I'm not tempted in the least--I just don't want it. After just two weeks of eating so-called "clean" my taste buds have change and now I desire fruits, veggies and good things. I'm giving God the credit for this, because apart from Him ( FOR ME) there is no way I have been passing up on "pigging" out on the wonderful smells and junky foods around me all the time. I'm on a exercise self control, patience, kindness, goodness and forsake gluttony and greed, which for one of the reasons I've "let myself go" and became fat and lazy. But that's just me!:wink: I speak ONLY for myself and my personal experience--others can pig out and lose and be mentally and physically better/healthy. I can't and want to eat, think, and live this way from now on--the rest of my life! I eat 1200 cals (or a bit below) and the majority of my exercise calories (I primarily do lots of walking and some moderate exercising on my treadmill, stationary bike and light weight lifting on my homegym. I try to walk 4-5 miles OUTSIDE per day, as well as Leslie Sansone videos and the stuff I mention above.

    :heart: IMPORTANT NOTE: for ME, eating clean DOES NOT include "junky" vegan/vegetarian foods and sweets and junk. I am not switching from processed junky foods to so-called processed "clean" foods. That's important because I personally know of many vegans and clean eaters that eat tons and tons of junky foods and are overweight or obese. That's NOT what I'm doing nor desire to do. To me, eating so-called "clean" is NOT a license to overindulge and not practice portion control AND self-control and wisdom when it comes to sweets/baked goods and unhealthy other "clean" stuff.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Absolutely it works! I'm not saying you'll be any more or less successful than just focusing on staying within your macros. People will debate on this forever. BUT, what I do know, is that I've tried all sorts of methods/diets to lose weight in the last 15 years, and I always stop short and gain the weight back. I'm a classic yo-yo'er, emotional eater, and chronic over-eater…BUT NO MORE!

    Not only do I feel healthier inside and out from eating cleaner, but I have ZERO cravings for 'crappy' food (processed/refined/pre-packaged foods, fast-food, fried greasy stuff, etc). Since I began cooking and finding healthier alternatives, I haven't had a single craving or binge-fest (which is a new thing for me)! My hubby joined in and is loving it! We eat tasty, filling, and nutritious meals: loads of fruits, veggies, and lean meats. We're not deprived at all.

    I'm in my 5th month of clean eating, and I've lost 36 pounds (+64oz of water and 5-6 days of exercise).

    You gotta do what works for you and what you can stick to! For me, that's eating 'clean'! Good luck with it!!

    HW & CW


    Edited to add pics!

    You look fabulous and THANK YOU so much for sharing, what a fabulous inspiration you are to me and so many other--YOU ROCK, period.
  • tino124
    tino124 Posts: 25
    Absolutely. I made sure to wash all my fruits and vegetables before I eat them, and I don't let my steak, ice cream or cheescake hit the floor.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Absolutely. I made sure to wash all my fruits and vegetables before I eat them, and I don't let my steak, ice cream or cheescake hit the floor.

    Thanks for the smile.....
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Yes it can be done, some can go cold turkey and some need to take it in stages but you have to do what works for you. It will work though and the benefits will be great. I have been eating 90% clean for the last couple weeks and I can see the difference, I had ice cream this past Sunday and when my sun eats his chips I will ask for a couple and once every two weeks on Saturday I eat something when at the mall. Stages works for me. I haven't had any alcohol in 2 weeks and I seriously think that has helped a great deal.

    My cravings are still strong, like today I had a very serious craving for snacks and ice cream, I had some of my son snacks again but I am fighting against the ice cream.

    I drink 20-24 glasses of water daily, and 6 glasses of green tea daily. So my bathroom and I are pretty

    Figure out what works for you, don't try to force your body into a situation it can't stick to.

  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    This isn't the most current, I'm down about 10 more from the pic on the right. But this is about 70 lbs gone from what I consider clean eating: mostly Paleo eating: meats, veggies, nuts, seeds, a little fruit. I aim for 20% carb, 20% protein, 60% fat. I workout, both cardio and weights, every day.

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Congrats on the before and after pics. Well done.

    ETA: In my experience, it's been easier to stick to because it's about my health more than what the scale says.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    In all honesty, I gained about 20-30lbs (didn't have a scale then) from eating "clean" (no preservativies, chemical additives, ect). I had it in my head that if it was clean and home made it was automatically healthy, and that I didn't need to watch calories or portion size. This, of course, is not true.
    I have since relaxed my stance on "clean" a bit, although I still prefer to control what goes into most of my food. My family is used to the flavors and textures now, and it seems almost counter-intuative to introduce too much processed foods. That being said, I enjoy having the time back from making my own crackers. So not worth it...
  • I have been eating cleaner here in the last couple weeks. (other than a birthday weekend splurgefest last weekend lol) and I love it. I am not by any means where I want to be, but way farther than I'd been!!

    Funny thing is, I have almost no stomach aches, heartburn, sleepless nights, nightmares (strange, right?) and headaches! I also have cut down to almost no caffeine (just coffee in the am), quit pop and upped the water intake a LOT!!

    I don't care if I ever drop another pound as long as I keep feeling so alive! :) Good luck in your journey!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    In all honesty, I gained about 20-30lbs (didn't have a scale then) from eating "clean" (no preservativies, chemical additives, ect). I had it in my head that if it was clean and home made it was automatically healthy, and that I didn't need to watch calories or portion size. This, of course, is not true.
    I have since relaxed my stance on "clean" a bit, although I still prefer to control what goes into most of my food. My family is used to the flavors and textures now, and it seems almost counter-intuative to introduce too much processed foods. That being said, I enjoy having the time back from making my own crackers. So not worth it...

    Yeah, this. It's not a license to overeat.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    It's working for me. I try to avoid processed foods and I cook a lot, even though it's mostly just for myself. I have not been to a fast food place since August and I really don't miss it. I eat a lot more fish and fresh fruits and veg; I don't waste time, money or calories on junk. I gave up diet soda. I pay close attention to my macros, specifically protein, fiber and sodium.

    I am in this for the long haul, the rest of my life... so I made a lifestyle change, it's not just about losing weight for me. It's time to take good care of myself and I'm not going back. I feel better than I have in years. :smile:
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Absolutely. I made sure to wash all my fruits and vegetables before I eat them, and I don't let my steak, ice cream or cheescake hit the floor.

    But if you eat like that, you'll grow a horse head.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member

    I'm a clean eater. I want to see the success stories too
  • carrie_strength
    carrie_strength Posts: 19 Member
    I have chosen to eat clean. I began Saturday. I am amazed at how eating mini meals of a good carb and a good protein has boosted my energy. I am eating vegetables and fruits throughout the day and loving them. I also do not have cravings.

    It took me the weekend to reteach myself to drink tap water. I wanted to both save money and cut down on the amount of trash I was creating drinking out of purchased water bottles. Now, I am drinking tap water with no problem. I have been off of caffeine for close to ten years, so that was not an issue for me.

    What I enjoy about eating clean is that it is easy, inexpensive, and makes me accountable for what I am putting into my body.

    :happy: :happy: :happy: Good Luck :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    img removed
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