Zoloft and Weight

I did a search on here and found some topics, but wanted to post a new thread to see if I can get any newer input :)

I've been prescribed Zoloft for anxiety and panic. I'm not a medicine taker and I've been struggling with this for 7 years and it's gotten to a point where I need more help than I can give myself.

I have the pills sitting in front of me, and I'm terrified to start taking them. The side effects - fear I'll feel like a zombie - the need to taper, I can't just stop easily - but also, the potential weight gain.

My doctor said Zoloft tends to be more weight neutral, but some people can put on weight.

I've lost 96 pounds and I'm getting married in 2 months - I do not want to put on any weight!! In fact, I'd like to lose a couple more.

Does anyone have any experience taking this drug?



  • pinkcloudrising
    Long term Zoloft user here. I haven't had an of the zombie effect you are talking about. But everybody is different. There are days that I have high levels of anxiety and my go-to coping response is to zone out either by dissociating or by overeating so that I am in a food space-out. Using the Zoloft make me able to function and gives me a fighting chance to have a happy life.

    I haven't noticed any weight gain since I started with the Zoloft. I did notice that the first few weeks I had less of an appetite.

    If your doctor hasn't already told you, you can keep a daily diary where you track how you feel once you start taking it. You won't know if you have any side effects until you take it and tracking your feelings with the diary will help. Best wishes to you.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I've been on Zoloft for about five years with no ill side effects. They were prescribed for anxiety and panic attacks, but in January I had the dosage increased in hopes that it would help with a nasty bit of depression I've been dealing with. I have lost 8 pounds in the past 9 weeks.

    Like you, I dealt with panic attacks for years. I was afraid to tell anyone, afraid to admit to myself that I had a problem. It wasn't until things got really, really bad that I finally talked to my doctor. And oh, what a difference it makes!

    No zombie feeling. No drugged feeling at all. It's not like taking valium or tranquilizers. It takes about two or three weeks before it starts to work, but it's something you don't really notice. You just wake up one day and think, "hey, I've not had a panic attack in several days" this stuff must be working.

    As far as the weight thing, I don't know. I gained my weight by being sedentary. I do lose slowly, but I don't blame it on the Zoloft. In addition to being fairly sedentary (though I'm working to change that), I'm post-menopausal and hypothyroid, though I don't think the last two are to blame either. I just need to move more.
  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372
    Thank you so much for your responses!!

    I have been dealing with this silently, and it's gotten so bad it's getting in the way of my life, and the things I want to accomplish.

    Enough is enough!

    Glad you two are feeling better :)
  • Itsdevo
    Itsdevo Posts: 29 Member
    I've been on zoloft for about 8 years, and it has not affected my weight one way or another. Realistically speaking, you might feel somewhat zombielike the first couple days you are on the medication but I assure you, that goes away after a couple days. Just make sure to start at 25 mg for a week before going up to 50. (and if they put U on a higher dose than 50, then just increase it by 25 mg each week.)