Constipation :(

every time I start a diet within the first week I become constipated. I know this is down to a change in my food .....

can anyone suggest a low calorie food that will help me go and I can incorporate into my everyday diet.

I already eat wholemeal bread, but drastically cut down to a few slices a week. I have Bran flakes for breakfast and constantly eat fresh veg and fruit throughout the day.

Any tips or advice would be appreciated :)


  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    You sound like you need more fibre. But if you really are struggling, you find over the counter laxatives just to get you into routine again. Try eating more meat such as beef too. I find that works, not sure if it does with anyone else! I could have been better help if you opened up your diary!
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    activia with the probiotics and up you water ALOT
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    The first step to getting help from anyone that knows that they are doing is for you to share your diary otherwise they are just taking stabs at mid air and guessing. There are lots of things it could be.
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    Do you drink lots of water? This will help keep things nice and soft and easier to move along the passages...

    Also time of the month can make you retain water, meaning less available for the bowel to use. So drink even more at these times.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Eat apricots. I once ate a whole bag and was scared to sneeze for 3 days afterwards incase I shat myself.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Eat apricots. I once ate a whole bag and was scared to sneeze for 3 days afterwards incase I shat myself.

    I'd excuse you.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    ihad that for like 4 days last week. digestion tea, prunes, kiwi and aloe juice, licorice and dried apricots helped, but in the end i just had to wait for it to 'pass' so to speak... it did :)
  • mhncaldwell
    mhncaldwell Posts: 17 Member
    To prevent constipation you need three things: insoluble fiber, water and exercise. Look into fruits with strings and pulp-- pomelo or grapefruit, whole oranges, ripe papaya, pineapple, apples with peel, etc. Fiberous vegetables like green beans, pinto or black beans, etc are excellent. Drink at least 2 liters of water/day (measure to be sure-- sometimes our perception of the amount of water we drink isn't totally accurate). Exercise aerobically at least 30 minutes/day. Sometimes a change in routine can put a person 'out of wack" so to speak as well-- have you recently changed your daily schedule? You need a regular time during the day when you are not in a hurry, no one is knocking on the bathroom door where you can go in and take care of things at a relaxed pace. For many people that might be in the evening after dinner-- for some, in the morning. What tends to work is drinking plenty of water throughout the day, fiberous vegetables and fruits throughout the day, then the next day either exercise first then drink a cup of some hot beverage with caffeine (tea, coffee, green tea) or vice versa-- hot caffeine beverage then exercise...the caffeine and the exercise will cause the muscles of the intestines to contract and start to push things down. This is when you should go-- don't put it off because if you do, your intestines will reabsorb water and the poop will be hard and difficult to pass. Sorry if this is too much information-- but it works!
  • debs6261
    debs6261 Posts: 3
    Thanks already guys, I will take onboard some of your suggestions .... my water intake is probably not as it should be at this time of year as I tend to drink more hot drinks when its cold.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I would suggest 4 oz of prune juice.
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    I find that if I start eating too much fruit I have this, so maybe watch how much fruit you're eating throughout the day! x
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Thanks already guys, I will take onboard some of your suggestions .... my water intake is probably not as it should be at this time of year as I tend to drink more hot drinks when its cold.
    Hot drinks have water in them too.

    What has helped me is increased fibre, along with increased water (from any source - doesn't have to be plain water), caffeine and exercise. Reducing fat too much can also cause problems. If the problem is too much fibre, maybe reduce that a little and slowly build it up again as your body gets used to it.
  • valmegb
    valmegb Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with everyone else in the fact the you need to be drinking lots of water. Also I swear by coffee, a couple of cups and a result! Good luck as I know it's a tough subject close to my heart too!!!
  • Good ol' fashioned psyllium fiber - the stuff that is in metamucil without the sugar or gross flavouring. A spoon or 2 in a glass of water everyday and your system will run like a top. I get it at the bulk store. Takes a bit of getting used to, but a super way of getting fiber and saving your calorie allotment for food. I find that even days where I eat super healthy and get lots of natural fiber in my fruit and veg (I can eat prunes like candy) everything isn't quite as regular or "easy" as it is if I just stick to my psyllium habit!
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    Running or brisk walking (especially soon after waking up). I've had to shut off the treadmill a few times and make a run for it. Other exercises don't seem to work as well for me.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Eat apricots. I once ate a whole bag and was scared to sneeze for 3 days afterwards incase I shat myself.

    :laugh: mate you never fail to make me chuckle :laugh:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Avocados. People seem to forget that fat is needed for proper digestion as well. Avocados are a good source of healthy fat and fiber.
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    There are a lot of great suggestions here!

    I'll chime in with hemp hearts. I thought they were a "fad" food and dismissed them at first .... then I tried them. Man! I eat 1-2 tablespoons every day, and I've NEVER been this regular in my life. Additionally, I haven't found the cramping/gas I used to get with other types of fibre or laxitives. I like to put them in smoothies (morning and/or evening). A note about hemp hearts: start slowly! If you start with a full tbsp or more, you mind spend a couple of days in the loo! ;) After about a week my body had adjusted and I was feeling great.

    Also, here is a "digestive smoothie" I make at night if I'm feeling bloated. It usually gets me going in the morning.

    1 small banana
    1 small/med pear
    3 mint leaves
    1 tbsp hemp hearts (adjust hemp hearts according to your body's comfort level)
    1-2 tsp maple syrup or liquid honey
    1 cup cold water

    Blend and serve! It's a lot to get down, I know - and trust me, do NOT ski the syrup/honey - it's totally gross without it lol It works for me though.

    Good luck!
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Exercise has been something that has really helped move things along as it were. I know it's not always possible to go like the clappers, and it's not always necessary. Just a decent length of time moving about purposefully should help things along.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I'd say give the traditional Morroccan combination of a slow cooked tagine of lean lamb (or chicken if you dont eat red meat), prunes (lots of them) and cinnamon a go.

    Makes a delicious dinner & I can almost guarantee you'll be pleased with the results in the morning. Those prunes, cooked in that way, seem to work wonders.