Girls - drop 15lbs before summer

Hey! So I feel like this can relate to a lot of girls my age (25)...looking to lose a little bit more weight to feel good this summer!! It's going to be approaching quickly...and the last thing I want to do is feel gross again in the summer. Blah!

Looking for people similar to me - but I'm welcome to any friends!!! I lost 12lbs from July-Oct then fell off track...but I'm getting back on track now. Looking to lose 15-20lbs by the beginning of summer!!

Feel free to comment, create a group, and/or friend me!!



  • _aubs
    _aubs Posts: 3
    Hey Stacy,

    I definitely know where you are coming from. I'm trying to get back into shape and my goal is to lose 20 more pounds. Feel free to add me. I'm new to actually using MFP eventough I have had it for a while so meeting some people on here to keep me motivated would be great.

  • ttyson44
    ttyson44 Posts: 1
    I've been lurking on here for a while, a co worker has motivated me to get more involved! I gained 15 lbs since my wedding last summer (how'd that happen!) and I'm trying to take it off, plus some!
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    hey lisa I like to join you can add me I only got 78 more lbs to lose I could lose 20 lbs by summer
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    15lbs creeps up on you! I gained that after highschool...not at first then all at once! It was a rough time...but I'm losing it now. We just need to stay focused and keep doing what were doing, or even better! I feel like it's better to make small goals and keep adjusting them as you go along! I'll be happy when I lose my next 5!!!
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    I can definitely relate. I'm looking to lose a good bit of weight for summer too because I do not want to have to go through another summer feeling self conscious about my weight. I want to look good lol. Anyone feel free to add me because the more support we have, the easier it will be to stay motivated!
  • Hey guys,

    I'm new to this! I started yesterday and found that sticking to my reduced calories was actually a lot easier than I thought! It seems like everytime I try and lose weight I just gain and gain.. need some help and motivation! looking to lose 2 stone before summer but right now I'd be happy with 1!
  • valmegb
    valmegb Posts: 38 Member
    Add me! I'm a tad older, not much, but would love to lose 15lbs by the summer as that's my goal!
  • Lieann22
    Lieann22 Posts: 67 Member
    up for the challenge Girls...... I have 25lbs to loose to reach my goal weight and all the encouragement would be great
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    I'm also new too! Been on MFP for almost a week! I'm hoping to shed some weight before summer!! :)
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I'm not new here but I love having motivated friends as people are always dropping off... 15lbs would be ideal because it would put me right around my goal range but I know it may not happen that soon so Im hoping 10 by the time I go to the beach in june.

    All feel free to add me
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    Hit the gym, step on the scales stare at the number
    You say you dropping 10 pounds, preparing for summer
    And you don't do it for the man, men never notice
    You just do it for yourself, you're the f***ing coldest

    this thread reminds me of this song^
  • Hi guys i'm 24 and my overall target is too lose another 31lbs but by 8th June My big birthday bash i am aiming for about 15-20lbs xx
  • hi guys just joined the website today, i have 5stone till my target weight. ideally would to loose quite a bit of it before my holiday in july. HELP needed big time thankyou lovely people
  • jessmaus
    jessmaus Posts: 28 Member
    I've not got any friends yet =( Haha, but I am new! Feel free to add me, I'd welcome the motivation. I don't know if I can manage 15lbs by summer but I will try very hard! What are you guys counting as the 'start of summer'? I'm 5'2" and would like to lose up to 30lbs, I'm currently 143lbs.
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member
    Sounds great! I've got around 20lbs to lose so I'm very much up for this :)
  • I'm hoping to lose 14lb myself. Although, I'll be happy just to lose half of that tbh. but I want the additional 7lb for the summer

    i normally lose 7lb for summer then gain it back through autumn and december steadily. but last year i didn't lose it and i just gained another half stone lolll.
    darn it.
  • moo1907
    moo1907 Posts: 24
    I'm new too I'd like to join...hate the thought of more summer holiday snaps hiding behind everyone else so no one can see my size! I only joined yesterday and when I filled out my food diary I couldn't belive how quickly all these calories add up! x
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    HI guys add me, I've got 14 pounds to go.... and desperately need support.
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all, exact same position as most here. Piled on lots of weight and would like to lose 18 - 21 lbs this year, with as much as poss of that being for summer!

    Please all feel free to add - looking for support and also to offer support :)

  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    I'm in, I really need some motivation to kick things into gear. Feel Free to add me! Support is always helpful!