Suggestions... Food pre/post workout

I have a problem, I have my lunch at 12:30, and I tend to try and have a piece of fruit before my workout @ 3pm. I am very lucky and I have a free gym at work!

The problem i face is that once I finish my workout I have an hour journey home and then I need to cook dinner, so I am not looking at getting any food until 2 sometimes 3 hours since my last snack. So as you can imagine I become really hungry, and I find myself picking at food whilst I am cooking which is not good!

Any suggestions as to what might help? Would have a mini meal before my workout help? I thought maybe eating before might make me feel sicky during my workout, but then because I drive I cant eat on the way home!

Thanks anyway guys! :)


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Throw a protein bar or something in your gym bag... get one of those little cooler bags from target or whatever and take a protein shake.

    You could certainly try a protein/carb heavy meal pre-workout, but not everyone likes to workout on a full stomach. You'd have to try it and see how you feel.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    A snack afterwards sounds like it would suit you better, and it won't take up more than five minutes of your time before you get in your car.
  • luftballoons33
    luftballoons33 Posts: 13 Member
    I put together bags of snacks that are about 100 calories or so each, and grab one each day to pick on when/if needed when I'm at work our out and about. Usually just grapes, or some dried fruit with almonds. You could do something similar, and eat the snack on your way home from the gym. I also love bananas after a workout, as a way to hold me over until my next meal.
    Thanks Guys these are great! The idea of a snack bag sounds handy for in the car! :)