Green coffee/green tea tablets?


Ive been reading alot in magazines about a green coffee bean extract called verdesse. Im on a calorie controlled diet and work out around 3 times a week but its not budging very well. Anyone had any experience with this tablet or green tea ones?


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Have you tried any other options to lose weight before you pay out for these pills?
  • gemmaaub
    gemmaaub Posts: 12 Member
    Ive been on the 5:2 diet for about 2 months and i go swimming 3 times a week. so far ive lost about 4pounds but to me that isnt a great deal.
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    Pills are not going to make you lose weight. Companies create all these weight loss pills because they know people want an easy way out. They are money makers and that is it. They will not make you lose weight.

    Change up what you are eating, what exercise you are doing, etc if you aren't seeing proper results.

    Make sure you are properly tracking everything you consume. Make sure you weigh all your food and measure all your liquids. NEVER use measuring cups for food. My Oatmeal for example lists one serving as 1/3 cup or 30g (I can't remember off hand the exact gram listing for the serving). However, when that 1/3 cup is weighed on a kitchen scale it weighs at least 10g more than what it should weigh.

    Make sure your calories are set correctly. According to your ticker you have about 15lbs left to lose... have your weekly goal set at 0.5lbs per week and nothing more.
  • gemmaaub
    gemmaaub Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement :D
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    With how much you have left to lose 4lbs in two months is great progress. The less you have the slower you need it to come off so you can do it the right way and you can better preserve your muscle mass.
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    toss the scale. go by inches lost to measure progress.

    and those pills won't do anything.... the only way to drop weight and inches is through a clean diet, regular exercise that is of moderate to intense and eat within your caloric range for weight loss.
  • mhaynam1970
    mhaynam1970 Posts: 8 Member
    My husband has been on them for over a month and has not lost any weight. I have noticed if I change my calorie intake every couple days I start loosing wieght. Your body after awhile gets use to the same calorie intake. So if you keep it guessing it doesn't know what to do. Eat what it tells for a few days then eat less for a day then go and have more calories than what you are suppossed to for a couple days. I flexuate it by a couple hundred either way and I leave one day a week to eat what I want. I feel what a lot of people do is they don't give themself a break or what I call a reward once a week for doing a good job. So eat something you want to or go out to dinner. It's much easier to just give up when you don't let youeself have a break. Another thing is if you do get off track you can always get back on and start where you left off. Those who have the determination to make it work are the ones who realize they might screw up now and again but they know they can jump back on and keep going!!! The first two weeks I started I didn't really loose any weight. Then it started coming off. You can loose about 10 lbs quick if you give up all sugary drinks. Drink lots of water!!! It curbs your hunger and helps flush you out!!!( PS my husband thinks he can just loose weight by taking the pill!!! I don't think so.!) I have lost 26 lbs. I went off for about 6 months when I started college and gained about 10 lbs back. I have taken 6 of those pounds back off in the last couple of weeks!!! You can do it!!! I have 30 more pounds I want to loose.I will do it!!!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    accurately count/weigh/measure your food.
    make sure you eat ENOUGH.
    get rest.

    those pills will do absofreakinglutely nothing for you.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    yes both of them

    I didn't lose any weight with either one of them. the truth be told there is no quick fix or magic pill to take to lose weight. you have to do it the old fashioned way eat right and work out.
  • twoaugustgirls
    twoaugustgirls Posts: 20 Member
    153 ponds that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    I take Green coffee daily. It does help boost my energy level, but as far as being a weight loss drug, I dont think so. Losing weight is hard work. Diet and exercise is the only thing that really works. I will continue to take the green coffee and B-12 for the energy boost. BTW I did not order it from tv or online, I just picked it up at the local WalMart.
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    The pills didn't work for me, but I do drink green tea daily for the other health benefits! I brew my own, it's delicious. We have been drinking it for about 3 years now. To read about the health benefits you can go here >
  • successby50
    successby50 Posts: 27 Member
    I caved, and tried out the green coffee tablets. Lots of brands to choose from, but the people at the health food store wouldn't recommend one over the other. I've been taking them one month... no change. Will not be spending money on that sort of thing again!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Ive been reading alot in magazines about a green coffee bean extract called verdesse. Im on a calorie controlled diet and work out around 3 times a week but its not budging very well. Anyone had any experience with this tablet or green tea ones?

    My sister started taking green coffee bean extract a couple of weeks ago and has now lost 2 lbs. She had been losing, then was stuck for several weeks. She says she made no other changes to her diet or exercise routine and attributes the loss to the green coffee bean.
  • chica6578
    chica6578 Posts: 76 Member
    there has been a few studies over the green coffee bean, but the most famous one was done in India over a 5 month period and they consumed i believe about 1600mg of the bean each day. and even tho they lost anywhere from 7 - 15 lbs with nothing changed, thats still a long time to take it. so just with Diet and exersice its still going to take a while. i've tried everything. But it still all boils down to "DO YOU REALLY WANT IT" And in my experiences, I never really wanted it because i wasnt willing to work for it, so i stopped pretending until i was ready to face who i really was and actually try to do it right. its tough. i know. its taken me a few year to realize that, and today im still struggling with what i think is change. but in reality im barely tweaking my habits. good luck!! we're all here for the same ultimate goal, but we're all taking different paths and different struggles.
  • krhale11
    krhale11 Posts: 8
    Agreed with the above! I talked to my pharmacist and there's really nothing that is a weight loss product that's overly great for you. I started drinking Matcha green tea though. It does help boost your energy and metabolism but it's not altered or engineered, it's literally powder created by grinding the entire green tea leaf. it's awesome if you want to go a green tea route.

    Another great helper that I discovered a couple weeks ago is the Fitbit. It's only about $60 but it works and it tracks actual calories burned, not just with exercise and the app syncs with MFP so you can track it pretty much exactly. I have been in a weight loss rut for almost a year! This thing kicked me out of it. Just another suggestion if you really want to change things up without adding supplements.
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150

    Ive been reading alot in magazines about a green coffee bean extract called verdesse. Im on a calorie controlled diet and work out around 3 times a week but its not budging very well. Anyone had any experience with this tablet or green tea ones?

    My sister started taking green coffee bean extract a couple of weeks ago and has now lost 2 lbs. She had been losing, then was stuck for several weeks. She says she made no other changes to her diet or exercise routine and attributes the loss to the green coffee bean.

    Correlation doesn' equal causeation.

    A pill is not going to make you lose fat.
  • successby50
    successby50 Posts: 27 Member
    I love Matcha green tea! It's so good for you, and at least you aren't putting an unknown into your body :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Ive been reading alot in magazines about a green coffee bean extract called verdesse. Im on a calorie controlled diet and work out around 3 times a week but its not budging very well. Anyone had any experience with this tablet or green tea ones?

    My sister started taking green coffee bean extract a couple of weeks ago and has now lost 2 lbs. She had been losing, then was stuck for several weeks. She says she made no other changes to her diet or exercise routine and attributes the loss to the green coffee bean.

    Correlation doesn' equal causeation.

    A pill is not going to make you lose fat.

    Correlation doesn't prove causation, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn't equal causation. Surely sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.

    You have no proof of the second statement, though I never said a pill made me lose fat.
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    accurately count/weigh/measure your food.
    make sure you eat ENOUGH.
    get rest.

    those pills will do absofreakinglutely nothing for you.


    & oh by the way, awesome weight loss! 153 lbs?!