Is your calorie intake low?

Hi MFP friends...
Just wondering what everyone's calorie intake goal is and why?
I notice that there are many that are way too low...

I recently went to my Dr. and am doing a Health Zone program. This is a program focused on health, fitness and involves nutrition, exercise and concentrates on wellness. They did a metabolic rate test on me and my REE (Resting Energy Expenditure) is 1627 calories. I saw my dietitian before I got my results and she doesn't want me to eat under 1500. This may change the next time I see her and she has my results from all the tests.

I, in the past would eat way too little to lose an was bulimic. I'd get down, but would balloon back up fast and put on more weight than before. I learned then by a Dr. that I was starving myself and once I started eating again, my body was just preparing for the next famine and stored up more fat. Don't starve yourselves! Your body needs energy and I know we want to do the right things to keep healthy and eating too little is not the answer. I was told an average person in a coma burns 1300 just to stay alive, from your heart beating, blood pumping and organs working. I'm not average I guess cause I burn 1627 just resting.

I want everyone to be successful in your weight loss and am just concerned that many are not eating enough. I'm Not bashing anyone! I do know if your very over weight, that you can eat under for a while, but not for all of the weight lose process. I'm just concerned.

Please keep comments positive, this isn't to bash people!


  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    I eat 2100 calories a day and have been consistently losing fat with minimal exercise...
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    Great post!!!
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    1800 + exercise calories
  • marioalberto1
    marioalberto1 Posts: 142 Member
    2200 calories + exercise
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    1500 net cals. I work out almost everyday though so I end up eating some of my my cals back at 1700ish.
  • Tigergrr
    Tigergrr Posts: 16 Member
    I did this before, didn't understand how, when I ate so little, I started to gain weight. I joined here, counted my 'normal' calories, and found I was eating between 700-800 a day. I upped my intake to 1200 (site suggested), and lost a few pounds. I then stopped counting, and continued to eat 'healthily', or so I thought. Then I noticed that I'd gained a couple of pounds again, and then another... so I came back here... and lo and behold, I was only eating between 700-800 a day again.

    I have once again upped it to 1200, religiously, and in the first 3wks I lost 3lbs... but I've not lost a thing since, in fact have gained a pound, lost a pound, gained a pound, lost a pound! But I'm still doing it, still at 1200 (net of excercise).

    To be honest, I struggle to hit 1200 with normal food (I don't eat much in the way of bread/potatoes/rice etc as it makes me feel uncomfortable and bloated).. and I do end up having a bit of chocolate, or a biscuit, to try to hit target.

    I too got my REE, and it came out at a little under 1800. I'm afraid to try to eat more as I can't get it out of my head that I'm likely to gain more weight, but eating less has had exactly that effect anyway!!
  • roblock81
    roblock81 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello!! I was doing around 1300 but am bumping up to 2000 since I am probably starving myself after doing some research!!

    I do have a question for you also!! That metabolic rate test, did your insurance pay for the test since you went through your doctor? I found a few places around town that do it but they want 85 bucks!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Been at 1800+ for about a year, recently bumped up to 1950. Been losing fat, passed my goal weight, feel awesome.

    I set my calorie and macros goals according to the info here:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    My calories are set at 1530 which I strive for on my non-workout days. I don't intentionally eat back my exercise calories but on my workout days I eat between 1800-1900 calories (total, NOT net).
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I think all this depends on the size where you started and where you want to go. People who are larger have such his TDEEs that they cannot imagine a life of living on less. Our maintenance calories are a lot of people's "diet" calories. We have less weight to support to begin with.

    My TDEE maintenance is 1600 or so. To lose one pound per week (healthy rate), a person needs to cut 500 cals per day.

    That equals 1100 for me. MFP will not let us do that because it drops us below the 1200 Calorie mark (daily at rest maintenance, they say at MFP). So, we lose, at best, .4 per week. I want to get to the lower "healthy" range for my size, reduce my BF, and deal with some "skinny fat". I am trying to eat more protein, lift some weights, and eat back exercise calories. I am gaining in muscle areas and losing in fatty areas, so I think I'm making progress, but it's extremely slow.

    Few people would do 1200, work out several times a week for those kinds of results (.4 per week, on an optimal week). It takes a lot of planning, commitment, focus, and very healthy foods to do it and still feel good. I work out many days because I know I am going to need a few more snacks through the evening hours. I earn my apples and granola bars and 100 cal popcorn bags! LOL

    I see a lot of people at much higher TDEEs wanting to lose some weight, but eating doughnuts and cookies. I cannot imagine that luxury. It's 300-400 cals per meal, and 100 cal snacks in between or I don't make it through the day at goal. It's very individual for each person.

    I do not see the wisdom of a larger person with a high TDEE eating at 1200 cals. They would not last long, would get too hungry, and would likely stay cranky, and may get sick. On the other hyand, I do not get scared with it for some, because I know there are people out there like me. For me, it's a healthy plan to get to where I hope to be.
  • Tigergrr
    Tigergrr Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for that link Amy - very enlightening :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    There are definitely many on MFP who eat far too little...especially those that only have a handful of cosmetic pounds to lose. I'm a male, so a bit different for me...eating around 2200 with TDEE method. It comes out to roughly 1900 net if I was using MFP method.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I think I eat too little.

    Although I was eating way less, so where i'm at is an improvement.

    I totally agree with the eat more to weight less concept, i just struggle with being able to eat enough I am always full. On the bright side, i'm losing weight and gaining muscles no matter how much I eat. So I think the adjustments I am making at the progress I am making them is working. I could never just start eating 1900 calores a day after eating at 1200 or less for so long. Unless I eat very unhealthy. The only days I eat this much is when I go out to eat and don't get something healthy or I eat junk food. You'll see it in my dairy.. if I ate 2000 calories or even 1700 usually I had a cupcake, or went out to eat and didn't get fish or something like that.

    My new goals as of approx 2 weeks ago are: 1403 on rest days and 1643 on workout days. I don't hit them most days. But at least i'm normally over 1200 now. Baby steps lead to big results right?

    Nothing worth it is ever easy.
  • KChesneyGal
    KChesneyGal Posts: 63 Member
    Not sure if I am eating enough, MFP says I should eat 1520 cal per day, but when I went of it said I should eat 2265-2520 cal per day. I work in an office at a desk all day but I try to workout 4-6x per week, Cardio 30-60 min on the eliptical or bike, 20-30 min kettlebell workout. I have been netting anywhere from 740-2563 calories per day for the past 14 days with 11 of the days on the high side netting 1138-2563 cal per day, i have lost weight so far just wondering if i shouldup my calorie intake or eat back my calories after my workout
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I am 5'9 and started at 172.3lbs. I ate 1550 NET cals (approximately my BMR), and lost 1.1lbs a week very consistently for 11 weeks, then I went it alone judging by hunger to lose the other 13lbs because I was in China. I lost weight about half as fast, but that may be because I was getting closer to goal, or just because I was eating more oil than I thought. I am tall for a female, but I also started much lighter. 1200 is very low, well under BMR for most people. This will cause yoyo dieting, plateus, muscle wasting, etc.

    Now I am 5'9 and 158.8 lbs and I am trying to gain 1lb a week while I bulk. I am eating the MFP estimate of my TDEE (which is a little low compared to others) of 2170, plus 140 extra on lifting days. Weird to be excited to gain, after being so excited to lose
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    1600 on non workout days/1900 on work out days
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    1700 to lose, 2100 to maintain.
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    I eat 1,700-2,200 a day for the last 2 weeks. I have been gaining. I need to eat 1,500-1,700. I do exercise but i don't burn 1,000 a day, so I gain.
  • SlinkyAndHerAmazingBunsOfSteel
    1500 cals a day for me! Thats my bmr. :smile:
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 200 lbs (230 when I started) MFP says to eat 1200 a day. I find I have trouble eating that now, I usually ony eat about 1000 cal. I know it seems low, but it's what works for me..... Everyone is different, you have to use what works for you.. It works for me , 30 lbs in 8 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!