Spinning Class

Up until my hip surgery last year, I ran with a girl friend and was very pleased with the results. Now running is still painful so I use the elliptical and walk on an incline at a high speed. However, I get bored easily and like changing up my cardio. I was thinking of a spinning class tonight but not quite sure if my hip is up for it. I have one girlfriend who loves her spinning class, but this will be a first time for me. I do like bike riding, but not with someone yelling at me to get my butt in gear! :wink:

Any positive motivation for a spinning class??


  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    Some people love them; some people hate them. The only way to know which one you are is to try :-)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Some people love them; some people hate them. The only way to know which one you are is to try :-)

  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Someone from my pump class, told me I should try spinning.. I had no idea what it was.. Now I go minimum 3x a week
    and sometimes up to 5x... So much fun.. I will have to say that you need to be in pretty good shape to do it.. Not something
    for a beginner exerciser.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Yup, love it or hate it, but it also depends on the teacher.

    Go early to your first class and get set up on the bike and learn the basic positions.

    The first few classes are more about learning the bike and the moves than fitness, even fit people have a rough go of it.

    Remember it is your ride, it will be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. You are in control of your tension, the instructor is just a guide.

    Don't get frustrated and make sure to try a few different classes/instructors a try before you decide.

    Oh, your pelvic bones will be sore for the first few classes, no getting around it. This goes a way in a few weeks.

    I take classes, I teach classes, I love it. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Good Luck and enjoy!
  • curlygirl118
    Go for it!! Its a great workout and you will feel brilliant after!! Its not everyones cup of tea but if you like that "buzz" from hard work its for you!!!!
  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
    I love and hate spinning! It can be such an awesome workout. The great thing about it is you can set your own pace and still get a relatively good workout. You can adjust your resistance, how often you leave your seat, your interval pacing, etc. I'm not sure if your hip will like it not, but if it doesn't just get up and leave. Good luck!
  • I LOVE to spin...I have my own cycling shoes I bring to every class and "clip in"...about a year and a half ago I weighed 230lbs, and that was the first time I tried spin...it was hard, it was tiresome, but it was amazing, and now I kill it every time I go in. I've also shed a good amount of weight, I just love it. I try to tell ALL of my friends regardless of size, spin is for every BODY. You can give yourself an amazing workout or you can give yourself a so-so workout, the neat thing about spin is that even though you have an instructor you control what you are doing based on the speed and resistance you set on your bike.
  • Nicks_scotland
    I will have to say that you need to be in pretty good shape to do it.. Not something
    for a beginner exerciser.

    ^^ NOT this
    I LOVE to spin...I have my own cycling shoes I bring to every class and "clip in"...about a year and a half ago I weighed 230lbs, and that was the first time I tried spin...it was hard, it was tiresome, but it was amazing, and now I kill it every time I go in. I've also shed a good amount of weight, I just love it. I try to tell ALL of my friends regardless of size, spin is for every BODY. You can give yourself an amazing workout or you can give yourself a so-so workout, the neat thing about spin is that even though you have an instructor you control what you are doing based on the speed and resistance you set on your bike.

    ^^ This. Totally.
  • agtapia09
    agtapia09 Posts: 94
    It was my second day at the gym and a co-worker of mine was joining me after work (our gym is luckily right next door to our offices). She asked if I wanted to try a spin class. I initially thought it was some sort of dancing class or something lol but she explained the concept and it sounded a bit intimidating, but fun nonetheless. At the time (August 2012), I wasn't "fat" but I wasn't fit either. My cardio sucked and I hadn't been active or exercised since junior year in highschool. At my highest at 130lbs, my diet of almost daily fast food intake was catching up to me. When I started my job in September 2011, I was 115lbs.

    Anyways... We showed up early, got our bikes setup and class started. I could not keep up for my life and kept sitting down on 1st. I was dying! But I never stopped peddling. It was the most awesome hour I've ever experienced! :bigsmile: For the next few days or so I was more sore than I ever was in my life but I adjusted, went every weekday and began challenging myself. I am truly amazed at how great my cardio is now (self proclaimed cardio queen) and how fast I can sprint and how challenging I can make it over those hills! Spin helped motivate me to where I am now, 112lbs. and it paved the path and opened doors to a new, healthy way of living.

    I now only go to Spin Mondays and Wednesdays. I've almost ditched fast food completely and I cook my 3 meals almost everyday. I've encoroprated strength training and jogging as well, I love 5ks! :smile: I've also been trying to convince my bf to join me :smile: Just to try it! He used to be a cardio machine and has gained quite a bit and he doesn't want to just up and try it without exercising for at least a few weeks first. I understand where he is coming from and I can respect that but if he decided to go with me tomorrow, I know he would love it, despite the buttkicking he'll get. :wink: It truly is a great workout and it gets you so pumped! Above anything I do, or will do, I believe Spin will always be my number 1! :heart: :heart:
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    I love spin class! Great way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Spin is addicting if you have good music and a great instructor. My instructor makes it fun while she kicks our *kitten*...we call her mistress. ;) Remember that the first couple of times you take spin your butt will really be sore, it gets easier...great cardio workout!
  • youareorange
    youareorange Posts: 74 Member
    I like Spinning classes. They are a great cardio workout. I'm on a running schedule, so on my off days, I cross train with cycling. I really like having an instructor motivate me to do my best. I find that if I were cycling on my own, I would not work as hard so I really enjoy Spinning and highly recommend trying them out.
  • cycleholic
    cycleholic Posts: 119 Member
    Yup, love it or hate it, but it also depends on the teacher.

    Go early to your first class and get set up on the bike and learn the basic positions.

    The first few classes are more about learning the bike and the moves than fitness, even fit people have a rough go of it.

    Remember it is your ride, it will be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. You are in control of your tension, the instructor is just a guide.

    Don't get frustrated and make sure to try a few different classes/instructors a try before you decide.

    Oh, your pelvic bones will be sore for the first few classes, no getting around it. This goes a way in a few weeks.

    I take classes, I teach classes, I love it. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Good Luck and enjoy!


    I also tell my new students to perhaps use a gel seat cover, it may help with the initial soreness. The seat does get quite intimate. Just be prepared to have fun and burn some calories!

    (I started doing Spinning when I was was about 225 lbs. I was so frustrated because I was DONE after the first 15 minutes! So you don't have to be any good shape. Now - I love teaching 2 hour speciality classes. :bigsmile:)

  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    I preach spin classes like I preach the Gospel of God. It will change your life. I love it. I haven't lost any weight in a year and had started to hate going to the gym. But now I'm 100 percent in that thing. My instrutor told me Sunday I brings it every Sunday. I don't play. I broke the pedal this past class lol, it was already leaning but it was no match to my work effort. Go enjoy. You will really love it. Music for me is everything so my Tuesday class is a bit less exciting bc the music is wack but hey get it no matter what!
  • katzbluez
    katzbluez Posts: 15 Member
    I tried it & my rear still hurts a bit, but I will be going back tonight! :laugh:
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Told ya, but so worth it in the long run!
  • Kathymomof4
    love, love your response! Preach it sista! :wink:
  • agtapia09
    agtapia09 Posts: 94
    Yay! :bigsmile:
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    what I have noticed from years of spin classes is that out of shape people usually do not come back
    Fit people enjoy it and come back... Maybe not politically correct but its my observation.
    The guy that wrote younger next year thinks you should spin everyday and I agree that its a great way
    to burn calories and keep healthy. But it is not easy.