Some help please

I have been stuck between 129-131 for some time. I don't know if I should eat more or less? I did lose on the 1200 a day but after reading many posts on here thought I should increase my calories. That hasn't helped :(

Some info:
I am 30, 5'3 and currently 130
I am not consistent in my exercise but do work as a nurse (12 hour shifts on my feet)
I take prescription medications which suppress my appetite and sometimes find it hard to eat
My diary is open and yes I know I make some unhealthy food choices

Various calculators have my BMR around 1300-1400 and TDEE anywhere from 1500-1800.

Any help is appreciated! My goal is to be 115-120 by summer


  • katebigue
    katebigue Posts: 48 Member
    Have you tired stopping or reducing those meds? Have no fear I'm stuck at 37 pounds lost. But I'm surprised to get to eat being a nurse on 12 hr shift. Add me as a friend if you want,
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    I'm in the same place as you, I think at this stage you have to keep your body guessing, alternate every day eating and exercising differently. Don't stick to your normal routine, as we have a tenancy to fall into a routine. Eat well in the morning, and lunch, and very sparingly after 3.00pm. nothing after 6.00pm and it will come off.
  • wonderfulworldx
    Are you eating/drinking regularly? I'm a nurse too and some of the shifts can be a killer, especially if its particularly busy where I can end up going 6-8 hours without a break and therefore without food or drink. I now try to keep healthy snacks at reach on the nurses station with a 2ltr bottle of water so as I go past I see it and remember to grab something! Perhaps your body is going into starvation mode for the same reason?
  • alison590
    alison590 Posts: 61
    I try but could definitely drink more! I seem to drink mostly coffee.
    I'm not sure about this starvation mode stuff. So many say it doesn't exist. I'm looking into it more now