'stavation mode'



  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
  • Yes, like i said I managed to lose 28lb doing this in the past and kept it off
    it's only 7lb i'm losing which i gained last year as i found my way back to the crisps and biscuits :x

    1,200 just doesn't work for me. I'm not quite sure how else I can say that?
    but it was tried for three months but i wasn't losing anything. i stopped gaining however, but wasn't losing (i was too lazy at the time to do exercise i'll state, however) reduced the calories and it started coming off slowly and steadily after about two weeks.

    I also have a hard time eating what is recomended. I eat a diet of mostly veggies, fruit, gltuen free foods, and occasionaly meet. My meals are above the recomneded serving size but too low in calories. How does that work?
    Like you, I am always full adn am losing weight all while feeling completely fine.

    i don't agree with people getting on your back when you feel fine, you are NOT letting yourself go hungry- eating whenever yu're hungry-
    and so long as weight isn't coming off too fast, and it's steady and you're getting enough nutrients etc etc.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    i like the replies to this

    some saying starvation mode should be respected, some saying it's rubbish

    What tickles me is that some people say, "you need to eat when your hungry and stop when you're full. That's the right thing to do." But then when someone like you comes along and says, "well, I do truly do that but I don't hit 1,200. But I feel completely fine." All of a sudden they're telling you to force feed yourself and seek professional help. :laugh:
  • kprep
    kprep Posts: 11
    starvation mode is false but can leave you with a lot of awful side effects.
    ie heart failure, osteoporosis, blacking out all the time, hair loss, infertility...
    do what you want but if your intake falls under what others refer to as starvation mode, you are hurting your body.
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    Starvation mode takes a while to take effect. I always broke, shovelled chocolate in my face and then sobbed in the bath LONG before my metabolism could properly close off.

    Therefore it can't exist. Cos chocolate binge = survival.

    Srsly, just eat sensibly. Calorie counting is great for realising you've just downed a 4000 calorie pizza but also great for realising you're sleeping badly, an emotional wreck and weak as anything because you're barely eating a thing. Listen to your body and EXPERIMENT so you know whether netting 400 is actually good for you or if everything's happier netting at 1400.
  • starvation mode is false but can leave you with a lot of awful side effects.
    ie heart failure, osteoporosis, blacking out all the time, hair loss, infertility...
    do what you want but if your intake falls under what others refer to as starvation mode, you are hurting your body.

    good input- thanks :D
  • AHAAA we've all been there with teh chocolate ;)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    I'm starting to doubt the legitimacy of this ha!
    To lose weight I have to take in a lot less calories than the recommended 1,200

    I just EAT when HUNGRY and STOP as soon as i'm FULL

    so, imagine if that only brought in 800 calories from doing, or possibly less. plus take away calories from exercising- say about 150 a day, will you go into starvation mode?

    even if you're eating when you're hungry?

    pffttt. load of cobblers.
    Most of the stall problems are miscalculations of caloric intake and calories burned. Adaptive thermogenesis is real, but generally doesn't stop weight loss unless my first sentence applies. When there's no body fat to speak of, then the other definition of starvation mode applies, then you die.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Here is a collection of articles on so-called "starvation mode" (or slowed metabolism or whatever you want to call it) for those who are interested in reading more (I'm not stepping in this pile):


    For why the basic dynamics of the human body are the same for everyone, try this:


    Best wishes to all!
  • it might seem like nonsense to you now, but believe me starvation mode is real. I ate 600-800 calories a day for about 5 months, started binging and so I tried to up my calories so that I wouldn't binge any more. 1000 calories and I was absolutely full, and also 20 pounds heavier. Starvation mode exists!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eating under 800 calories a day (long term) is what people with anorexia do. No wonder they keep it off. Starvation mode slows down the calories burned by making your metabolism more efficient at burning them, but it has its limits. Starving yourself, well, it makes you starve. That's why anorexic people aren't overweight, even though their metabolisms have slowed. They're slowly starving to death, and if you stay at 800 calories long term, you will too.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hows your BF%? 25%? I love when I read these about eating too little is all bull.. then a week later they are asking for help cause they aren't losing weight anymore.. Or they put on 5 lbs eating a burger. Also hunger pains can be suppressed so just eating when hungry doesn't mean anything.
  • i like the replies to this

    some saying starvation mode should be respected, some saying it's rubbish

    What tickles me is that some people say, "you need to eat when your hungry and stop when you're full. That's the right thing to do." But then when someone like you comes along and says, "well, I do truly do that but I don't hit 1,200. But I feel completely fine." All of a sudden they're telling you to force feed yourself and seek professional help. :laugh:

    i didn't see this till just now

    I know. It's probably not something people can understand because you're always told you need to eat this amount because this and this will happen
    studies show this and this

    that's fair enough. i think i'm just one of those ones where i can only eat this many calories to lose weight

    I'd say it was horrible but i'm used to it now. it was horrible to begin with though!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    i like the replies to this

    some saying starvation mode should be respected, some saying it's rubbish

    What else did you expect?
  • I was going nuts recently though with not losing weight yet eating so healthily and exercising
    I was literally going mental why the scales or tape measure was shwoing nothing after three months

    then i remembered how i had to lose the weigh tlast time. I was just having too many calories

    don't know if height comes into that?? i'm only 4'10. *shrugs*
  • i like the replies to this

    some saying starvation mode should be respected, some saying it's rubbish

    What else did you expect?

    i was execting everyone to tell me i was wrong lol!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Out of curiosity, how many calories were you consuming when you were gaining weight? You said "too many" but you didn't mention the number.
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    From what I've read from my own research and threads on here...... women are not in "starvation mode" unless they go under the necessary 10% body fat.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Before anyone jumps down her throat, remember she's tiny! I just plugged her numbers into Scoobys Workshop, and her TDEE-20% is 1246 calories.....

    This is why I have such major issues with the 1200 number for every single person.
  • Out of curiosity, how many calories were you consuming when you were gaining weight? You said "too many" but you didn't mention the number.

    no no, i was eating too many just to try and LOSE weight is what I meant. So when I started back in 2009 when i weighed 10st (154lb) i started by doing 1,200 calories ( i have no idea how many calories i was eat before.. but.. well.. i could eat a how tube of biscuits in one sitting. 4 packets of crisps. 4 sandwiches, etc pretty bad)

    I just kept gaining and gaining
    so i stopped, cut every thing out and was on 1,200 but nothing was happening.
    Well I say nothing.. I lost 4lb in three month. It was just ridiculous and I didn't get it- I even went to the doctor and explained and they didn't get it but they suggested exercise (of course) but as i mentioned i couldn't be arsed with exercise back then
    so i just reduced my calorie intake to 1,100 and i start noticing i was losing slightly more so I went down to 1000 and then settled at 900 which got me losing one pound per week

    then when i got to 112lb i just put my calories back to over 1000 and just stayed there for two years

    but yeah, last year... got back on them biscuits and crap as i broke up with my boyfriend. loll.