I have a confession

I started to binge today on all out sugar. I did stop... but I just am... thrown. I don't even know why or... WTF I do that for! I got a taste of that damn Boston Market chocolate chip cookie and it was like I lost all will power and control. I ended up eating 2 cookies 2 of the mini brownies and THEN at lunch I went and got a peanut butter snickers!!! I have had no craving for any of this. Just at a loss. And now I have to mentally motivate myself to go to the gym and work this off. When all I feel like doing is crawling in bed when I get home. PLEASE forgive me!


  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Ya, I know! I ate pizza and chinese food over the weekend! I just started back up Monday and so far I've done Great all week and feel better and I'm back on the right track. I think what threw me off was I didn't have time to work out but 3 times last week and I usually do 6 days.

    Work Out! You'll feel Accomplished and better.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Girl, log it, work out and move on. Tomorrow is a new day. Don't ruminate over it. It could have been a hormonal thing, an emotional thing or whatever. It doesn't matter what matters is that it is done and I'm guessing at the end of the day it won't make that much of a difference, anyway.
  • redheadedgal
    redheadedgal Posts: 149 Member
    Nothing to forgive. You will go to gym, get some exercise in and then go hom and eat a healthy dinner. So you had a slip.......um, hello....we are human. If you never had a slip up, you probably wouldn't even be on this website. Wanna know a secret? I have a snickers bar, regularly. During the week at work, that is my indulgence. It's my one thing I look forward to, other than getting off work. I deal with it, fit it into my daily calories and move on. You will move on from this and be fine. You can always message me if you need a pep talk before you fall of the wagon. :)
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Starting now you will no longer think about it, put it in the past, and get back on the wagon! You can do it! :happy:

    If I can lose 170 pounds, you can get back on the wagon as if you never fell off.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    Iagree with the others.
  • devan44
    devan44 Posts: 130
    I think doing that every once in a while is just part of life. Log it, exercise, and move on. No need to worry about it. Eating poorly once in a while isn't what makes us over weight - it's doing it consistently.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I had this same issue when I wasn't eating to fuel my body on a day to day basis. Make sure you are eating enough.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    just think of it as fuel to work out harder.
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    I have those days too, but as long as you are back on track then it doesn't matter..you can't change the past so move on and let the next few hours and tomorrow be better!
  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    same here this weekend. 2 days of st pattys day celebrating, way too much beer, (and pizza). Then Sunday my boyfriend took me on a date to olive garden.. i mean hello i couldn't control myself lol
  • Lieann22
    Lieann22 Posts: 67 Member
    You are human - it happens and doesn't matter as long as its not a regular thing. And your honest with yourself and not ignoring that you did it.

    log it and then burn it!!

    Everyone has days like this.... my husband had one of those yesterday where he managed about half a loaf of bread before dinner in the space of 30 mins and wondered why he felt bloated
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    I had a bad calorie day last Saturday, but normally I stay under my goal. Try to balance it out over a week. Then those "fluctuations" won't mean so much. I think every once in a while most of us need to indulge a bit, but we can't let it take our eyes off of the prize. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep up the good work!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Do you allow yourself to have treats? ever? If not, then THAT'S why.

    Don't deprive yourself of the things that make you happy. Life is too short for that. Eat well MOST of the time and schedule in a treat once in awhile. Maybe once or twice a week. Otherwise, you'll do what you did and go overboard. In the mean time, don't sweat it. One day won't hurt you. Just be smarter about next time and account for beforehand by exercising a little more or having a leaner lunch/dinner to save calories. I had ice cream last night and I don't feel the least bit guilty about it.

    It's a lifestyle, it's permanent. Surely you don't plan to never have treats for the rest of your life?
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    tomorrow is another day... don't be too hard on yourself... we all have those days, heck I ate about a pound of dates last night...
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member

    Stop beating yourself down!! We all have moments where we cave or fall off the beaten path! the most important thing is to get back up, dust yourself off and get back to the basics!! We are NOT perfect ... we err ... we are human. It's good that you are admitting to your faults. I find that it helps me stay more accountable. You did not have to tell anyone of your slip up and continue your day, but you have already made progress!! If it helps any, next time you have that occasional treat and realize you went over board, grab a water and drink it ... see how that makes you feel. If you splurge and binge out on sugar - just log it and move on. Exercise a little harder maybe, and keep pushing forward. Eating like that once in a blue moon will not sabotage your efforts ... keep making better choices and doing what works for you!!

    Just don't go home and hide over it ... better to move and rid yourself of the guilt!! ;) you're fine - we all have those days!
  • adaowerri
    adaowerri Posts: 34
    ITS OKAY ! GIRL HAPPENED TO ME LAST NIGHT! ended up binging on twoo big ol tacos after dinner ! you live and youll learm. it only affects you if you LET it keep happening. just move forward and dont dwell on it soo much
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    It happens. Try not to worry about it, and if you can't work off all the calories tonight, don't kill yourself trying to. Just log it and move on.

    I ate a ton of crap last week. I don't know what came over me, but I had Keebler Fudge Stripes, Oreos, and ice cream with chocolate syrup (sometimes all three). Oh, and a couple of Big Macs. Finally, I was like, "WTF am I doing?!?" My calories were still okay, but omg the sugar and preservatives and sodium.

    I logged it all, increased my exercise a little bit, and drowned myself in water. I ended up losing another two pounds this week. Phew. ;)
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i ate a big thing of chicken fried rice, egg roll and mtn dew for lunch......and im fixing to get some hersheys cookies and creme eggs from the kitchen here at work....mmmmm and maybe another mtn dew im sure this will all taste wonderful later when i do day 10 of insanity which is the plyometric cardio circuit which on day 2 i almost cried when i did it.....i hope i dont lose my food lol

    edited to say your are forgiven lol
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Doesn't it feel better when you confess though?? Last week I ate a.......wait for it........wait for it.........DONUT!! And I immediately went to my office and told everyone who walked in the door!!! LMAO. What is the matter with me?? People DO NOT like to be greeted with "Hi! I ate a donut this morning!", LOL. But, I just logged it and went on, and oh, by the way, I still lost a lb last week!
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    Oh girl,
    We al have those days we just slip up and feel horrible afterwards.
    The beauty of it is, we can start over again with a brand new day, meal, and plan.
    There's no need to be sorry, we are all human and not perfect machines who never slip up.
    We are all on this windy, crooked road, and it doesn't always go as straight as we'd like it to.
    Please cheer up, you've already made the commitment to live healthy, that's a huge success already! :drinker:
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    think about today's date, the weather, your emotional state today.........recognize any triggers?
    If you can find one, you can stop it next time becasue you will be aware.

    My binges always started with birthday cake. After years of the cycle, I finally figured out that one of my fondest childhood memories was going to the bakery with my grandmother. I was trying to replace her with the cakes, cookies, doughnuts, etc. But now that I know what it really is, I can sat no to the food and just try to remember her.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    *kitten* happen

    get back on the wagon

    try to understand if something 'triggered' you and deal with it

    take personal responsibility

    On to tomorrow

    Good luck
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I started to binge today on all out sugar. I did stop... but I just am... thrown. I don't even know why or... WTF I do that for! I got a taste of that damn Boston Market chocolate chip cookie and it was like I lost all will power and control. I ended up eating 2 cookies 2 of the mini brownies and THEN at lunch I went and got a peanut butter snickers!!! I have had no craving for any of this. Just at a loss. And now I have to mentally motivate myself to go to the gym and work this off. When all I feel like doing is crawling in bed when I get home. PLEASE forgive me!

    Read It Starts With Food. It explains why certain foods are addictive and why when you start eating them you have a really difficult stopping. Even if you aren't interested in the paleo diet, it has a lot of good information as to why we react to certain foods the way we do.
  • amazon35
    amazon35 Posts: 98 Member
    Your guys literally have me tears. It feels good to admit that and not hide and be ashamed. Also to know that I'm not the only one who goes through this. All of you inspired me to take my happy *kitten* to the gym and sweat it out. Thank you so much. Speechless...
  • Kelceybyers
    Kelceybyers Posts: 56 Member
    You above all things are human. This means that as sure as you can fall you can pick yourself right back up again. It's ok to have these days. You did better than most, you recognized it, confessed to it and now it's time for the last step....move on from it. Cut yourself some slack....there will be more days like this but as time goes on it will be less and less. Life's too short to pass up a peanut butter snickers for the rest of your life :).....just saying!
  • Fall once, get up twice.