Is your calorie intake low?



  • Cinnamonhuskies
    Cinnamonhuskies Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 200 lbs (230 when I started) MFP says to eat 1200 a day. I find I have trouble eating that now, I usually ony eat about 1000 cal. I know it seems low, but it's what works for me..... Everyone is different, you have to use what works for you.. It works for me , 30 lbs in 8 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    30 pounds in 8 weeks....15 pounds a month...wowza......
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371

    Just wondering what everyone's calorie intake goal is and why?
    I notice that there are many that are way too low...

    What are your qualifications for assessing others' caloric intake goals?
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Surely it's not useful to know everyone's calorie goal based on no other information about them? It's going to be completely different for people of different ages, gender, height, activity level...

    Apart from the fact that teeny tiny calories isn't going to work long term for anyone... people just need to find what works for them.
  • chessgeekdavidb
    chessgeekdavidb Posts: 208 Member
    According t my TDEE calculation I should be eating a lot more because of how much I need to lose but I have been working with a nutritionist at the hospital and have set a limit of 2100 calories. I do not always hit it though.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 200 lbs (230 when I started) MFP says to eat 1200 a day. I find I have trouble eating that now, I usually ony eat about 1000 cal. I know it seems low, but it's what works for me..... Everyone is different, you have to use what works for you.. It works for me , 30 lbs in 8 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    30 pounds in 8 weeks....15 pounds a month...wowza......

    Yea.. that's quite a bit.. I lost a bunch in a short period of time too and landed in the Er with all kinds of issues. No medical reason, no DX they can pin on me, they wont' admit it was my eating habits, but it's the only thing i've changed and i'm better. I encourage you to increase the amount you eat and to make sure the choices you make are nutritious ones. I'm a bit taller, but my weight was greater than that. Please reasses your eating habits..

    Also.. you are going to stop losing.. i did.. i was eating less then 1200.. I make it a point to eat more and I am losing again.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    1460 but i usually go over. I am fine with my weight but id like to lose 10 more so i put myself at 1460 but am not too strict with it
  • gmove
    gmove Posts: 81 Member
    1200 and 45 carb meals per my physician. I'm not sure that is going to work in the long run. I have type 2 diabetes and during my last check-up refused to increase medications, so this was mine alternative.
    I mix a workout program and 3 runs per week. On 'easy' or 'rest days' I at least take a brisk 30 min. walk.

    The first week was great but I soon noticed that my workouts were SUFFERING big time!! I up-ed carbs to 45 and this helped.
    But I'm still trying to find balance between getting enough energy to go in on my workouts and keep my glucose levels stable throughout the day.

    I also struggle with calorie deficits and don't know if i should eat back calories. Eeek! So many questions...
  • GreenLaura22
    GreenLaura22 Posts: 110 Member
    I was at 1200, and suffering! I felt horrid, was snappy at everyone and had no energy. Went to and did some research, listened to some podcasts, found out my BMR, TDEE and upped my calories to 1680 upon the new calculations....I feel great! AND as if feeling great wasn't gift enough...I am losing weight : ) I have more energy to get through my day, I have enough energy to work out, my family is breathing a huge sigh of relief, and I am NOT hungry anymore!

    I understand (trust me....I DO) how badly you want to lose weight, that's why you may be eating as little as possible...but after 30 days of 1200, 25 of those days exercising heavily, I lost 3 pounds. Don't get me wrong, three pounds is a deficit and I am happy to be lighter, however, I felt defeated because I was hungry, tired and sore all of the time.

    I am now eating more calories, however I am not eating back calories burned through exercise, as per recommended during one of the fat2fit podcasts.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Currently my calorie goal is 1360, which is my TDEE -250 (set at sedentary; to lose a half pound a week). I also eat back all my exercise calories. Works for me, but I know that wouldn't work for others....
  • pegasus925
    pegasus925 Posts: 42 Member
    I';ve lost close to 100lbs and I stick to a 1200 calories diet. I started in the neew year of 2011.
    Plateaued, took some time off, now stqrrting at 1200 calroes again.

    I have tried EVERYTHING and this is what works for me even those though get on me about it being too low, but I do what I gotta do that works.
  • ImRadical4Jesus
    ImRadical4Jesus Posts: 144 Member
    I did this before, didn't understand how, when I ate so little, I started to gain weight. I joined here, counted my 'normal' calories, and found I was eating between 700-800 a day. I upped my intake to 1200 (site suggested), and lost a few pounds. I then stopped counting, and continued to eat 'healthily', or so I thought. Then I noticed that I'd gained a couple of pounds again, and then another... so I came back here... and lo and behold, I was only eating between 700-800 a day again.

    I have once again upped it to 1200, religiously, and in the first 3wks I lost 3lbs... but I've not lost a thing since, in fact have gained a pound, lost a pound, gained a pound, lost a pound! But I'm still doing it, still at 1200 (net of excercise).

    To be honest, I struggle to hit 1200 with normal food (I don't eat much in the way of bread/potatoes/rice etc as it makes me feel uncomfortable and bloated).. and I do end up having a bit of chocolate, or a biscuit, to try to hit target.

    I too got my REE, and it came out at a little under 1800. I'm afraid to try to eat more as I can't get it out of my head that I'm likely to gain more weight, but eating less has had exactly that effect anyway!!

    I totally understand your fears, but your body needs it! It takes a good 2 to 3 weeks to see a change, when you start eating more you may gain, but please do not be alarmed! remember it takes your body time to readjust to the new healthier way. Just like your car, if you only put a little gas in it , it wont go too far or just a little oil that can mess up the engine...feed your body...healthy, not with candy bars and such.

    You can do this!
  • ImRadical4Jesus
    ImRadical4Jesus Posts: 144 Member
    Hello!! I was doing around 1300 but am bumping up to 2000 since I am probably starving myself after doing some research!!

    I do have a question for you also!! That metabolic rate test, did your insurance pay for the test since you went through your doctor? I found a few places around town that do it but they want 85 bucks!!

    The program cost me out of pocket upfront $220.00. They took 11 vials of blood for blood work, did a total body bone density test, a total body tissue quantitation (told me my BMI), did a EKG, TEE and a few others.

    To my husband and myself I think it was well worth it! I found out what was going on with my body and can fix those things!
  • ImRadical4Jesus
    ImRadical4Jesus Posts: 144 Member

    Just wondering what everyone's calorie intake goal is and why?
    I notice that there are many that are way too low...

    What are your qualifications for assessing others' caloric intake goals?

    I don't have any, never said I did, I just asked a simple question.
  • kaitlynelkins9
    kaitlynelkins9 Posts: 26 Member
    As a 5'2 female who weighs 98 pounds, my total daily energy expenditure, not including dedicated exercise, is estimated to be only 1450 calories. When I'm trying to cut body fat, I typically aim for consuming around 1200 calories, meaning that it would take about two weeks to lose a pound of fat, and that is the lowest recommended intake. If I raised my caloric intake just a bit higher, I would virtually be in maintenance mode, and if I raised it a moderate amount, I would be eating at a surplus and would gain weight. Granted, the vast majority of people are taller and larger than I am and their optimal caloric goals are much different. I just mean to point out that there are people for whom what seems to be an exceptionally low amount of calories is entirely appropriate simply because their bodies are less massive and perhaps more efficient.
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I'm 5'2" and weigh 102 lbs. My TDEE is 1848 calories.

    Currently eating 1700 to 1800 calories a day on weekdays, and between 2000 to 2200 during the weekend because I love waffles.

    And bacon.
  • EvaHarr
    EvaHarr Posts: 1 Member
    Been at 1800+ for about a year, recently bumped up to 1950. Been losing fat, passed my goal weight, feel awesome.

    I set my calorie and macros goals according to the info here:
    Thats awesome! How often do you work out? And for how long?
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    around 1500 - 1600. :drinker:
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    I've done 1250-1350 for the first half of my weight loss (more fat, less calories needed). I'm just now starting to up my calories to 1800 as I'm starting to get quite tired, and I'd rather lose slower now and retain my muscles.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Just bumped mine up to 1700 based on TDEE. Gained 2 lbs but expe.cted it. Gonna give it at least a month. Could not survive on 1200
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Trying to stick to about 1900 so I can lose these last few lbs but have been averaging probably about 2300 (love food and am ALWAYS hungry) and maintaining instead. I can live with that. I'm 5'4 119 lbs 27 y/o.