any one else having this problem?

I'm a new mom of a beautiful 8 month old girl that keeps me moving
anyway ive been losing the baby weight but now i have all this lose skin from my muffintop anyone know how to tighten it ?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Strength training. Lift heavy things or do something like the 30-day shred.
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    Strength training. Lift heavy things or do something like the 30-day shred.

    I agree on the strength training. BUilding muscle will help to tighten things up. But in order to build muscle you need a slight surplus of calories and heavy heavy lifting.

    30 day shred is a great cardio workout.... it isn't a lifting workout though but can help a bit.

    Otherwise, take your weight loss slow so your skin has more of a chance to shrink back. Keep your skin hydrated.... lotions, healthy fats and water in your diet.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Strength training. Lift heavy things or do something like the 30-day shred.

    How will strength training tighten skin?? It's a good idea to tone those muscles, but it's not really going to do much for your skin.

    Your best bet is lotions and water. Keep the skin hydrated inside and out by drinking enough liquids and applying good quality lotion regularly, then just give it time to shrink.
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    Strength training. Lift heavy things or do something like the 30-day shred.

    How will strength training tighten skin?? It's a good idea to tone those muscles, but it's not really going to do much for your skin.

    Your best bet is lotions and water. Keep the skin hydrated inside and out by drinking enough liquids and applying good quality lotion regularly, then just give it time to shrink.

    Proper strength training (as in building muscle) will help with skin tightness as it will pull things in. You can't really tone muscle... you either lose muscle (which happens with weight loss), retain muscle or build muscle. Building muscle can help tighten your body.
  • travisbabygirl12
    thanks ive been trying to do compound exercises at least every other day any one know any really good ones
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Are we talking about erectile dysfunction up in here?


    Oh . . . loose skin.

    You can try strength training, that may help a little, also it tends to heal slighlty over time, but the truth is the only real method of getting it taken off is surgery.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member

    Unless we're talking about a lot of weight for most of your life, then it's probably gonna need really depends on how much and how long we're talking here.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I've seen some sick transformations of pregnant ladies with strength training with null loose skin. And sometimes not but those are usually after very quick weight loses and I haven't seen any long time afters. Try it out, and hopefully you'll win the lottery.

    So spot reducing is the non existent devil. But in your case it may be wise to strength train the tummy. Lets take sagging of the face for example. "Exercising the muscles of the face with proper technique and resistance, will open up these blood vessels and increase nutrient flow to the working muscles and the skin".

    "Fortunately, this "aging" condition of the skin is directly related to the condition of the muscles and can be reversed to an uplifted shape with proper exercise".
    "The shape of the face is largely determined by the condition of the underling muscles beneath the skin."
    "no amount of cream or lotion can lift the sagging and drooping underlying muscles, which have more of an effect on the condition of the skin than most realize" skin tighten exercise&f=false
  • travisbabygirl12

    Unless we're talking about a lot of weight for most of your life, then it's probably gonna need really depends on how much and how long we're talking here.
    i when from a size 3 to a size 18 in 9 months lol then lost a lot on jul 12 when i had my baby girl so really sort time