Fitbit - Is it worth buying?

I have been looking at buying a "fitbit One". I would love to hear from people that own one and love it or have tried one and don't.
Are they worth the asking price, and do you exercise more because you are wearing it?


  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I absolutely love mine. I definitely take more stairs, but my primary exercising is stuff I do anyway (lifting, tennis, racquetball).

    I think everyone should get one.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I want to say yes, but my first one didn't sync properly and I had to wait a while for an email response about returning it. The second, my husband lost and then found again a gas a puddle...crushed. -_-

    So I'm waiting to see if I can send this one back, if not, I don't have the money to go spending on another fiddly pedometer. =/
  • jdehaven08
    jdehaven08 Posts: 3 Member
    I had one and liked it. I ended up taking it back though and purchased a body media armband. They were the same price but I feel like the body media gives me more insight to my work out than the fit bit did. The only downside to the body media is after 3 months it requires a $6.95 a month subscription.
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    I just got mine, I am on day 2. I keep moving because I want my flower to keep growing, lol. Funny thing...I was telling a coworker,it says to clip to your bra so I feel funny checking it, my boss over heard and said isn't that cheating dont you have more bounce there. Soon as he said it his face turned red and said, I shouldn't have said that right cutting it close. I told him nah your no perve so we're good. It was funny though
  • Alarista
    Alarista Posts: 77 Member
    There are lots of reviews on here. I went with a BodyMedia device myself, because it is supposed to be more accurate. I also used to have a pedometer, left it clipped on my clothes, my ex washed it... twice. I also heard of the fitbit falling off and getting run over and stepped on and the like. So, my advise would be look around at the different devices and choose what is best for you and what you're trying to monitor.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    If you think it will motivate you to move more...go for it. I don't have one. I don't normally eat back my exercise calories. Just knowing that I am moving more and push myself more is enough (and cheaper!).
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Sorry to be this ignorant, but I never heard of fotbit before joining MFP and wondered exactly what it is and what it does. I know it's supposed to do something about automatically tracking exercise.....
  • Amanda241174
    Amanda241174 Posts: 38 Member
    I have only just heard of fitbit as well mahanaibu. It tracks your steps, calories burnt, stairs taken and sleep pattern and apparently you can sync it to your computer and MFP.
  • Amanda241174
    Amanda241174 Posts: 38 Member
    What is the body media device and how is it different from the fitbit?
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I absolutely LOVE my FitBit. I've had it for over a year now and I can count the number of times on one hand that I've *NOT* worn it by accident. It is nice to see my daily activity and see how it compares to what MFP tells me. I love logging my sleep. You can see my profile at:
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    I have a zip because I didn't really care about sleep ( I know I don't get any, I am the mother of 4 :tongue:). I like it, it helps me know if I am being lazy or not

    Here is me
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    What is the body media device and how is it different from the fitbit?

    The BodyMedia is a rather large arm-mounted unit that is also an HRM. It measures movement and heart rate. It's not really designed to be worn all the time the way the Fitbit is.
  • jerimay22
    jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
    I'd had mine for about two weeks, and I love it! I didn't realize how inactive I really was! I am lost without it now lol! I have only gone without it one day and that's only because I forgot it on the counter after my shower. I love that it keeps me motivated and mine syncs really well with myfitpal! I am still looking for a good inexpensive HRM but until then I love my fitbit... I got mine on with 4 payments otherwise I would never have been able to afford it!
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    I think when my zip dies I will buy a flex

    I also have the Aria scales :smile:
  • jdehaven08
    jdehaven08 Posts: 3 Member
    Actually the body media instruction say to wear it 23 hours a day for best measurements. It gives you everything that the fit bit does including sleep tracking. The body media for me was more accurate and I found that I wore it more than the fitbit. My fiancé started with the striiv play pedometer and she ended up getting the body media armband as well because it was more convenient for her.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Actually the body media instruction say to wear it 23 hours a day for best measurements. It gives you everything that the fit bit does including sleep tracking. The body media for me was more accurate and I found that I wore it more than the fitbit. My fiancé started with the striiv play pedometer and she ended up getting the body media armband as well because it was more convenient for her.

    Really? They expect you to wear that huge thing on your arm all the time?
  • Amanda241174
    Amanda241174 Posts: 38 Member
    WOW, thanks for all your input. I didn't realise there is so many similar devices on the market. Might have to go and do some more research :)
  • jdehaven08
    jdehaven08 Posts: 3 Member
    Actually the body media instruction say to wear it 23 hours a day for best measurements. It gives you everything that the fit bit does including sleep tracking. The body media for me was more accurate and I found that I wore it more than the fitbit. My fiancé started with the striiv play pedometer and she ended up getting the body media armband as well because it was more convenient for her.

    Really? They expect you to wear that huge thing on your arm all the time?

    Its really not as big as it looks in pictures and it weighs almost nothing. After an hour or so you cant even tell your wearing it. I have the link one which is larger and my fiancé has the core which is about half the size. I chose the link due to the fact it has bluetooth and the core doesn't. But I was worried when I got mine that it would be uncomfortable and it actually isn't!
  • I had the old one and it was really great for me because it motivated me, I love gadgets and being able to see what I was doing made me want to move more. I am sure it isn't completely accurate, but that wasn't the point for me, the point was it got me to move because I wanted to meet the little badge challenges each day.

    I have the one now that syncs to my phone, and I love that too now. I had lost my first one working on a mountain for summer camp and moving tables, it popped out of the holder, so I got the new one for christmas. And it still works to motivate me to move more.

    I also scored a Jawbone Up band from Target's clearance for 30 bucks, figured I would get it since I am still working in the mountains this upcoming summer and that I could use that for the summer and leave my fitbit at home so I didn't have to replace it again. I have been using the Up for a few days now and I like it. It is a bracelet and to upload info you plug it into the headphone jack of your phone. I like that its on my wrist so I won't lose it/wash it as easily. I dislike that it isn't integrated with myfitnesspal like fitbit, but love that it won't get lost this summer so I won't have to replace another fitbit.

    It really is up to you what will work for you. Gadgets work for me.
  • Absolutely love my Fitbit! I have the Ultra and it is totally motivating. My husband has the One. Mine has been excellent for me even surviving a cycle in the washing machine. (totally not recommended) A few hours in a bag of rice and it was syncing and tracking steps just fine. The only thing it doesn't do is stairs anymore because I think the spin cycle in the washer made it go crazy. So I'm probably going to get another one and give this one to my daughter.