I have a confession



  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    think about today's date, the weather, your emotional state today.........recognize any triggers?
    If you can find one, you can stop it next time becasue you will be aware.

    My binges always started with birthday cake. After years of the cycle, I finally figured out that one of my fondest childhood memories was going to the bakery with my grandmother. I was trying to replace her with the cakes, cookies, doughnuts, etc. But now that I know what it really is, I can sat no to the food and just try to remember her.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    *kitten* happen

    get back on the wagon

    try to understand if something 'triggered' you and deal with it

    take personal responsibility

    On to tomorrow

    Good luck
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I started to binge today on all out sugar. I did stop... but I just am... thrown. I don't even know why or... WTF I do that for! I got a taste of that damn Boston Market chocolate chip cookie and it was like I lost all will power and control. I ended up eating 2 cookies 2 of the mini brownies and THEN at lunch I went and got a peanut butter snickers!!! I have had no craving for any of this. Just at a loss. And now I have to mentally motivate myself to go to the gym and work this off. When all I feel like doing is crawling in bed when I get home. PLEASE forgive me!

    Read It Starts With Food. It explains why certain foods are addictive and why when you start eating them you have a really difficult stopping. Even if you aren't interested in the paleo diet, it has a lot of good information as to why we react to certain foods the way we do.
  • amazon35
    amazon35 Posts: 98 Member
    Your guys literally have me tears. It feels good to admit that and not hide and be ashamed. Also to know that I'm not the only one who goes through this. All of you inspired me to take my happy *kitten* to the gym and sweat it out. Thank you so much. Speechless...
  • Kelceybyers
    Kelceybyers Posts: 56 Member
    You above all things are human. This means that as sure as you can fall you can pick yourself right back up again. It's ok to have these days. You did better than most, you recognized it, confessed to it and now it's time for the last step....move on from it. Cut yourself some slack....there will be more days like this but as time goes on it will be less and less. Life's too short to pass up a peanut butter snickers for the rest of your life :).....just saying!
  • Fall once, get up twice.