Sell me on Whey Protein.



  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I think you can come up with as many reason for as you can against drinking it. I drink it to up my protein consumption and also because one shake replaces a meal, fills me up and contains less calories than I would eat normally. Also, once I have bariatric surgery protein consumption becomes very important and that is one way to get the numbers.
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    Sometimes I don't have the appetite but know I know the protein. Well did, when I was lifting.
  • AbLikesPie
    AbLikesPie Posts: 1 Member
    I use whey protein powders after a vigorous workout. It helps the protein absorb in to the body faster than meat which I think is better after a workout.
    I usually get the chocolate flavored ones, mix the powder in a tablespoon of water then add it to my milk, I think it tastes good and is a good post-workout reward (chocolate!).
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I use it when I don't want to make a meal just for me or if I'm in a hurry. I also use it in a smoothie with fruit to give myself a "treat" It mixes up thick and I feel like I'm eating ice cream. Works for me!!
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    however, if you drink to much of it you start smelling like stale coffee. :noway:

    What, is this true? Lol. I just started with whey isolate protein powder. I got it because even though I love them, I can't be eating steak & eggs all the time, I sometimes get sick of turkey slices & tuna & tilapia, and chicken and I have a love-hate relationship.

    Also I wanted to limit carbs. However, my <1g carb powder is unflavoured & tastes disgusting without adding a million grams of carbs & sugar (via milk & fruit, or yogurt & fruit, + sugar). So the macros work out to be only marginally pro-protein, compared to the warm chickpea/broccoli/cauliflower salad I'd prefer. Spent 60 buckaroos on it though, so it's going DOWN.

    (no actually, the shake probably does give me ^ protein, but still not enough fibre, & is less filling than the salad)
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    I usually have a shake after I workout or if I need my goals met...but like today, I have been craving sweets all day, so after my workout tonight, I get to have my shake and it helps with my sweet tooth, but i have to work out before I get a shake, lol
    And when there is a million things to do at home and with the kids, Ill grab a shake just because I can...even though I eat fairly well, I cannot consume 100-150 grams of protein in a day...ive tried and it just about made me, its cheap, its easy, and it helps your body after a why not?
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    A lot of times when I get home from a long hard work out I am hangry. I drink a protein shake and feel better. Since I have started doing that I have noticed that in combination with cardio and weights I'm looking more toned/defined
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    One advantage I really find with it is per gram of protein, it is generally lower sodium. Not everyone has to worry about sodium levels, but I've got negative family history there, so.. yeah.

    I could nosh on chicken all day if I wanted to, but unless I bought the tasteless stuff that is really low in sodium (would require more prep time and effort too), I would destroy my sodium goal every day, and not in a good way. Eggs are still relatively high in sodium - whey protein is usually much lower.

    It's definitely more a supplement to hit your goal than anything else though, in my eyes. I use the stuff religiously - no way, like today for example, I would have hit my protein goal and stayed around my sodium limit if I didn't use whey supplements!
  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    I'm vegetarian and have a protein goal of 120g. There have been numerous times I've come really close to buying some whey, but I just know I prefer eating my food so much more than drinking it (I do realize it can go in food too). Anyway, I plan ahead and cook from scratch a lot to get to my protein goal. Most of my snacks are protein oriented. If not for this concerted effort, there's no way I could get to 120 without a supplement. That being said, I surely understand people not having the time, or not choosing to spend their time cooking as much as I do. Completely personal preference and both work!
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I only drink a protein shake when I'm short on protein for the day.
    I also get lazy once in a while, easy fix is protein powder.
  • ikudbne12
    ikudbne12 Posts: 63 Member
    Not the biggest meat or fish eater here so my options are somewhat limited. Also used to doing 12-16 hour shifts and sometimes liquid food is all i have time for... Best to get my protein in somehow. I have tried egg protein/whey/ and most recently a version with Pea Protein Isolate **Potato Protein and **Chlorella Protein as i try to not consume too many eggs (sensitivity) and am also trying to get rid of all the dairy products. I have most recently started adding the (Vanilla) powder to the flavored waters like Vitamin H20 rather than almond milk... lots of different flavors to play with.
  • convinience, can drink it on the way to work as breakfast, or on the way home from the gym.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    however, if you drink to much of it you start smelling like stale coffee. :noway:

    What, is this true?

    for Casein powder... yes.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    however, if you drink to much of it you start smelling like stale coffee. :noway:

    What, is this true?

    for Casein powder... yes.

    Ha! Good to know!
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Just saw a recipe for mixing vanilla whey with orange juice... I guess it tastes like orange Julius. Now this. This I will try :-)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I use it as a convenient snack...lots of protein, no carbs...tasty. It certainly isn't essential, and I do get most of my protein from meat or other places, but its a nice option to have available.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    fast, convenient, tasty, and easy to drink and digest after a workout to rehydrate and get my protein as well.
  • Chrisgrz
    Chrisgrz Posts: 18 Member
    Chocolate Whey + Peanut Butter/ PB2 + Ice + little bit of water = High Protein Milkshake! =D

    Low calories, High Protein and easy to drink in just about every situation. Not to mention the added benefit of variety.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    If you have no problem meeting your protein goal without it and don't feel you need it, then don't bother. What's the point of this thread again?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    25% BF

    What's the point? I find that for the same calories and less carbs I can eat lean meat and actually fill up. So why do I see so many women drinking protein? (If you are figure or power lifter I get it). But why should your average fitness-minded woman drink protein?

    You don't need it. It's a convenient way to supplement protein if you're not hitting your protein target naturally. Since it sounds like you are, then it's a non-issue. Why are you looking to be "sold" on it?
  • Hollisss
    Hollisss Posts: 88 Member
    Every person is different.
    I need a whey protein shake (at least once a day) because I would never hit my macros.
    Others eat a variety of protein rich food so they don't need whey protein.
  • dukesangel
    dukesangel Posts: 45 Member
    It's the quickest breakfast I know. I can make it in under 4 minutes, put it in a shaker bottle, and be out the door for work.

    Mine is always 1 scoop powder, 1 cup almond milk, frozen fruit, flax, and then cocoa powder or PB2 depending on what I want.
  • I always check out this website before buying any protein products - - My personal favourite is the Labrada Lean Body Hi-Protein shake because of the high protein:carb ratio.
  • doc800
    doc800 Posts: 148
    Studies have shown only hot people buy whey protein:laugh:
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I try to get as much protein as I can from my food but if I fall short I know I can have a protein shake with minimal carbs. I've tried both whey & soy shakes & both are good. Mix with a cup of almond mix & a bit of frozen fruit & I'm good to go
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    For me whey-protein is a no-brainer. I often have two a day - as meals, not just as protein. (I typically add 1/4 to 1/3 cup heavy cream, a small handful of berries and a handful of fresh baby spinach leaves. Sometimes add some peanut-butter to my chocolate whey if I'm hungry.)

    I've found I need a minimum of 225g of high-quality protein a day to build muscle mass. Any less and my gains suffer tremendously.

    I also eat 6 times a day - both to get the calories I need and to help stabilize my blood glucose. (I'm diabetic).

    I'd have to spend a LOT more time cooking (meat, eggs, whatever) to get all my protein without the whey powder.

    BTW mine also has only 1g of carbohydrate per 35g of protein... The key to whey protein is use a VERY high-quality isolate, NOT a crappy concentrate.

    As for milk - If I drank milk for a protein source I'd be injecting insulin... A typical cup of milk has 13g of sugar and only 7-8g of protein... To get my 35g of protein in one scoop of my whey I'd have to drink about 4-1/2 cups of milk which is about 60g of sugar...
  • jmuhnie
    jmuhnie Posts: 93 Member
    I feel that whey protein is most effective when consumed immediately pre/post workouts. There are multiple studies that show increased cellular activity when whey protein is consumed in close proximity to a strength training exercise compared to when taken at random. I don't use whey protein if I don't workout.
  • SharpieV
    SharpieV Posts: 26 Member
    After actually tracking my food with MFP, I realized I was nowhere NEAR hitting my protein goals, even though I had thought I was doing pretty well. I cannot tolerate eating within an hour of my morning workout (I'll be nauseated all day) and don't have time for breakfast, so I'd regularly skip it all together. I don't like drinking a ton of sugar (juice) post-workout, because I wind up feeling bad from that about two hours later, so I just didn't do ANY post-workout recovery, which sucks too.

    I finally discovered that I can tolerate whey protein shakes post-workout, and I LOVE it. I've got one that makes a nice malted-milk flavor and 25g protein for 1g carb. I can drink it on the mornings I work out as a recovery, a protein boost to help me hit my macros, AND as a quick breakfast. So for me, they do triple duty. I'd love to get my protein from 'real food' but I just don't love fish, chicken and eggs enough. Either eating or cooking them. Bacon, steak and sausage would do it, but I'm pretty sure I'd wind up pickling my insides with all the salt, nitrates, and fat that go along with them.
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    25% BF

    What's the point? I find that for the same calories and less carbs I can eat lean meat and actually fill up. So why do I see so many women drinking protein? (If you are figure or power lifter I get it). But why should your average fitness-minded woman drink protein?

    I'm new-ish to the Whey scene but as far as protein shakes go, they are alot more convenient than cooking. Not to mention the shelf life is much longer and the price is cheaper than going to the store and buying stuff all the time. Some people might be vegetarian so it's a good option for them also. They are really great if your craving something sweet! I like to take my chocolate mix and add a little peanut butter and soy milk. It literally tasts like a Reeses Peanut Butter cup, and I get a big portion for low calories. I was really skeptical about a drink filling me up too, but it really does keep me full until it's time to eat lunch etc. I've seen protein mixes with as much as 50g of protein. Idk how much regular meat has. It's basically all about having options. Hope this helps :)