Is a 12 minute mile too slow?



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    It's only too slow if you're being chased by someone doing 11.

  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    I love running any speed but I truly enjoy doing a 12 mile pace. I really find a that way I truly enjoy it more. But again Im not that fast either!
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    No - 12 minutes is not too slow! My suggestion would be to see the C25k program through to its completion, then assess your speed at the end of it so you have a benchmark over the distance. Then, if you want to continue running, pick a training program, like a Hal Higdon or Runner's World program for a 5k (or 10k) and follow that program. These have speed and tempo workouts built into them and will help you increase your pace no matter what distance you want to cover. Right now you're building your base and it's important to complete the distance rather than be fast at the distance at this stage of the game. I also advocate listening to your body, to avoid injury and to challenge yourself as you do your C25k. If you feel like you can push a bit harder during your session/ intervals, do it. If you feel like you need to go slower, do it. It will help you get more comfortable with your body, how it moves, and what slow vs. fast feels like relative to you. Good Luck!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Although I would also like to lose a few pounds, my main reason for joining MFP was to get fit. I began by doing workout DVDs and about 8 weeks ago I started running. I've been doing the Couch to 5k programme and it's going quite well - I'm actually enjoying running, which I never ever thought would happen!

    My problem is that my pace is SO SLOW. I actually didn't realise how slow until I spoke to three coworkers today. They have been running for much longer than me, but were saying that they run between an 8-9 minute mile. I was too embarrassed to admit that I run a 12 minute mile on average!

    I just wanted to get some advice from some more experienced runners. Is a 12 minute mile too slow for a beginner? At what point should I start trying to speed up? Is there anyone out there who started off like me and is now running at a 'fast' speed?

    I'm 27 and have a normal BMI, so I have no real excuses (other than the fact I genuinely was a bit of a couch potato before I started). Thanks in advance!

    That's my standard time right now. It will get faster as I lose weight and train more, but it gets the job done and burns calories. That's all i need right now.
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    I started running consistently in January and am running 13 half marathons in 2013. This thread proves what I've learned this year... The running community is an excellent group of supportive people.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    When I first started I ran a 12minute pace, and couldn't do that for more than 300 yards. 18 months later I was running 10 K in 39 minutes. Stick eith it and the pace will come.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    You are infinitely faster than the people who stayed on the couch.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    It's only too slow if you're being chased by a BEAR doing 11.
  • JennieKillough
    JennieKillough Posts: 10 Member
    Don't you worry about your speed. That is not a bad time. You can improve upon that if you want. What's important is to go at a speed that's sustainable. Push yourself within reason. Competition is fine but when it starts to hurt you mentally, back off and gather your thoughts. Know why you are running. Do it for your own reasons! You can do it :)
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    no pace is too slow - you are just 'competing' against yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    Heck no! A 12 minute mile is better than not running at all. Don't stress out by comparing your pace to others. Just keep running if you enjoy it, speed will come.
  • SkinnySoon78
    SkinnySoon78 Posts: 1 Member
    What a great forum, and all the replies are helpful.

    My (in-shape) boyfriend was recently SO horrified when I confessed that I'm not at a 7-minute mile. He said, mockingly, "what, are you at 12 or something?" I'm at 10. And he can shove it.
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    It's only too slow if you're being chased by a BEAR doing 11.


    But seriously, my average pace is 11.5 and I like it that way!! When I try to go faster, I get out of breath, can't enjoy the scenery etc. I've been running about 3 years and still at this pace, but hey, Faster then those slow bears, LOL. (And my friends on the couch or sidelines)
  • Cannon_G
    Cannon_G Posts: 77 Member
    I started running back in April of 2012. I weighed in at 306 lbs and decided to use the Galloway easy 5k app to lose weight. I was in terrible shape with bad knees and a bad back. I had reached a point where I had to stop making excuses and just drop the weight. I was so afraid of having a medical emergency on a run that I would run laps around my local fire department. I figured if I had a medical emergency it would be easy to get help. Thankfully I never had an issue. The Galloway program is a run/walk/run interval program. At the beginning I was clocking 16 minute miles. Slowly my times improved. By the time I finished the 8 week program I was at 11-12 per mile. I moved on to the 10k app and my times improved. When I finished the 10k app I was down to 9-10 per mile. Then I moved on to the half marathon app. In January I ran my first half at the disney world half. I trained for a 2:15 and was able to push myself on race day to a 1:56.44. I was a little burned out on running so I spent the late winter and spring cross training and spinning. My first 5k in the spring I was able to run a 22:04. In the race I ran my fastest mile ever at 6:19. The following week I ran my first 10k of the spring and finished with a 47:04. I also now weigh 200lbs. The running and cross training helped me lose my excess weight. Now even with my improved speed over the last year I still question if I am a good runner. I am starting to come to the realization that happiness doesn't come in the form of a number but rather how you feel after an awesome run.

    The biggest help for me with improving my time was training with a heart rate monitor. I use the Polar RCX5 GPS and swear by it. I log all my runs and workouts and can see the breakdown of my run.
  • aimeekrn
    aimeekrn Posts: 16 Member
    When I first started the process of regaining my fitness, I couldn't even run an entire mile...I'd walk at least half of it and it pretty much took me the better part of 18-20 minutes just to go a mile.

    I can now do a full 3 miles non-stop and my pace is around 12.5 minutes for those three miles. Personally, I'm feeling pretty good about it, though, when I was in the Marines I ran a sub 8 minute that's what I'm ultimately shooting for, it'll just take awhile to re-gain my fitness.

    Just enjoy and let the endurance and speed come to you, it'll just happen on it's own if you keep at it and keep pushing yourself.

    Thank you for this. If it didnt help anyone else, it helped me!
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    No. it's my training pace for the regular week. keeps you in shape, avoids injury, gives the heart a good workout. you can talk to your friends next to you cuz it's easy to breathe. you'll lose weight.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    giddy up!
  • weightlossforbrian
    weightlossforbrian Posts: 38 Member
    a 5 day mile is better than no mile at all.
  • aimeekrn
    aimeekrn Posts: 16 Member
    I started running back in April of 2012. I weighed in at 306 lbs and decided to use the Galloway easy 5k app to lose weight. I was in terrible shape with bad knees and a bad back. I had reached a point where I had to stop making excuses and just drop the weight. I was so afraid of having a medical emergency on a run that I would run laps around my local fire department. I figured if I had a medical emergency it would be easy to get help. Thankfully I never had an issue. The Galloway program is a run/walk/run interval program. At the beginning I was clocking 16 minute miles. Slowly my times improved. By the time I finished the 8 week program I was at 11-12 per mile. I moved on to the 10k app and my times improved. When I finished the 10k app I was down to 9-10 per mile. Then I moved on to the half marathon app. In January I ran my first half at the disney world half. I trained for a 2:15 and was able to push myself on race day to a 1:56.44. I was a little burned out on running so I spent the late winter and spring cross training and spinning. My first 5k in the spring I was able to run a 22:04. In the race I ran my fastest mile ever at 6:19. The following week I ran my first 10k of the spring and finished with a 47:04. I also now weigh 200lbs. The running and cross training helped me lose my excess weight. Now even with my improved speed over the last year I still question if I am a good runner. I am starting to come to the realization that happiness doesn't come in the form of a number but rather how you feel after an awesome run.

    The biggest help for me with improving my time was training with a heart rate monitor. I use the Polar RCX5 GPS and swear by it. I log all my runs and workouts and can see the breakdown of my run.

    What an improvement. Thats really awesome. Im going to come back here and read this when I hate myself for being so slow. :)
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    We are all made differently, so some of us will naturally be better runners than others. There's nothing at all wrong with doing 12 minute miles.