


  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    I would not recommend it.
    I know to many of you fasting means eating a lower amount of calories than normal e cutting from 1,500/day to 700 for 1 day but it really can go so wrong. I began fasting to make up for binges I had...then fasting became more and more frequent, and now I struggle to eat above 800 calories on a regular basis, despite maintaing a very active lifestyle (3-5 hours of dance monday to friday, an hour of walking everyday, the gm 3-4 times a week).

    Just eat three healthy and balanced meals per day and some snacks in between. For those who feel they need to detox via fasting I would suggest trying a raw clense or something where calories are still being consumed at a healthy level.

    You have an eating disorder, but it was not caused by fasting. An eating disorder is a specific, mental-heatlh issue, which caused you to restrict your calories in an unhealthy manner. This would have happened no matter how you ate, it was not caused by your fasting.

    In fact, people with serious eating disorders shouldn't be on MFP using calorie trackers (I know that one part of treatment requires anorexics to stay way from calorie counting) or any weight loss forums at all. They should focus on getting well. Good luck on your journey to recover; I hope you get there.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    I would not recommend it.
    I know to many of you fasting means eating a lower amount of calories than normal e cutting from 1,500/day to 700 for 1 day but it really can go so wrong. I began fasting to make up for binges I had...then fasting became more and more frequent, and now I struggle to eat above 800 calories on a regular basis, despite maintaing a very active lifestyle (3-5 hours of dance monday to friday, an hour of walking everyday, the gm 3-4 times a week).

    Just eat three healthy and balanced meals per day and some snacks in between. For those who feel they need to detox via fasting I would suggest trying a raw clense or something where calories are still being consumed at a healthy level.

    You have an eating disorder, but it was not caused by fasting. An eating disorder is a specific, mental-heatlh issue, which caused you to restrict your calories in an unhealthy manner. This would have happened no matter how you ate, it was not caused by your fasting.

    In fact, people with serious eating disorders shouldn't be on MFP using calorie trackers (I know that one part of treatment requires anorexics to stay way from calorie counting) or any weight loss forums at all. They should focus on getting well. Good luck on your journey to recover; I hope you get there.

    I couldn't agree more.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    But see I would say everyone who is obese has an 'eating disorder'

    I totally agree with what you guys are saying, if you have a tendency to binge or restrict your calories to such a level that you are harming yourself, then fasting is not a good idea

    but i think its GREAT for people with an opposite eating disorder, where you dont understand what being full is and just eat and eat and eat all day long. Fasting has taught me what it feels like not to have food in my belly and i actually prefer it to being full!
  • humidex8
    humidex8 Posts: 24 Member
    I've tried both intermittent and alternate day fasting.. and although they do help with weight loss, they make you miserable. It's not worth it! lol
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You mean they make YOU miserable (in which case, you're right, it's not for you)

    But that's not everyone's experience.
  • cheryldinkins
    cheryldinkins Posts: 2 Member
    Fasting is not a weight loss tactic, but rather, a spiritual endeavor. It is meant to deprive the body of some type of food or drink as a way of developing a closer relationship with God, and in that context is a good thing. But to deprive the body of nutrition in order to lose weight is not fasting, it's anorexia. Hope this helps.
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    Fasting is not a weight loss tactic, but rather, a spiritual endeavor. It is meant to deprive the body of some type of food or drink as a way of developing a closer relationship with God, and in that context is a good thing. But to deprive the body of nutrition in order to lose weight is not fasting, it's anorexia. Hope this helps.

    Does anyone even bother to read the rest of the thread anymore? This is like pulling teeth.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    This is quite possibly the most entertaining thread in the history of threads!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Fasting is not a weight loss tactic, but rather, a spiritual endeavor. It is meant to deprive the body of some type of food or drink as a way of developing a closer relationship with God, and in that context is a good thing. But to deprive the body of nutrition in order to lose weight is not fasting, it's anorexia. Hope this helps.

    Jesus wept


    or even just a bit of it

    or just pull your head out of your arsehole

    any of the above would be fine.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I would not recommend it.
    I know to many of you fasting means eating a lower amount of calories than normal e cutting from 1,500/day to 700 for 1 day but it really can go so wrong. I began fasting to make up for binges I had...then fasting became more and more frequent, and now I struggle to eat above 800 calories on a regular basis, despite maintaing a very active lifestyle (3-5 hours of dance monday to friday, an hour of walking everyday, the gm 3-4 times a week).

    Just eat three healthy and balanced meals per day and some snacks in between. For those who feel they need to detox via fasting I would suggest trying a raw clense or something where calories are still being consumed at a healthy level.

    That is so NOT true, just because you did does NOT means that what everyone does. Reality is fasting is good and healthy and has so many other healthy benifits to it. I love fasting and I eat the same amount of calories on fast days as I do on normal days. EVERYONE I know (with the exception of one person and he fasts for 36 hours as opposed to 24) eats the same amount of calories on fast days as they do every other day. Starving yourself or making up for binges is NOT what fasting is all about. You went about it all wrong. Read up on the benifits of fasting, true fasting, and you may be surprised to learn something.

    Fasting is not about detoxing, not even close to it. You are to blame for your current eating disorder, fasting is NOT to blame, because what you did was not fast, you intentionally starved your body to make up for over eating. Two different things completely. You told yourself it was fasting, but it wasn't.

    You have an eating disorder, but it was not caused by fasting. An eating disorder is a specific, mental-heatlh issue, which caused you to restrict your calories in an unhealthy manner. This would have happened no matter how you ate, it was not caused by your fasting.

    In fact, people with serious eating disorders shouldn't be on MFP using calorie trackers (I know that one part of treatment requires anorexics to stay way from calorie counting) or any weight loss forums at all. They should focus on getting well. Good luck on your journey to recover; I hope you get there.

    Hit the nail on the head.
    This is quite possibly the most entertaining thread in the history of threads!

    You think so? Go search previous IF threads...from say, about six months ago. This one is not only tame, and civil...but is actually kind of boring. Ooooh, or even better! Search through my old posts for threads touching on dating and feminism.

    Good stuff there.

    /sigh, I miss the old days! At least then, it was worth the strike you got for calling a flaming idiot...a flaming idiot :).
  • newme2105
    newme2105 Posts: 89 Member
    I am doing the 5:2 diet - I am restricting my calorie intake 2 days a week, so I can be less calorie obsessed the rest of the week. Win:win. Plus it has helped me reset my body and my eating - before I was eating all day and all night. Believe me this is much better!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I am doing the 5:2 diet - I am restricting my calorie intake 2 days a week, so I can be less calorie obsessed the rest of the week. Win:win. Plus it has helped me reset my body and my eating - before I was eating all day and all night. Believe me this is much better!

    Yep, I had a 700cal burrito for lunch (mostly steak and guacamole) at 2pm, a maple donut and milk around 4pm, and am in the middle of my 1100cal dinner consisting mostly of chicken breast, with some gravy, broccoli, and butter to garnish it off.

    And I still have 700cal for desert, if I feel like it.

    NO WAY you can eat meals like ^^^ (relative to your own calorie target of course) eating 6 meals a day.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Fasting is good when it comes to perhaps a spiritual aspect of your life, for what you believe in, not as a form of punishment but as a form of discipline of oneself, prayer, and also reverence. Its also important to keep in mind that there are different types of fast, the most common is a "Partial Fast". So for example, for Lent right now I have gone Vegan for the 40 Days, its hard but I find it rather enthralling to know I am able resist the temptation of glutteny through prayer (I'm Catholic in case you're wondering) without starving myself like some extremist do. Now a complete fast is usually just on day of going without food, water, etc (this I do not like) and though hard, it can be done. It is those who try to go beyond that, that are hurting themselves, like my cousin who only ate once a day for Lent last year, now that was bad. Fasting diet wise however I would not recommend because doing so will deprive yourself of nutrients, vitamins, etc that you need and I also lacks a significant foundation unless you are fasting from certain foods for health sake such as high cholesterol, and so on. :)

    This made me smile :-) However, just want to point out one little thing. People can eat in excess of their recommended calories and still be deprived of nutrients etc. Not always how MUCH you put in your mouth but WHAT you put in your mouth ;-)
  • camperchick64
    camperchick64 Posts: 146 Member
    I've been doing 5:2 for about two weeks. Not enough time to say I'm losing yet - but check back with me in a month. What I can say is that I find it much easier - yes you may get hungry before you eat - but your not starving, I'm not feeling the need to over eat on my non-fast days, I'm eating a nice protein and veggie filled meal (though lower calorie) on fast days and it encourages water, water and more water and green tea.

    Not everyone fits the mold of eat xxx amount of calories a day and exercise and you'll lose. I'm sure I was doing something wrong - not saying that it wasn't me - but if this works and I get the health benefits then I consider it a score!

    Any 5:2 friends on here feel free to friend me as I can only see News Feeds on my phone so more friends would be great!