Food addiction and Alcohol * sad*



  • Thanks everyone. I thought if I posted I would just get a lot of people telling me to go to AA and that is a whole other issue. But you actually helped me feel better about my mistakes. It makes me feel good knowing I am not alone. and it's nice to talk to other people that know just how I feel. Thank you all very much.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    no problem on the drinking part now food thats my addiction big time i'm a bottomless pit.....
  • Do you by any chance have any kind of sleep disorder. I have RLS and I believe it contributes to addictive behavior. Just some of the mportant chemicals which signal satisfaction to our brain such as Seratonin, Dopamine, Leptin and Grehlin aren't produced if you don't get into a deep sleep.

    Check out this website for starters.

    If you find that you do have a sleep disorder and find a solution that doesn't turn you into a zombie please share because i have been on this no sleep/too many carbs merry-go-round for 30 years.

    Also remember, carbs and alchohol both turn into sugar which turns into fat. Then there is all that stress Cortisol that turns that fat into an intertube forever set on you tum and buns! 3/21/2013
  • dacadoo
    dacadoo Posts: 32
    Yesterday is the past. Today is a new beginning! give yourself a big hug, dust yourself off and most of All Forgive yourself! You slipped it sounds like you have been doing great. I can sympathize becuase I do the same thing, matter of fact my glass of wine last night turned into 3 and the closest thing I got my hands on was leftover broccoli salad and veggie chips. We all do weird things but if we stick together and motivate each other we can do this!!!!

    Ann :happy:
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    no I have not tried AA.. my town is so small and I know so many people. I know I should and have thought about it and just always give up.. I try not to keep bad foods in my house. I had some cookies in the freezer for my niece's party this weekend.. got into them.. along with much more.. pop corn is healthy to a point, but not as much as I ate.. it is just a never ending ordeal that gets so OLD!!!!

    Even small towns are filled with people who have alcohol problems. AA meetings are anonymous. No one is going to tell the world that you were there. They will welcome you and help you. You never have to feel like this again. :smile:
  • TeresaWash
    TeresaWash Posts: 283
    It's just one day... one day didn't undo all of your hard work over the past month. Get back on the wagon!!!! Good Luck!
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member

    Here's something I read on here, that I love, and I fall back on it if I slip (if I can find the topic, I'll post the link). It's a mind set called "Get the **** over it". It's perfect.

    Binge eat? Get the **** over it. You HAVEN'T blown it. Restart at your next meal (NOT next week, next Monday, next month).
    Bad day of eating? Get the **** over it. Start again tomorrow.
    Skip exercising? Get the **** over it. Get on the floor and do a few push ups and sit ups.

    Basically, stop harping on the slip, or the bad, and IMMEDIATELY start again. This really works for me if I have a bad day - I just get the **** over it, lol!

    I looove this!!!!!
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    Addiction is a serious problem that requires professional help, regardless of the addiction. You are NOT weak! You just need to learn different coping mechanisms.

    Here's something I read on here, that I love, and I fall back on it if I slip (if I can find the topic, I'll post the link). It's a mind set called "Get the **** over it". It's perfect.

    Binge eat? Get the **** over it. You HAVEN'T blown it. Restart at your next meal (NOT next week, next Monday, next month).
    Bad day of eating? Get the **** over it. Start again tomorrow.
    Skip exercising? Get the **** over it. Get on the floor and do a few push ups and sit ups.

    Basically, stop harping on the slip, or the bad, and IMMEDIATELY start again. This really works for me if I have a bad day - I just get the **** over it, lol!

    Here's the link!!!
  • Alamo0809
    Alamo0809 Posts: 95 Member
    redredfox... GREAT advise!! Just get over it and move on!!!

    As far as small towns and AA, it is always a surprise who you run into... and that is one of the issues AA treats... "worrying about what other people will say."
  • Love this saying and so appropriate--Great news, the wagon doesn't move when you aren't on it. it waits, patiently, for you to get back on.

    Once you figure out WHY you are doing the things that you don't want to be doing, you can work on changing them. Start paying attention as to what is happening before you pick up the alcohol and why you want to drink and write it down. Lots of times patterns start to emerge when you look back at what you are writing down. Is the alcohol always the trigger for the food or does the food get you sometimes when no alcohol is involved? For me, the sugar in the alcohol and mixer is what is my trigger.
  • I feel you! I am the same way. I did the same thing. I started working out and eating healthy for 5 weeks exactly too. Then I had my 30th B-day party and I went way over bored and ate like crap for the following 2 weeks. I am now trying to get back into the swing of things. I have like 20 lbs to lose. Everyone says that I just need to drink vodka because there are no calories but they do not understand it is the hangover that kills me! Now that I am older the hangovers last a week it seems like. It is nice to know that I am not the only one in this boat. I just started back on MFP. I hope that it can get me motivated to lose this weight.
  • Love this saying and so appropriate--Great news, the wagon doesn't move when you aren't on it. it waits, patiently, for you to get back on.

    Once you figure out WHY you are doing the things that you don't want to be doing, you can work on changing them. Start paying attention as to what is happening before you pick up the alcohol and why you want to drink and write it down. Lots of times patterns start to emerge when you look back at what you are writing down. Is the alcohol always the trigger for the food or does the food get you sometimes when no alcohol is involved? For me, the sugar in the alcohol and mixer is what is my trigger.
    I know what it was and I knew I was going to have a drink of wine way before I even took it.. I guess I just talked myself right into it..
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    yep. cuz mcdonalds is soooooooo good when drunk.
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    Love this saying and so appropriate--Great news, the wagon doesn't move when you aren't on it. it waits, patiently, for you to get back on.

    Once you figure out WHY you are doing the things that you don't want to be doing, you can work on changing them. Start paying attention as to what is happening before you pick up the alcohol and why you want to drink and write it down. Lots of times patterns start to emerge when you look back at what you are writing down. Is the alcohol always the trigger for the food or does the food get you sometimes when no alcohol is involved? For me, the sugar in the alcohol and mixer is what is my trigger.
    I know what it was and I knew I was going to have a drink of wine way before I even took it.. I guess I just talked myself right into it..

    We are always our own worst enemies. Once you know your triggers for drinking/binge eating, you can avoid them easier.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    we all slip i have and gained all the weight back that i lost, i hope you can forgive yourself :D
  • afrazier128
    afrazier128 Posts: 99 Member
    Addiction is a serious problem that requires professional help, regardless of the addiction. You are NOT weak! You just need to learn different coping mechanisms.

    Here's something I read on here, that I love, and I fall back on it if I slip (if I can find the topic, I'll post the link). It's a mind set called "Get the **** over it". It's perfect.

    Binge eat? Get the **** over it. You HAVEN'T blown it. Restart at your next meal (NOT next week, next Monday, next month).
    Bad day of eating? Get the **** over it. Start again tomorrow.
    Skip exercising? Get the **** over it. Get on the floor and do a few push ups and sit ups.

    Basically, stop harping on the slip, or the bad, and IMMEDIATELY start again. This really works for me if I have a bad day - I just get the **** over it, lol!

    Here's the link!!!

    Awesome =) Thank you so much!
  • lastczechmate
    lastczechmate Posts: 7 Member
    I know exactly how this goes!

    For me: All day long, perfect choices on foods and meals. One glass of wine making dinner... leads to more during dinner, and before I know it, I'm helping myself to the Dove Bars that my husband bought. So a year of daytime dieting has led to a net weight gain because of the poor choices that nightly first glass of wine triggered!

    I can't really blame my husband for the ice cream. I would have been resisting it just fine if there were no wine in the equation!

    We gave up wine "for Lent" this year. We haven't been perfect but between the lack of wine calories ((and the lack of alcohol-induced stupid food choices) there's been good progress on weight loss! A key thing is to clear the cupboards of the alcohol just like the junk food so there's no temptation.

    And yes, I agree with everyone here: you can slip, but don't wallow! Get up and get back on track without delay. You will feel happier with yourself with each strong step that puts those mistakes behind you.
  • Gingerkid05
    Gingerkid05 Posts: 60 Member
    I agree you didn't blow it. You slipped up. Learn from it and use this slip up as a tool to keep you from doing it again by remembering how crappy you felt about it the next day. You're fine. Just keep on chugging, you're doing great!
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 312 Member
    Addiction is a serious problem that requires professional help, regardless of the addiction. You are NOT weak! You just need to learn different coping mechanisms.

    Here's something I read on here, that I love, and I fall back on it if I slip (if I can find the topic, I'll post the link). It's a mind set called "Get the **** over it". It's perfect.

    Binge eat? Get the **** over it. You HAVEN'T blown it. Restart at your next meal (NOT next week, next Monday, next month).
    Bad day of eating? Get the **** over it. Start again tomorrow.
    Skip exercising? Get the **** over it. Get on the floor and do a few push ups and sit ups.

    Basically, stop harping on the slip, or the bad, and IMMEDIATELY start again. This really works for me if I have a bad day - I just get the **** over it, lol!

    Exactly, this is a journey not a sprint. You hit a bump in the road, a detour, just get back up and continue the journey.
  • timpleberry
    timpleberry Posts: 11 Member
    PLease do not beat youself up about this. You are human and you will stumble sometimes. Remember what Elizabeth \Taylor advised: " when you fall of the wagon, dust yourself off and climb right back onto it." :flowerforyou: