Motivation friends! Where are you? (20's, to lose 30lbs+)

:smile: Hey!

Looking for motivation friends!

I'm Jem & i'm 20. I've been doing a on/off (mostly off) diet for a couple of years now, sometimes i do good.. for a few weeks, then i give up and put the weight back on! I'm desperately in need to lose around 40lbs.. but i've figured i can't do this alone. I really need motivation and support, and someone to say NO to me when i want to give in!! I will also return the support & motivation!

Where are you new friends?

:smile: Jemxx


  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    Motivation & support from friends are the only thing that keeps me crawling back on to the weight loss wagon when I fall off! Send me a friend request!
  • J3mxx
    J3mxx Posts: 9
    Sent! :)
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I'm about to turn 29 this summer, and am getting married in August. I'd LIKE to lose 30 pounds, but we'll see about that! I'd love to help motivate you!
  • J3mxx
    J3mxx Posts: 9
    Aww congratulations!!!! :) I'm sure you will do it!
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    Right there with ya girlie!! I'm 26, mama of one 1 yr old, and need to get rid of about 60 lbs total (8.6 so far :drinker: ) What is you plan of attack :mad:
  • J3mxx
    J3mxx Posts: 9
    Well done! :smile:
    I want to lose around 40lbs for the summer, so i can wear actual summer clothes!! & not be envious of everyone i see! My worst enemy is crisps & sweets on my days off of work.. I haven't had any at all for around 3 weeks now, i've quit fizzy drinks and have been drinking flavoured water, and have been exercising once a day (unless i have a bad day) by cycling 45 minutes burning 300 calories. But obviously i need to do more as the weight isn't shifting.
