When will I start feeling better?

So far I have lost 24 pounds in around 8 weeks. I know I shouldn't complain but aside from looser pants I dont feel any thinner. That 24 pounds is 8% of my starting weight.

I started on mfp and planet fitness on the suggestion of friends and have been very vigilant since. When I work out, I burn 500 to 600 calories in an hour. I have been doing abdominal work nearly to the exclusion of other exercises. After all that, I still have trouble trying to jog on the treadmill. I cant seem to get my feet off the surface.

All throughout my overweight adult life, I have been told that all you need to do is lose a little weight and you will feel great. Exercise for only 20 minutes a day for 3 days a week and thats all you need to get in shape. Once you lose weight you will have more energy. Once you lose weight you wont need your medication for hypertension anymore. Well I work out for 45 min to an hour 4 times a week, I have no energy, and my blood pressure is still high.

Please tell me when you really began to notice a change for the better.


  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    Diet may play a part in your energy levels. I lose mine when I am lacking in vitamin D...and I don't eat a lot of dairy, so I have to watch it.

    If the treadmill gives you trouble, try the bike or elliptical machines.

    And ab work won't build up your cardio endurance.. doing cardio will. Start with 10 minutes, after a week, try increasing time to 15 on one day, or do 10 minutes at a faster pace the next or 10 minutes with the same pace but more resistance.

    A little along will help.

    You can do it! Don't give up!
  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
    For me personally there were two main things that affected my mood, getting some cardio (preferably a run or brisk walk outside) and easting healthy foods. Now when I eat processed foods, the added salt and refined sugar make me really lethargic and grumpy.
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I didn't really start to feel better about myself until I started eating better. When I was just eating less of the same old crap that got me to my largest size, I still felt icky. I by no means eat clean, or non-processed, but I have seriously cut back. And once I took pride in my small progresses, I really started to feel better about myself.
  • rreiki
    rreiki Posts: 14 Member
    personally, I have had your same problem. Couldn't figure out why I didn't feel better. I don't exercise as much as you do and I thought maybe I should step it up. Like you, clothes are getting looser but I was still tired. So I went to the doctor - my problem was low iron and B-12. I get a B-12 shot every month now and I take an iron supplement. I feel so much better. I would suggest (my opinion only) that if you don't start feeling better, you make a visit to your doctor and get your levels of iron, B-12, Vitamin D, etc. checked out - maybe that is the problem. What ever you do, don't give up. You're doing good.
  • AZ_Gato
    AZ_Gato Posts: 1,270 Member
    So far I have lost 24 pounds in around 8 weeks. I know I shouldn't complain but aside from looser pants I dont feel any thinner. That 24 pounds is 8% of my starting weight.

    I started on mfp and planet fitness on the suggestion of friends and have been very vigilant since. When I work out, I burn 500 to 600 calories in an hour. I have been doing abdominal work nearly to the exclusion of other exercises. After all that, I still have trouble trying to jog on the treadmill. I cant seem to get my feet off the surface.

    All throughout my overweight adult life, I have been told that all you need to do is lose a little weight and you will feel great. Exercise for only 20 minutes a day for 3 days a week and thats all you need to get in shape. Once you lose weight you will have more energy. Once you lose weight you wont need your medication for hypertension anymore. Well I work out for 45 min to an hour 4 times a week, I have no energy, and my blood pressure is still high.

    Please tell me when you really began to notice a change for the better.

    It took a while for me to believe in myself. I had to exercise a lot of demons and deal with a lot of self esteem issues. Secondly, it took a long time to figure out what was best for me as far as a balance of the type of calories I was eating (Protien/Carbs/Fats). Working out was never the problem, I was always able to slave away at the gym.

    I recommend http://www.theleangreenbean.com/fitness-friday-22-2/. This workout has helped me a lot. I have two blown out knees and need a full knee reconstruction, basically...you don't have an excuse. Prior to starting this workout, I could only muster 1/4 mile nonstop. After being on this workout for a month, I decided to run non-stop and see where I wound up...I ran 5 miles in 48 minutes.

    If you read anything, it's about stopping the excuses and keeping your head up. You'll get there, slow and steady.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Not sure why you're exclusively doing ab work. You can't target problem areas, and you should be going for a full body workout. I'd add in some weight training to your workouts and focus on your whole body (I do compound lifts such as squats, bench press, overhead press because they work out multiple muscle groups at once and I spend less time in the gym). And I agree with starting on the treadmill even if just for a few minutes. Then try going a minute or two longer next time. It will get better.

    AND CONGRATS ON YOUR CURRENT PROGRESS!!! Don't overlook the weight you've already lost. That's a huge accomplishment.
  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    Ditto previous posters - focus on cardio more than toning/weights, and make sure you're eating well.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Wow - you are doing a fantastic job! 24 lbs in 8 weeks averages out to 3 lbs per week. Any more and it wouldn't be healthy.

    You only list the exercise. What are you eating? How many calories are you eating daily? Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Not sure why you're exclusively doing ab work. You can't target problem areas, and you should be going for a full body workout. I'd add in some weight training to your workouts and focus on your whole body (I do compound lifts such as squats, bench press, overhead press because they work out multiple muscle groups at once and I spend less time in the gym). And I agree with starting on the treadmill even if just for a few minutes. Then try going a minute or two longer next time. It will get better.

    You can't spot reduce, switch to a balanced workout, you'll make more progress on your abs than just focusing on your abs.
    AND CONGRATS ON YOUR CURRENT PROGRESS!!! Don't overlook the weight you've already lost. That's a huge accomplishment.
    And This!

    I bet stairs are easier, I bet walking is easier, I bet doing many of the common things you used to do are easier with 24lbs gone. Can you bend over to tie your shoes while breathing? I couldn't before I started losing the weight, now I can. Try filling 2 gallon jugs with water and carrying them around. At 16lbs that's only 2/3rds of what you lost so far. Imagine carrying 3 of them around all day.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    One thing not mentioned here is mental health. I have found that depression and anxiety play a HUGE part in my physical health.

    Anxiety and stress has been a major contributor to my blood pressure issues. And depression sucks the energy out of me like a giant sucking on a straw.

    I'm working hard to get past these issues, but it is a daily battle. And to be honest, there are many, many days when I feel as though I'm losing the war.
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