Numbers not moving!

I've noticed that my clothes are fitting better, I have more energy, and people are telling me that I look like I've lost weight. I went to the doctor this morning and in the last 2 months I've lost a whopping 3 pounds. How can I be noticing changes, but the darn number has barely moved?!


  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Many people would say to throw away the scale. I wouldn't quite go that far, but would not focus on the number on the scale. If you are feeling better and your clothes are getting looser then you are building muscle. Just keep at it!!!

    BTW - how many calories do you eat? What kind of exercise are you doing?
  • chefbubba1303
    chefbubba1303 Posts: 13 Member
    What kind of exercising are you doing? If just treadmill or jogging, change up your exercise types and intensity. Try adding intervals.If you stay with one routine too long, your body gets acclimated.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I have not lost a pound since February 24th! But I'm losing inches so I'm learning to focus more on the results I'm getting with a tape measure instead of what I get on the scale. I've lost 5 inches in just the last couple of weeks. I'm eating about 1600 calories give or take 100 depending on my activity level. I walk 4-5 times a week, usually about 35-40 min/2 miles and do light weights and pilates 3 times a week. It's still frustrating at times because I don't want to weight "that" number. I don't know what is happening internally either. My body is smaller and my shape is changing, but I still weigh the same. Some might say I'm building muscle, but I doubt that because I've only been lifting 5-8 lb weights for 3-4 weeks. I don't want to leave you with a bad impression, though. I'm not losing weight but I'm losing inches and I'm happy with that. It causes some confusion but I'm happy with the fact that I'm wearing jeans that I haven't been able to wear in a long, long time.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Which would you rather have... losing pounds, but you don't lose any inches OR losing inches, but the scale stays the same? nobody knows the number on the scale besides you, so what's the big deal?
  • kycalixte
    Im having the same dilemma. I have been sticking to a pretty healthy diet of around 1200 calories a day, working out 3-4 times a week doing an hour of cardio and at least 30 minutes of strength training. But the numbers aren't moving-in fact yesterday i worked out an 1.5 and gained a pound. However, i have noticed a difference in the amount of energy i have, i do notice a change in my face and in how my clothes are fitting. But somehow i would like the reassurance or validation (from that damn evil scale) to give some indication that what i'm doing is right!
  • Sima_Ulrich
    Well, pretty much same problems here! I been on cardio exercise for little over a month now. At least 90 minutes daily with Sunday off + gardening for 2 or so hours a day. Unfortunately scale not moving. Not even 1 pound. I haven't took measurements, but I don't feel any changes on how clothes fit. Well maybe just my lower legs got bigger, which is undesirable effect. I think I eat not too bad - lots of fruits, and veggies, no candy, no sugary soda, no fried food.
    I am very very frustrated and demotivated... Specially this week has been a struggle to get on that treadmill.... I wish I was that girl from TV that takes magic pill and pounds just flies off starting from week 1!
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    I would say change up your routine a little. If you walk/run only, try adding crosstraining every other day. Maybe on Monday is running, Tuesday could be the elliptical, etc. How many days a week to do you work out? How "healthy" are you eating? Are there things you can change? Are you watching your portion sizes? How many calories are you eating? Are you giving in to cravings or waiting until you want something so much that you go and binge eat?
    Just some ideas, as it could be anything or all. I never tried it, but I have seen where some people up their calorie intake from 1200 to 1500 and they start seeing the numbers on the scale move.
    Also, don't let the numbers on the scale define who you are. You are losing inches apparently, so you are doing the right things.
  • ssyer
    ssyer Posts: 19 Member
    This weight loss is a tricky journey, altogether I have lost 71 pounds and all through this journey you cannot tell just how it will go. There have been times when I have been really down as I have exercised every day and only lost half a pound, then there have been times when the weight has come off but I never expected to lose that much. One thing I have noticed is for me it doesn't come off the body for a good few weeks, then all of a sudden my body changes when I don't expect it. Ill give you an example every time for the last couple of weeks when my husband put he's arms around me, he kept saying your getting so skinny now, this morning I got the tape erasure out had a measure and I had lost another 2 1/2 inches from under my bust, carried on measuring and lost 2 1/2 inches from everywhere except my waist which has ant changed.

    Take one day at a time, as they soon fly by I'm 19 months down the line now and I'm 71 pounds lighter and a lot happier and healthier.
  • ShereeBL
    ShereeBL Posts: 1
    Oh my gosh, I can so relate! I workout (cardio) at least 3 times a week at least 50 - 55 minutes per session. While I dont necessarily adhere strictly to my 1200 calorie count on a daily basis, at the end of each week Im pretty much spot on where I need to be. Still, not losing any pounds...Really need something to kick start my weight loss again. (Ive lost probably about 15 lbs...but nothing in the past couple of months!!)