30DS..all in one go?

I am on day 2 of the 30DS and was wondering for those who have done or are doing it:
30 days in a row or space it out?

I would like to do the 30 days straight if I can. I worked through the pain from yesterday and it wasn't too bad but guessing it will only get worse..


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    It'll get better around the 4th day and then get painful again for a few days when you move up a level. x
  • callmehoots
    callmehoots Posts: 15 Member
    I started the 30DS on March 1st, so it's day 21 for me, first day of Level 3. I'm nervously excited to see what's in store for me when I get home tonight. I feel like it's going to be 30 mins of triple jump rope cartwheel lunges or something. I have followed the daily plan so far and plan to continue, 10 days of each level, no rest days. Level 2 was surprisingly a fun transition for me and it's faster paced, which actually made the workout seem to go by much quicker than Level 1. It is only 30 minutes a day, so I liked the idea of building up a daily routine to keep myself accountable and not flake out on the whole thing. It's worked for me so far, and I've gained a lot of structure and discipline this way. Just push yourself to your max and stay strong. My energy and strength has increased tremendously, and I almost puked and gave up the first day.