
My husband claims he gets headaches when he tried working out and gets VERY defensive if I try calling him on it. Does anyone else get headaches when they do cardio (he was trying to do P90X with me and only got about 10min into Cardio X)? I'm frustrated because he's the heaviest he has ever been and doesn't care! I care! If I want to make a lifestyle change then I need him to make one with me.


  • Precious_Nissa
    Honestly alot of that is excuses but honestly when you are heavy and decide to go from not working out to working out, yes you will get sick, have headaches and all that, but the key is to add high in iron and fiber to your diet and push through the pain....my dr put me on fluid pills which helps because the fluid build up and my anemia used to cause headaches worse than regular but now its all fine...i get headaches at time but its because i'm changing my habits and of course its going to effect you because its not use to it but i also know that some of the feelings are mental....
  • djdangelo
    djdangelo Posts: 2 Member
    Your husband may be dehydrated, or depending on the time of day, he might need his caffeine fix if he is delaying it until after the workout. Check his fluid intake. If that doesn't help GO WITH HIM
  • djdangelo
    djdangelo Posts: 2 Member
    I got cut off, what I was going to write was GO WITH HIM to his general practitioner and see what they say. Then, if in response to that he is not taking your or the doctor's advise, focus on your self - model your healthy lifestyle and enjoy how you feel. My husband had a heart attack at age 45 and is very lucky to be alive. I have been on him for 8 years not to take his survival for granted and to watch his diet and to exercise. He takes his medication as he should be that is it and now 8 years later we are dealing with an irregular heartbeat and possible surgery again. I don't know what to do, I am so angry, to me this shows a total lack of regard for me and our four year old daughter. He passed out during his heart attack but I was there, it was violent and ugly and when we arrived to the ER, he was clinically dead. I don't know what more he needs to know to get his act in gear. So at least I am getting mine together.
    Good luck
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    I get headaches when I do cardio because I have pseudotumor cerebri. I'm also anemic. But then again, I have headaches all the time, lol. But yes, they do get MUCH worse when I do cardio since cardio increases blood flow to the brain or whatever. He needs to see a doctor before beginning an exercise routine.

    As far as "pushing through the pain"--that is NOT always a good idea! In fact, my neurologist said that is a VERY BAD IDEA in my case. He said that when the very sharp pain begins for me is when I need to stop the cardio. So yeah...your husband needs to see a doctor.
  • peggy60
    peggy60 Posts: 40
    Does he suffer from headaches or migraines normally??? I do and if I am jumping up and down, running, sit ups, ooor even lifting heavy weights ( this is ALL before my fibro!) I would get a headache and sometimes even a migraine. Alot of mine is from a bad neck...has his neck been checked? I WAS able to do some Wii exercise aerobics...I forgot the actual name...:ohwell: ..lol...but you step on and off board...and I could do some yoga or pilates...but some of them I could not do either..so i would skip them. I hope this helps... :flowerforyou:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Does he have high blood pressure? People with high blood pressure can get headaches when doing cardio because its increasing the heart rate. Be careful if that is the case.

    P90x may be too much for him if this is the heaviest he's ever been. Get him a physical and maybe start a little lower impact. If he's already resistant, jumping into a heavy workout that is painful isn't going to get him anymore motivated to join you.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    i would have him see a Dr. and get the ok to exercise. Ya never know headaches can be caused by any number things. Just to be on the safe side. Probably nothing but better safe than sorry.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Anyone who starts an exercise program is supposed to get the all clear from their Dr. first, no matter their age. There's no point in starting a cardio program if you have an underlying condition that could kill you. Yet I seldom see anyone suggest that on these Boards.

  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    I tend to get headaches after running. Not during the run but afterwards. Would check with the doctor to be safe. :smile:
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    That could be an important warning sign of high blood pressure, kidney problems, MANY things and he should check with a doctor before exercising. I have some problems with headaches in the morning when I exercise and it seems to be dehydration. Hopefully it is that simple, but you'd hate to find out it was really serious once it's too late.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I used to get headaches from working out ALL the time. For me, it was just because I was dehydrated and once I started drinking lots of H2O they went away rather quickly. But, I would recommend he visit the doctor. Headaches can be pretty good indicators about things going wrong in the body and you wouldn't want to push him only to find out that he was not well.

    That being said, you can't force somebody to start exercising. It is something that they need to do on their own, for themselves. If they're just doing it because you want them to, they will never become fully invested, won't be motivated, and it is more likely that they will give up. Do what you can, but don't push. If you're the one shopping for groceries, don't get junk food. Make sure there are healthy snacks in the house. If you're the one making the food, prepare healthy meals that also taste good so he doesn't feel like he's on a diet. If you go for a walk, invite him with you. From what I hear, P90X is really intense for someone who doesn't want to be working out in the first place. Successful baby steps are better than big leaps that don't work.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    My first thoughts given that he is heavy is high blood pressure and yes, that can cause bad headaches! I saw where someone else mentioned dehydration which is also a valid problem. But rather than guessing, I would strongly urge him to get medical input and recommendation on exercises given his current health status. Just because he can't do P90X, there are other less intensive options. I started out by just walking 2 miles and have since built up to 50 minutes on the elliptical and walking 4+ miles.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Sorry, I should have specified that he is about 210, not huge, but not where he was at when we first met.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Ok, I just finished the replies! Thanks everyone!

    He is going to the doctor on Friday actually and I am going with him sooooo...i will be bringing it up. We have a baby and a 3 year old to think of and I need him around!
  • hawkeye14
    hawkeye14 Posts: 12
    I get headaches after a hard round of cardio. Doc says it is usually dehydration. Simple suggestion is to chew gum while doing the cardio, and/or take two ibuprofen before exercise.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Glad to hear he's going to see the Dr. He should request a Cardiac Stress Test, as well as having his vitals taken. Always better to be safe than sorry, I will keep my fingers crossed that he is healthy & just trying to get out of exercising. <g>

  • belinda1789
    It could be low blood sugar or dehydration... give him a Gatorade 30 min before
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member

    We went to the doctor on Friday because she wanted to discuss some test results and it turns out he has high cholesterol. He is starting out with C25K tomorrow since it's a beginner program.
  • hawkeye14
    hawkeye14 Posts: 12
    C25K is a great program! Hope everyone is well.
  • skatjon
    skatjon Posts: 29
    I do when I have not had enough water... WATER, WATER, WATER!! he needs to get the sugar out of his system as that can cause headaches as well.