Just started, losing weight really fast?



  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i was surprised when i started MFP in jan of 2012 how quickly i lost 13 lbs. I had hoped to lose it by Memorial Day but lost it by March 9th (about 6 weeks). It was too quick for me and i started fainting
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Water weight.

    Happens everytime i go from eating in a surplus (unintentionally or intentionally) to eating in a deficit.

    it will eventually even out to about 1 pound per week. :)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    All I can tell you is my experience............the first 5lbs. came off in 8 days; the second 5lbs. took 35 days more for a total of 43 days. I'm now at day 67 and still working on the third 5lb..........but it IS coming off...........you will probably slow down too; remember patience and consistency will pay off.........
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    It's normal to lose a bunch the first week or two because you are eating better (i.e. less actual food hanging around in your body) and you are flushing more water through your system.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't worry about it, but I went through a several month period where I would get lightheaded easily. Eventually it went away. Sometimes it resurfaces if I've really been aggressive at the gym.

    Make sure you drink LOTS of water. That helps quite a bit with lightheadedness for me.
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    Wow, so many good ideas!

    For people who asked, I'm eating exactly the same things I've always eaten, but just much less of it. (And a lot less sugar.) I've never really tracked before, but I would guesstimate I was getting about 2500 a day before I started MFP.

    I think I'll stick with 1600 for another month and see how it goes. If I continue to lose this fast I'll up my intake a bit, since I'm a student and can't afford to be less alert when I get close to exam time. I'll also try eating some of my exercise calories in protein and fat for breakfast before I work out.

    Thank you everyone! :)
  • Krikkett
    Krikkett Posts: 4
    900 less than you were used to a day could be part of it, yes.

    I am glad you feel better about it. Again, you know your body so you know how to make it feel the best. I hope classes go well for you. Let us know how you feel after you wait it out for another month, your body should adjust better over time.

    I am going to return to lurking to try to pick up more handy tips.

    Take care.

    *edit* spelling errors