Let's lose 20+ pounds by June 21! (Group)



  • ab9007heather
    ab9007heather Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join!
  • smklindt
    smklindt Posts: 1
    Would love to join the group! Hopes its not too late
  • I would love to join.
  • sweettthings
    sweettthings Posts: 157 Member
    I would love to join. I've got a wedding to attend at the end of June, and I really want to lose about 20 pounds by then.
  • pinklolipops
    pinklolipops Posts: 30 Member
    That would put me at my goal. Please add me in :)
  • I would like to join. I'm 194 right now and my goal is to be 190 by my birthday...June 6th

    edited to add 180 not 190. whoops :/
  • lorenavanessa
    lorenavanessa Posts: 17 Member
    What a great group, please add me!
  • asramthun
    asramthun Posts: 1 Member
    Me. Please.
  • thinnern2012
    thinnern2012 Posts: 31 Member
    If there is room for me, I'm in!! I've been looking for a group to join. :)
  • MontanaStwbrry
    MontanaStwbrry Posts: 34 Member
    I'd love the motivation and accountability in a group like this. =) I just joined yesterday. My math is no where near exact but that puts it at ABOUT 1 - 1 1/2 lbs per week. VERY doable..... SO today I"m checking in at 198 but will have a goal of at least 196.5 by next Thursday! How do I join? Just say and you'll do it? =)
    Thursday 21 198 lbs
    Goal next Thursday 196.5

    Today's workout:
    6 minute warm up on elliptical
    45 minutes of free weights, upper body, core strengthening
    then came home and did You Tube's Leslie Sansone walk it out for 30 minutes!
  • I have lost 10lbs so far and would love to hit 21 more lbs
  • Hi! Please add me as well... My son's grad is on June 29th so it would be a great accomplishment!
  • What a great idea, please add me, I'll send you a message. Looks like you've got a heck of a response!
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Oh oh!!! Me me me!!! I want to join. I want to rock that itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini!!!
  • Maedes
    Maedes Posts: 12 Member
    I'd love to join too!!
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I'm in! Add me to a group and as a friend!
  • Would love to lose 20.
  • Challenge Accepted!
  • I have 45 lbs to go and am new to this. However, 20+ lbs by June would be awesome!!
  • lilbuddha007
    lilbuddha007 Posts: 30 Member
    Me too me too!
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