Eating Oatmeal and/or Ezekiel Bread cause me to pass OUT.

Seriously, does this happen on the reg? Am I a Diabetic? Am I just fat? i just ate Quinoa and Brown Rice and vegetables, totaling like 100+ carbs I think, and I'm fine. So now I'm convinced it is something something Gluten/Wheat something something. Anyone else have these crazy reactions to such "wholesome" food? I mean it's in the food pyramid so what the hell, right?


  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    What happens to you? Do you get faint?
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Would need a little more info. How were you feeling when you passed out? just generally speaking if you are ill enough to pass out and have diabetes, you are most likely not going to wake up without medical intervention.
  • TotallyNotBillNye
    I basically just fall asleep, then wake up with massive energy supplies. If I eat two slices of Ezekiel bread I will straight go Narcolepsy. I am talking "Walking Dead"
  • TotallyNotBillNye
    What happens to you? Do you get faint?

    Being a man, I have never experienced a faint
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    While neither of these are gluten free and both should be avoided if you have celiac's, neither are believed to have enough gluten to affect people with an intolerance.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    What happens to you? Do you get faint?

    Being a man, I have never experienced a faint


    maybe get tested for celiacs even if the gluten levels aren't really that high? if you're eating lots of other things with gluten in them, it might be a compound effect?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Carb overload, you get a sugar rush and then crash. Gluten issues will make you have cramps, bloating, diarrhea, horrible gas, not go to sleep.
  • TotallyNotBillNye
    So is the certain type of carb/wheat gluten magic potion that is ruining me? Like I said, I just had well over 100 grams of carbs from rice, quinoa and veggies and I am absolutely fine.
  • TotallyNotBillNye
    Is that even a word? What is "trollsome"? I am still groggy from this morning, I want to know if anyone else has this issue.
  • t4shara3
    t4shara3 Posts: 16 Member
    What happens to you? Do you get faint?

    Being a man, I have never experienced a faint

    Sexism is awesome. On a side note, my father has noticed he is having the same issue (thus being why I clicked it)
    I feel like its gotta be something with the sugar. He gets this when he eats oatmeal or cereal for breakfast. Maybe it has to do with the fact that it is SO much sugar and it's all you've had to eat so far. Try oatmeal with less sugar in it and see if that helps.
  • TotallyNotBillNye
    I dont use sugar nor do I use milk. Just rolled oats and water. I also have a protein shake and flax oil to help with the whole "glycemic" issue....Thus, to no avail, for here, I am
  • aperrillioux
    aperrillioux Posts: 115 Member
    Carb overload, you get a sugar rush and then crash. Gluten issues will make you have cramps, bloating, diarrhea, horrible gas, not go to sleep.

    I agree with this mostly. I dunno. It's the whites that ALWAYS get me. Any kind of white bread will knock me out in five minutes. Rice Krispie treats do it, hot chocolate...(which isn't white, but the sugar). I don't know. I just try to stay as far away from them as possible.
  • t4shara3
    t4shara3 Posts: 16 Member
    ah, okay. well. never mind then. Maybe, like another person said, its just carb over load. Just eating too much. But, I'm not sure. that is odd.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    You could send a PM to a cute baby about beatdowns.. you child abuser! GASP! How could you. XD
  • TotallyNotBillNye
    I have heard stories of a wheat intolerance that is becoming more and more common but I have no hard evidence or credible sources. All I know is, wheat anything and I am out!!!! It's like Nyquil man, or quaaludes man.
  • TotallyNotBillNye
    You could send a PM to a cute baby about beatdowns.. you child abuser! GASP! How could you. XD

    Is GASP an acronym?
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I had that reaction to total cereal that in combination with the vitamins I ended up in the ER for 6 hours. the reason was because I was in an out of consciousness the reaction was so bad that all the people could see where the whites of my eyes and also the hives from my allergy. I stay away from total and as far as vitamins I get those from my food or take a flintstone. that is the only kind I can take that doesn't effect me like that.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Why does it matter if it's in the pyramid or happens to anyone else?? Don't eat foods that make you pass out. Geez man, use a little common sense.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    If it was just the one time, no probably just needed a nap.

    As with all diagnoses, look for a pattern. After an episode of feeling lightheaded (dare I say..faint?, write down what you ate, what time, and how long the dizziness/lethargy/coma lasted. Review your journal at the end of, say, two weeks. See a pattern? If so, see your doctor....and take your journal with you.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I have never heard of falling asleep being a celiac sign, but that doesn't mean it's not. There are a lot of weird reactions. I would go strict gluten free for a week, and keep a detailed journal of how you feel.