So frustrated.... Venting



  • sjhalida
    sjhalida Posts: 15
    Those guys are out there. Now it is up to you to make your choice on what kind of life YOU want for YOU.

    And congrats on your great loss!

    YES!! They are out there as I have found one. It took me loving and respecting myself enough to feel like I deserved someone like him though, before I found him. Be proud of yourself and demand the love and respect you deserve! You will be MUCH happier for it :-)
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    i would have taken the cookie, dropped it on the floor and stepped on it and crushed it into little bits and said "you eat it, I said no thank you." but I am not a mature person sometimes.
  • That is completely inappropriate.... you really should leave him. It is abusive.

    "And Bingo was his name-o"

    With all due respect, he sounds like a real POS... You keep rockin it!

    That's the calm version of me agreeing with this post. The other side of me would have had that cookie down his throat while he was nursing his broken wrist. I would have then left his *kitten* there for his Mommy to take care of and been done with him.

    Keep working on you!
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    You're 26 years old...what are you doing with this LOSER? This episode is very telling of what your future with him would hold...don't walk, run from this guy as fast as you can...he is toxic and will only get worse over time.

    Congratulations on your weight loss so are doing great!
  • proudfloridamom
    proudfloridamom Posts: 1 Member
    I was wondering if he is heavy too? My second husband used to bring home the things that I just cant resist. WalMart cookies, white choc almond bark, peanut brittle etc... He was so insecure that he tried to keep me fat. Well he is gone and my current boyfriend LOVES that I have lost so much weight and is VERY supportive. I guess it helps that he is thin. I think it is seriously an insecurity issue with those who can not support us in our weight loss journey. Stay strong, find a friend to walk the path with and keep him in check. It is an emotional issue, I cna understand that, so maybe you can write your thoughts down and give them to him and ask him to share with his mother.
  • Hard to believe that someone you call your 'boyfriend', is still in your life girl!.. After reading your letter I felt so sad. Do you really have such low self esteem that you would allow this horrible behaviour towards you, that you would still be going out with him after he 'shoved a cookie in your face and said "eat it"...'..............CURB THE FOOL! and.......remember this...if he treats YOU with such disrespect, imagine how he'd treat any children you might have, or YOU after you marry! Get rid of him!
  • hausisse
    hausisse Posts: 90
    What the heck! Why do you stay with this guy? He sounds like a jerk!
  • mtbaker64
    mtbaker64 Posts: 53 Member
    First off... congrats and great job on not giving in and eating the chinese food or the cookies! It is tough to watch other people eat food that you once enjoyed. I'm not sure I would have had your will power.

    Loosing weight is a life style change. It is not easy and if your boyfriend is a long-term committment in your life, then talk to him and tell him that you need his support and his actions (with the cookies) make it hard for you.

    Hang in there! You are dong great!!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    The first thing that jumps out is his shoving that cookie in your face. Big red flag.That was pretty damned aggressive if you ask me. Does he show his behind like that often? I mean, if this kind of behavior is the status quo, I'd be seriously finding my way out of that relationship.

    So, ok, I get that maybe nobody wants to hear about our weight losses 24/7. I get that. I think that passing on the cooking because you didn't feel like one was a great answer.

    You've done a terrific job on your weight loss so far, and you should be ridiculously proud of yourself. You did this for yourself to become physically healthy. Now, continue on that same train of thought, and do what you have to do to become mentally/emotionally healthy.

    If this guy behaves like this over a freaking cookie? I'd hate to see what happens over something major in life.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    That is completely inappropriate.... you really should leave him. It is abusive.

    "And Bingo was his name-o"

    With all due respect, he sounds like a real POS... You keep rockin it!

    That's the calm version of me agreeing with this post. The other side of me would have had that cookie down his throat while he was nursing his broken wrist. I would have then left his *kitten* there for his Mommy to take care of and been done with him.

    Keep working on you!

    LOVE THIS...a woman after my own heart! She's got it right.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Find a new boyfriend...sorry girl but that's no way to treat a woman and if his family abuses you like that too you are just setting yourself up for a lifetime of unhappiness.

    On another note, just ignore the haters...they will always be there, keep doing what you are doing and doing it for you and no one else!!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    That is completely inappropriate.... you really should leave him. It is abusive.

    "And Bingo was his name-o"

    With all due respect, he sounds like a real POS... You keep rockin it!

    That's the calm version of me agreeing with this post. The other side of me would have had that cookie down his throat while he was nursing his broken wrist. I would have then left his *kitten* there for his Mommy to take care of and been done with him.

    Keep working on you!

    LOVE THIS...a woman after my own heart! She's got it right.

    LOL...What went through my mind initially is how stupidly embarrassed he would be going to the ER to have said cookie removed from one of his orifices.
  • t4shara3
    t4shara3 Posts: 16 Member
    Obviously, he is not very encouraging.

    My first question is - does he understand what its like to need/want to loose weight? I know plenty of people who have amazing metabolisms, and never had this issue, and do not understand it. If this is the case he is SLIGHTLY forgiven in my book.

    But the second thing that came to my mind, is honestly, it sounds as though he is the type to hold you back? I mean, if he isn't supportive of you losing weight, would he be supportive of other things? What if you decided to go back to school or something, would he have the same attitude?

    In my relationship, we both encourage each other to improve ourselves constantly. We are losing weight together, and both go to school. We both constantly encourage each other to work hard at both. Even in things we don't have in common such as video games and blogging (i know, we're nerds, whatever haha)

    Just some food for thought - Do you think he's holding you back/ trying to hold you back? And if so, is that the type of person you want to stay with? Maybe sit down and talk to him about how much this is hurting you/etc. COMMUNICATION IS KEY.

    Good luck with your boyfriend and your weight loss!
  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
    Umm, it's time to get a new and more supportive SO. If he can't be supportive of your decision to be a better you and live a healthier life style then, don't settle. He either needs to jump on the wagon with you or start pushing it from behind!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    "I'm trying to better myself, and you've humiliated me on multiple occasions because of it. So now I need to take this self improvement one further by losing 180lb. all at once. There's the door. Don't try to contact me, ever again."
  • pktruckdriver
    pktruckdriver Posts: 63 Member
    You need a new boyfriend Lady, or you are in for a rough life, sorry for being blunt here, but I do hope that is what you want from us.

    Finding someone else is not as tough as it use to be especially with all the internet sites and such.

    You decide, misery and unhappiness , for doing what you feel you need to do to be healthy, shouldn't be dealt with the way they did you, and only you know how bad it is, only you can make this decision, and speak up and STATE YOUR MIND AND FEELINGS OVER THIS, AND HOW THEY SHOULD BE SUPPORT FOR YOU NOT , SHOVING FOOD INTO YOU.


  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    He sounds like a ****. :/ I would at least have an honest talk with him... but if he shows any apprehension, then I would move on. Not eating cookies is a pretty basic thing for you to be "forced to do" by a loved one... as in, if he's taking something so small so far... then what else will he get irrationally bitter/angry about?

    You've obviously proven that you're tough and you have the mental fortitude. Your results are fantastic.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm not one to jump on the "he's an abuser " bandwagon that seems to get trotted out every time a guy does something his S/O doesn't like.

    HOWEVER, what your boyfriend is doing is wrong, and when he's physically shoving food at your face, I find that worrisome.

    He's probably jealous and/or insecure, and obviously doesn't want you to succeed.

    Talk to him. A few times. If he's not willing to change, then you need to seriously consider ending the relationship. Maybe he was right for who you were, but isn't right for who you're becoming.

    Either way, don't let him hold you back from being who you can and want to be. You deserve more.
  • Wow.

    :devil: So drop him!
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    A swift shot to his privates might stop that obnoxious shoving food literally in your face. Do it every time he does that and after about three or so times, he might learn that "shoving food in her face forcefully like an *kitten* makes my junk hurt".

    BTW: are you sure this is someone you want to be with? Does the good outweigh this crappy abusive behavior and lack of support?