Few questions about cardio (sorry for the long post)



  • closeyone
    closeyone Posts: 31
    I've just read this thread and was pretty shocked to see some of the responses to her. So far MFP has been a great help to me when I don't understand something about diet or fitness. Looking through the forums has been a great education, and the support as been amazing. All this post has taught me is that some of you really need to look in the mirror (not at your bodies) and see how nasty and petty you've been.

    Poor girl really took a kicking for no reason. I really hope none of you do that again to a new member seeking help. End of rant.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i'm very shy and not one to make the first move
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I've just read this thread and was pretty shocked to see some of the responses to her. So far MFP has been a great help to me when I don't understand something about diet or fitness. Looking through the forums has been a great education, and the support as been amazing. All this post has taught me is that some of you really need to look in the mirror (not at your bodies) and see how nasty and petty you've been.

    Poor girl really took a kicking for no reason. I really hope none of you do that again to a new member seeking help. End of rant.

  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I've just read this thread and was pretty shocked to see some of the responses to her. So far MFP has been a great help to me when I don't understand something about diet or fitness. Looking through the forums has been a great education, and the support as been amazing. All this post has taught me is that some of you really need to look in the mirror (not at your bodies) and see how nasty and petty you've been.

    Poor girl really took a kicking for no reason. I really hope none of you do that again to a new member seeking help. End of rant.

    I have to say I agree with ^^^. I frequently have questions that I would like to ask but hold back because I am not comfortable getting ridiculed. Not everyone has a thick skin, especially someone new to the site who doesn't know what is typical.
  • closeyone
    closeyone Posts: 31
    You are so flipping funny. How lovely it is to have people like you on this earth. I feel so enriched reading your articulate and witty posts.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You are so flipping funny. How lovely it is to have people like you on this earth. I feel so enriched reading your articulate and witty posts.

    Which one of us articulate and witty folks are you referring to?
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    You are so flipping funny. How lovely it is to have people like you on this earth. I feel so enriched reading your articulate and witty posts.


    Actually, friend. If you look at the first page, there was legitimate help being offered. Then she got snippy... She was NOT confused, and don't you forget about it. But really -- if people are going to be THAT sensitive....
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Dear Tam and Close,

    No one ripped the OP. She ripped herself. Go back and read the thread from the beginning. She got several helpful answers on how to run further. She got advice on how to get the body she wants and that more and more cardio was not going to get her there.

    Was she satisfied? No. SHE started ripping into the advice and saying how long and lean running was going to make her. She went against science. People still tried to correct her but when she kept up the attitude, she was met with attitude in return.

    We may be smart *kitten*, but we really aren't trying to run people off. If they can put on their big boy and big girl pants and ask a question in an open forum, they should be big girl/boy enough to handle the answers, even when it's not what they want to hear
  • closeyone
    closeyone Posts: 31
    You are so flipping funny. How lovely it is to have people like you on this earth. I feel so enriched reading your articulate and witty posts.

    Which one of us articulate and witty folks are you referring to?

    The comment was directed at marypatmccue who interesting says on her profile 'My main goal on this site it to help as many people reach their goals as I can -- It helps keep ME accountable too :-)' - not sure what 'help' or 'accountable' means to her. The dictionary might come in handy.
  • closeyone
    closeyone Posts: 31
    Dear Tam and Close,

    No one ripped the OP. She ripped herself. Go back and read the thread from the beginning. She got several helpful answers on how to run further. She got advice on how to get the body she wants and that more and more cardio was not going to get her there.

    Was she satisfied? No. SHE started ripping into the advice and saying how long and lean running was going to make her. She went against science. People still tried to correct her but when she kept up the attitude, she was met with attitude in return.

    We may be smart *kitten*, but we really aren't trying to run people off. If they can put on their big boy and big girl pants and ask a question in an open forum, they should be big girl/boy enough to handle the answers, even when it's not what they want to hear

    In my big girl pants (and they are bloody big) I get what you're saying, and understood the thread from start to finish, I just think there are ways of addressing people who perhaps aren't understanding the logic of what is being explained to them. Without getting into a psychological debate/discussion, non of us have any knowledge or understanding of who we are responding to, therefore I would advocate that replying in a civil, non patronising or *****y manner is the decent way to approach things.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    You are so flipping funny. How lovely it is to have people like you on this earth. I feel so enriched reading your articulate and witty posts.

    Which one of us articulate and witty folks are you referring to?

    The comment was directed at marypatmccue who interesting says on her profile 'My main goal on this site it to help as many people reach their goals as I can -- It helps keep ME accountable too :-)' - not sure what 'help' or 'accountable' means to her. The dictionary might come in handy.

    Actually sweet cheeks, I never offered her any help! I'm fairly certain I inserted a funny image about the two fellas and their fun argument of "bro science" and the like... :wink:
    I did ask for clarification of her original question AFTER she got defensive about her NOT being confused... Perhaps you should learn to read??

    Also- stop profile creeping. It's weird.... :tongue:
  • closeyone
    closeyone Posts: 31
    You are so flipping funny. How lovely it is to have people like you on this earth. I feel so enriched reading your articulate and witty posts.

    Which one of us articulate and witty folks are you referring to?

    The comment was directed at marypatmccue who interesting says on her profile 'My main goal on this site it to help as many people reach their goals as I can -- It helps keep ME accountable too :-)' - not sure what 'help' or 'accountable' means to her. The dictionary might come in handy.

    Actually sweet cheeks, I never offered her any help! I'm fairly certain I inserted a funny image about the two fellas and their fun argument of "bro science" and the like... :wink:
    I did ask for clarification of her original question AFTER she got defensive about her NOT being confused... Perhaps you should learn to read??

    Also- stop profile creeping. It's weird.... :tongue:

    Learn to read and loose weight. I have my work cut out.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    You are so flipping funny. How lovely it is to have people like you on this earth. I feel so enriched reading your articulate and witty posts.

    Which one of us articulate and witty folks are you referring to?

    The comment was directed at marypatmccue who interesting says on her profile 'My main goal on this site it to help as many people reach their goals as I can -- It helps keep ME accountable too :-)' - not sure what 'help' or 'accountable' means to her. The dictionary might come in handy.

    Actually sweet cheeks, I never offered her any help! I'm fairly certain I inserted a funny image about the two fellas and their fun argument of "bro science" and the like... :wink:
    I did ask for clarification of her original question AFTER she got defensive about her NOT being confused... Perhaps you should learn to read??

    Also- stop profile creeping. It's weird.... :tongue:

    Learn to read and loose weight. I have my work cut out.

    Hey, don't put words in my mouth... I just said the read part....!
  • closeyone
    closeyone Posts: 31
    You are so flipping funny. How lovely it is to have people like you on this earth. I feel so enriched reading your articulate and witty posts.

    Which one of us articulate and witty folks are you referring to?

    The comment was directed at marypatmccue who interesting says on her profile 'My main goal on this site it to help as many people reach their goals as I can -- It helps keep ME accountable too :-)' - not sure what 'help' or 'accountable' means to her. The dictionary might come in handy.

    Actually sweet cheeks, I never offered her any help! I'm fairly certain I inserted a funny image about the two fellas and their fun argument of "bro science" and the like... :wink:
    I did ask for clarification of her original question AFTER she got defensive about her NOT being confused... Perhaps you should learn to read??

    Also- stop profile creeping. It's weird.... :tongue:

    Learn to read and loose weight. I have my work cut out.

    Hey, don't put words in my mouth... I just said the read part....!

    I joined the site to loose weight (my words) but have since discovered I need to learn to read (your words). I have my work cut out (my words)
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member

    Learn to read and loose weight. I have my work cut out.

    Hey, don't put words in my mouth... I just said the read part....!

    I joined the site to loose weight (my words) but have since discovered I need to learn to read (your words). I have my work cut out (my words)

    Thank you for the clarification. I could be wrong, it seems you have pretty well developed reading comprehension skills :wink:

    I'm not mean... Sarcastic? Yes. Mean? No...
  • closeyone
    closeyone Posts: 31

    Learn to read and loose weight. I have my work cut out.

    Hey, don't put words in my mouth... I just said the read part....!

    I joined the site to loose weight (my words) but have since discovered I need to learn to read (your words). I have my work cut out (my words)

    Thank you for the clarification. I could be wrong, it seems you have pretty well developed reading comprehension skills :wink:

    I'm not mean... Sarcastic? Yes. Mean? No...

    As a legal eagle it be pretty worrying if I didn't! Despite all of this it seems we have something in common. Me - sarcastic, yes, mean, no. Lets end it there otherwise I will forced to have a glass of wine and undo today's good work!
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member

    Learn to read and loose weight. I have my work cut out.

    Hey, don't put words in my mouth... I just said the read part....!

    I joined the site to loose weight (my words) but have since discovered I need to learn to read (your words). I have my work cut out (my words)

    Thank you for the clarification. I could be wrong, it seems you have pretty well developed reading comprehension skills :wink:

    I'm not mean... Sarcastic? Yes. Mean? No...

    As a legal eagle it be pretty worrying if I didn't! Despite all of this it seems we have something in common. Me - sarcastic, yes, mean, no. Lets end it there otherwise I will forced to have a glass of wine and undo today's good work!

    But let me know if you find a thread that needs more funny gifs. I have a lot.....
    Just sayin'.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    skinny and flabby? lol. When and where did I say I that I want to be "skinny and flabby"?

    You seem to be doing literally everything you can to strip your body of lean mass. Lean mass is what gives you definition. It's what makes butts perky, what makes thighs look firm, etc.

    Tons of cardio plus a calorie deficit plus no strength training is literally the perfect formula to destroy as much lean mass as possible while preserving as much fat mass as possible.

    So I figure that's what you're going for.
    I personally prefer a look of long and lean.

    Frankly, the only way you'll get lean doing a lot of cardio and no strength training is to become dangerously underweight.

    You've already said "I've also gotten a little softer then I want to be." How do you think that happened? It happened because you gave up all the strength-intensive things you used to do like Crossfit and horseback riding and yoga. You'll never get that "lean" look back by running all day.

    I disagree that the "only way" to get lean with only cardio is by becoming dangerously underweight. I have known quite a few runners that all they did was run, and they weren't underweight. They were lean; not skinny fat in any way. This really is possible with the right diet. It sounds like that is what she is going for.

    Also, people like to say that you won't get ripped doing intensive strength training, but the word ripped really means different things to different people. Some people really do prefer the look of having a lean body fat percentage, but with little visible muscle. I like a little more muscle for myself personally, but who are we to tell her what her goals should be? What makes someone aesthetically pleasing to look at is all subjective anyway.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member

    Don't you steal my GIF, man!!