Just had that "look" at the drive thru.....

Today I realized I didn't have a lunch and thought I would run through the Taco Bell drive thru and order a burrito. I am really friendly and have an uplifting voice so I think the guy at the window expected some young, small, cute thing. When I pulled up, the guy and another worker gave each other a LOOK... if you are as overweight as I am, you know exactly which one I am talking about. :(

I signed up here a few years back and was extremely diligent for a while - and noticed results! But then something happened (it always does it seems) and since I am an emotional eater, I went right back to bad habits. I have been back and forth a few times, but don't really reach out and I want to do it all myself. I know I really NEED to make this change, for my health - and to be around for my kids! Plus, I know if I can get things straightened up again I will have some energy - right now I have NONE. So I am reaching out and hope that there is someone I can talk with (and be accountable to!) to help me with this long-term journey.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.


  • awkward_me
    I've been trying to lose for several years. I finally told my hubby that if he didn't help me, I knew I would never lose weight. He and I have both been working on our lifestyle changes for about 2 months. I've lost 9 pounds and he has lost 14. You definitely need support!!!! You can add me if you want! :)

    It's tough when you are an emotional eater. Personally, I spend time in prayer and reading the Bible for encouragement, but if that isn't your thing, then you should look for something else that will help you through the emotional times (other than food and drinks!). I've found that I'm starting to actually like walking and running, it's becoming more of a peaceful hobby. :)

    Don't let the looks other people give you be the reason for your change though, do it for yourself!!
  • jackilync
    jackilync Posts: 30 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you. I definitely understand that look and it is heartbreaking and so discouraging. Good luck in your weight loss. If you need a friend, message me.
  • dbrady102
    dbrady102 Posts: 139 Member
    I am in the same boat. I joined in August of 2010, lost about 38lbs and then "stuff" happened and I wound up gaining it all back. I've tried to start over a couple of times but just couldn't get back in the grove. I started back the end of January this year and am doing much better! My husband is actually helping this time instead of making it more difficult.

    I definately know, have been subjected to, and HATE the LOOK. It's amazing to me that the bigger I got the more invisible I became, or the lower my IQ (as perceived by others). I was athletic and about 130 up until my 30's after two kids, no excuse but it happens (although how I let it get to this point still blows me away) so I am fully aware of how different people treat others based on weight - buttheads.

    I'll send you a friend request. We can help each other, most the other friends I had before have given up on me since I was out of touch off and on for the last couple years. But I am back now and so motivated. My son just got engaged and the wedding is in October. NO WAY do I want to be around the ex's family without dropping a lot of pounds. Although that's not the main reason I'm doing this. I just want to feel comfortable going out and experiencing life. I want to be healthy enough to go hiking or running again. I never though I would miss running but I do. Sorry, I went a little long there but I know how you feel. Been there, done that.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I haven't had the look yet... but that would piss me off.

    Try the chicken fresco tacos at taco bell. They're actually really good, with only 150 calories and 3g of fat. It's what I get now.