Hunger after work before supper

Ugghhh my worst hunger time is after I get off of work until it's time for supper. I do have a healthy snack at 3:00 but still seem to struggle. Anyone else?


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Make sure you have another healthy snack for when you finish work... for the commute home. Don't go home starving.
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    I do a snack at around 3pm like you - but it isigreek yogurt with plenty of protein. Seems to hold me until dinner. Although, when I was just starting out ten months ago, I'd be very hungry and grouchy by dinnertime! So hang in there!,
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    If I'm working at home I usually have a good snack with protein around 4-ish, and that tides me over until dinner at 6-6:30. If I'm working on campus, I usually save a little something from my lunch (an apple, baby carrots, etc.) to snack on in the car on the (hour-long) drive home, because I find I get starving on the way (must be anticipation for the yummy dinner to come!) Oh, and I also make sure I have a big jug of water to swig on during the commute!
  • TimeForMe99
    TimeForMe99 Posts: 309
    Go ahead and snack. Eat something during your commute or immediately when you get home. If you try to hold off until dinner you will likely "taste" a lot while dinner is cooking and will be ravenous when you finally sit down to eat. I like to keep raw veggies in the fridge for these occasions.
  • NoMoreFatTony
    NoMoreFatTony Posts: 22 Member
    I experience the same thing. Sometimes, it seems to be the need for more H2O in the afternoon. I usually try some gum on the way home to keep me mouth occupied. Or, I will do the old baseball player bit with a mouth full of sunflower seeds in the shell. That option is less attractive to others though with a cup full of spit out hulls.
  • armymom5
    armymom5 Posts: 115
    Thanks everybody!