my fat is outta control!

dandandee Posts: 301 Member
Not the fat physically ON me, but the fat I consume.
I know protein and fat is really good for you, but obviously there is such a thing as too much.

So I was just wondering how much fat is too much? Like today I am WAY over on fats but that's because I had 2 TBSP of peanut butter, half an avocado, and I used 2 TBSPs of olive oil in some cooking. (I have a bit of fat intake elsewhere, but those were the big ones) My limit for today was 57 and instead I'm at 74... is this a big deal? Obviously it's not like this everyday, but I'm just curious.

my diary is open, feel free to look!

here are my stats in case that helps:
SW: 159
CW: 149
height: 5'5
18 year old female
I think my Cal goal is around 1400 a day


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Those are all good fats. Don't worry about them. You'll be fine. I would, however, urge you to try and make sure you get about 100g protein daily if you're not already. Once you hit that protein target, don't worry about fat at all.
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    Those are all good fats. Don't worry about them. You'll be fine. I would, however, urge you to try and make sure you get about 100g protein daily if you're not already. Once you hit that protein target, don't worry about fat at all.

    Good fats or not, the bottom line is fat is 9 calories a gram .. so it comes down to calories in VS. calories out.

    Having said that, I agree that the fats are health and not like lard and junk fat .. but they still affect your overall calorie count. Is the 57 number your magic number .. such that if you eat one extra gram you will swell up like a balloon .. no. So just keep an eye not only on your macro nutrients, but your overall calorie count.

    And, I do agree with the larger amount of protein .. but again, watch the overall numbers as well. You look good for today's listing :)
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I have the same fats are always over. I try to get in more protein, but it's difficult...I'm usually in the 80-100 range, which isn't bad, but not totally ideal.

    I'm watching this thread with interest!

    My only thought has been to buy lowfat cheese.
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    thanks guys, so overall fat isn't too bad, but I need more protein....
    I know I need more protein but I've never really been a big meat eater
    Would it be worth it to get a protein powder and add it to my smoothies? Or are they any other foods that are high in protein and not too high in fats like nuts?
  • RawinSeattle
    RawinSeattle Posts: 10 Member
    This is a setup question, because the answer will be different depending on what expert you ask. But, my experience is too much of anything is bad.

    Personally, I add nuts and coconut oil to just about everything, still losing weight, still gaining muscle. For me it works.

    Long as your not eating dead oil (processed, low oxygen) and your body is processing it.

    Everyone knows omega's are good for you, but, there's ALOT more too it. There DENSE in nutrients and VITAL to detoxification.

    I know more skinny Raw foodist than any other class, the ones that aren't, eat a lot of fat. Not an avocado or two, but ALOT. (ALOT OF OIL in that diet). I'm not into the massive nut thing, but my health and clarity have improved with more healthy nuts in my diet.

    As for protein, i'm a big guy, i only need 80 grams at moment, even with that number, I've put on some good muscle even though I don't eat meat/protein powders or do anything other than eat healthy.

    Here's a good video that actually changed my mind on oils, and improved my health greatly when i added more. Hope this helps.

    I can't say if it's good or not, but ask yourself: Are losing weight/gaining muscle/ and feeling good, then it works till it doesn't.

    No expert, it's just what I've found on this journey of mine...

    Keep smiling!!!
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    This is a setup question, because the answer will be different depending on what expert you ask. But, my experience is too much of anything is bad.

    Personally, I add nuts and coconut oil to just about everything, still losing weight, still gaining muscle. For me it works.

    Long as your not eating dead oil (processed, low oxygen) and your body is processing it.

    Everyone knows omega's are good for you, but, there's ALOT more too it. There DENSE in nutrients and VITAL to detoxification.

    I know more skinny Raw foodist than any other class, the ones that aren't, eat a lot of fat. Not an avocado or two, but ALOT. (ALOT OF OIL in that diet). I'm not into the massive nut thing, but my health and clarity have improved with more healthy nuts in my diet.

    As for protein, i'm a big guy, i only need 80 grams at moment, even with that number, I've put on some good muscle even though I don't eat meat/protein powders or do anything other than eat healthy.

    Here's a good video that actually changed my mind on oils, and improved my health greatly when i added more. Hope this helps.

    I can't say if it's good or not, but ask yourself: Are losing weight/gaining muscle/ and feeling good, then it works till it doesn't.

    No expert, it's just what I've found on this journey of mine...

    Keep smiling!!!

    when I first glanced at your answer, I thought it said "this is a stupid answer" ! ahah. glad that's not actually case :)
    thanks for the answer, interesting to hear about your 'skinny raw foodist' friends and that they eat a lot of fat! Also nice to hear that you don't eat tons of protein and are still doing good! thank you!

    I will try to up my protein a little bit though, because protein fills you up, right?
  • RawinSeattle
    RawinSeattle Posts: 10 Member
    Oh, that you tube link i posted.

    There's a section that blew me away. He was talking about a a study of people on diets. Those with the exact same diet, one added nuts, extra 150 calories over the one that didn't. Those that ate daily nuts, lost more weight. It's as if the calories didn't count. Very interesting stuff if you like science part of nutrition. It explains what's going on and why good oil is so necessary.

    I've added good fats since watching and it got me out of a stuck rut. Till it stops working I guess I'll reevaluate it.

    Ok, back to fixing dinner...

    Keep Smiling...
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    sounds delish!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Those are all good fats. Don't worry about them. You'll be fine. I would, however, urge you to try and make sure you get about 100g protein daily if you're not already. Once you hit that protein target, don't worry about fat at all.

    Good fats or not, the bottom line is fat is 9 calories a gram .. so it comes down to calories in VS. calories out.

    Having said that, I agree that the fats are health and not like lard and junk fat .. but they still affect your overall calorie count. Is the 57 number your magic number .. such that if you eat one extra gram you will swell up like a balloon .. no. So just keep an eye not only on your macro nutrients, but your overall calorie count.

    And, I do agree with the larger amount of protein .. but again, watch the overall numbers as well. You look good for today's listing :)

    Sorry, I assumed that OP was meeting calorie target daily... so I was talking about meeting protein target first and then let carbs and fat land wherever within the confines of achieving one's daily calorie target. If it's higher fat one day and higher carb the next that's fine for overall health. But yes... you absolutely have to stick with your calorie target first and foremost.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    My doctor and nutritionist have been telling me over and over to NOT WORRY about how many grams of fat I eat.... just focus on getting as many good fats as I can via things like olive oil, nuts, seeds, avacados, salmon, etc. And yet.... I've been hung up on it. My good HDL is low and I can't seem to raise it.

    So I finally had enough and HID MY FAT COLUMN on my food diary.

    My nutritionist applauded when she heard that. :)) So now I don't know, don't look, and *try* to not care. Viva la Omega-3-and-all-good-fats!! :flowerforyou:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Not the fat physically ON me, but the fat I consume.
    I know protein and fat is really good for you, but obviously there is such a thing as too much.

    So I was just wondering how much fat is too much? Like today I am WAY over on fats but that's because I had 2 TBSP of peanut butter, half an avocado, and I used 2 TBSPs of olive oil in some cooking. (I have a bit of fat intake elsewhere, but those were the big ones) My limit for today was 57 and instead I'm at 74... is this a big deal? Obviously it's not like this everyday, but I'm just curious.

    my diary is open, feel free to look!

    here are my stats in case that helps:
    SW: 159
    CW: 149
    height: 5'5
    18 year old female
    I think my Cal goal is around 1400 a day

    girl I eat 183g of fat every day.

    dietary fat has no impact on body fat, as long as you're eating good fats.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member

    dietary fat has no impact on body fat, as long as you're eating good fats.

  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    thanks guys, so overall fat isn't too bad, but I need more protein....
    I know I need more protein but I've never really been a big meat eater
    Would it be worth it to get a protein powder and add it to my smoothies? Or are they any other foods that are high in protein and not too high in fats like nuts?

    Sources of protein....greek yogurt, protein powder, eggs, milk, cheese, beans, soy.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I've noticed for some reason nutrition labels actually calculate fat as 8 because of the molecule size even though in chemistry I learned that it's 9 calories per gram. Here's the thing.. If you're losing weight it doesn't even matter because fats like triglycerides aren't stored and they're used instantly for energy.. it acts perhaps like a carb would. Also, going over in fats and staying under your calorie goal may even be more beneficial because people who don't consume enough fat often times stall on weight loss or other things happen... healthy fats like coconut oil are anti-inflammatory, help regulate blood sugar, keep your nails and hair sheen, etc. etc. etc.

    The horse **** hippies that thought eggs would give people heart attacks because of cholesterol caused more heart attacks with things like margarine and denaturing whole foods.
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member

    girl I eat 183g of fat every day.

    dietary fat has no impact on body fat, as long as you're eating good fats.

    well coachReddy, whatever you're doing is obviously working ;) hahh so I'll take your word for it.
    The horse **** hippies that thought eggs would give people heart attacks because of cholesterol caused more heart attacks with things like margarine and denaturing whole foods.
    Ugh, margarine :noway:
    So I finally had enough and HID MY FAT COLUMN on my food diary.

    My nutritionist applauded when she heard that. :)) So now I don't know, don't look, and *try* to not care. Viva la Omega-3-and-all-good-fats!!
    congrats to you!