What am I doing wrong? Is it the booze?



  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    seems to me without knowing you personally that you arent eating enough calories .. you can still lose weight and have alcohol, if it fits, why not :)
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    Seriously, though, next time you plan on having 3+ drinks look at how many calories you have "left" for the day, or even how many you have "left" to get you to maintenance level of calories. THEN divide that by 100-120 calories for a light beer, 65 calories for a 1 oz shot with a calorie-free mixer, and figure out how many drinks you can have. when you reach that on a drinking night, cut it off. do that for a month and tell me you don't lose weight :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    You're totally undoing all your hard work and near starvation during the week for the beer on the weekends!

    Ditch the bear and start EATING during the week!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    My suggestion: For the next week, eat AND drink like you normally would, only this time, LOG EVERYTHING. Weigh every bit of food you eat and record every drop of booze you enjoy on the weekend. Add it up, and get an honest sense of your calorie intake for the week. My guess is you'll be able to spot the issue pretty quickly, and it may be the reality check you need.

    Use some of the tools available here to calculate a reasonable daily intake for yourself, and stick to it, with a weekly average as a goal.

    The solution could be a simple combo of a) adding a bit more exercise and b) not giving up, but reducing your drinking. Be mindful, too, that if you're "spending" a whack of calories on booze every week, you're probably reducing the amount of nutrients you need to otherwise properly fuel and nourish your bod.

    (ETA: I haven't given up alcohol, but I do limit it to the weekends and to only 2-3 drinks at a time, generally)
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Boozing is such a "needs an intervention" word. Weigh you food watch your sodium.
  • gwensoul
    gwensoul Posts: 87 Member
    One plus is that when you drink less you need less to get tht buzz. I am drinking about a quarter what I used to but it feels the same with less hangover.
  • ashzacher
    ashzacher Posts: 114 Member

    I was in college a year ago, and I would drink at least twice a week - probably the equivalent of you. Coupled with not exercising enough and eating whatever I wanted when I was drunk... I definitely gained at least 10-12 pounds in college. Now that I'm living alone, I really only drink on special occasions, I exercise 4-5 days a week, and I eat pretty healthy.. While everyone's body is different, I can say that mine has done a 180 from cutting out alcohol. It's carby, fills you up, and makes you bloated! At least for me. For instance, I decided to drink with my boyfriend and his friends this past weekend - resulted in drinking about 10 beers and 2 mixed drinks over the course of the day. Resulted in two slices of pizza in the afternoon, and Burger King (not by choice, but hey, I was with 3 guys and needed to eat!) at night... Let's just say I gained five pounds IN ONE WEEKEND! It has taken going back to my strict diet and running (5 miles a day 3 days this week) to get back to my previous weight. So, essentially, between last Saturday and today (Thursday).... I'm at the same place I was last week.. I spent all week de-bloating and detoxing from what I did this weekend.. and I have come so far from where I was that I hated myself for it. If you eat healthy all week and save some calories, and "plan ahead" on what you'll be having, you should be able to do it the right way. Maybe even sneak a snack in your purse for during/after you've been drinking, so as to avoid eating crappy afterwards .. :)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    One plus is that when you drink less you need less to get tht buzz. I am drinking about a quarter what I used to but it feels the same with less hangover.

    :laugh: So true! I'm a total lightweight now :laugh: (Much easier on the wallet, too!)
  • coeyd79
    coeyd79 Posts: 19
    Thanks!! I agree, if the booze fits, why non? A calorie is a calorie. I'm sorry, but I enjoy my drinks on a Saturday! I work so hard during the week so I can have them!! Maybe I'll try to eat more, but I'm honestly not starving myself! When I'm hungry, I eat. I would rather eat more during the week than quit enjoying my Saturdays. I'm going to try it! I also work out before drinking! I'm going to try these last few suggestions :-)
  • coeyd79
    coeyd79 Posts: 19
    Ashhzack, sounds PRECISELY like what I do!!!!
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    I didnt read all your post, but ya it's probably the booze... thats my downfall too. :grumble:
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member
    i saved my calories one week for a halloween party and i ended up drinking 1200 calories. ive also noticed that my sister has gained a ton of weight since turning 21 and now i am wearing her handme downs when she used to be the skinny sister...i would say its def. the booze. even if you get a rum and diet that still 90 calories.
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    I'd like to say one more thing...when I drank a Lot, I looked "puffy" all the time...face, eyes, hands (try to take your rings off after a weekend of drinking) and body. Not just fat, really puffy. So the extra calories and alcohol are not your friends...and never have been.
  • coeyd79
    coeyd79 Posts: 19
    You're an alcoholic.
    Are you driving after drinking a twelve pack plus shots?
    You're a danger to society.
    Quit drinking before you kill yourself or someone else.
    I would say that trumps weight loss.
    BAHAHAHHHAAHHAHAH!!! I might agree if I were doing this and driving around town, but I'm NOT! I'm in the comfort of my own home an if I do happen to go out (rarely) I take a can!! I have THREE degrees!! I think I can drink as much as I want!!
    I think I'll have a few shots for you this weekend!!

    Everyone else, thanks for your real life advice!!!!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Calories are calories, booze or food. Alcohol isn't a magic fat-adding substance. If you are faithfully and accurately logging everything, booze will not be your problem. I drink every day and I've lost 84lbs doing it.

    I would recommend not cutting your calories down so low. Maybe eat your 1600 and add in exercise 3-5 days a week on the weekend? Then use those 3-5 days of exercise calories "earned" to give yourself your alcoholic treat? That's what I do and it works just fine.


    I've lost 33 pounds while drinking, but I log it. You still have to make it fit into your calories or you won't be in a deficit.
  • You're an alcoholic.
    Are you driving after drinking a twelve pack plus shots?
    You're a danger to society.
    Quit drinking before you kill yourself or someone else.
    I would say that trumps weight loss.

    Wow. Guess no one is allowed to let loose and have fun on the weekend without being called an alcoholic.

    :noway: :drinker: :laugh:
  • coeyd79
    coeyd79 Posts: 19
    Calories are calories, booze or food. Alcohol isn't a magic fat-adding substance. If you are faithfully and accurately logging everything, booze will not be your problem. I drink every day and I've lost 84lbs doing it.

    I would recommend not cutting your calories down so low. Maybe eat your 1600 and add in exercise 3-5 days a week on the weekend? Then use those 3-5 days of exercise calories "earned" to give yourself your alcoholic treat? That's what I do and it works just fine.


    I've lost 33 pounds while drinking, but I log it. You still have to make it fit into your calories or you won't be in a deficit.
    That's what I thought! That's why I think 1200 calories shouldn't kill me, I wouldn't think! Does it sometimes take your body a month or so to get adjusted? I know that weight loss is basically a mathematical equation and you have get rid of more calories that are taken in! If I eat 1200 calories a day and work out 5 days a week, I would think I can have an extra 2,000, whether it's beer or anything else. Right?
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    You're an alcoholic.
    Are you driving after drinking a twelve pack plus shots?
    You're a danger to society.
    Quit drinking before you kill yourself or someone else.
    I would say that trumps weight loss.

    Yeah, pretty sure that's very judgmental and unhelpful. Nowhere in there did she say driving was involved. Although I do think drinking should decrease from regularly binge drinking on the weekend after college-age, there is nothing she has said to indicate she is engaging in behaviors dangerous to others, and while binge drinking is detrimental to her weight loss and health, we all do things that are risky to our health that we excuse for one reason or another.
  • coeyd79
    coeyd79 Posts: 19
    You're an alcoholic.
    Are you driving after drinking a twelve pack plus shots?
    You're a danger to society.
    Quit drinking before you kill yourself or someone else.
    I would say that trumps weight loss.

    Wow. Guess no one is allowed to let loose and have fun on the weekend without being called an alcoholic.

    :noway: :drinker: :laugh:
    Right!!! I was honest looking for helpful advice, not looking to be judged!!! Thanks for understanding!!! What a joke!!
  • coeyd79
    coeyd79 Posts: 19
    You're an alcoholic.
    Are you driving after drinking a twelve pack plus shots?
    You're a danger to society.
    Quit drinking before you kill yourself or someone else.
    I would say that trumps weight loss.

    Yeah, pretty sure that's very judgmental and unhelpful. Nowhere in there did she say driving was involved. Although I do think drinking should decrease from regularly binge drinking on the weekend after college-age, there is nothing she has said to indicate she is engaging in behaviors dangerous to others, and while binge drinking is detrimental to her weight loss and health, we all do things that are risky to our health that we excuse for one reason or another.
    AGREE!! Thanks!!!!